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বৈয়ক্তিক [ baiẏaktika ] a personal.

বৈয়াকরণ [ baiẏākaraṇa ] a grammatical; versed in gram mar. ☐ n. a grammarian. বৈয়াকরণিক n. a grammarian.

বৈয়াঘ্র [ baiẏāghra ] a relating to the tiger.

বৈয়াসকী, বৈয়াসিকী [ baiẏāsakī, baiẏāsikī ] n a treatise on scrip tural law compiled by Vyasa.

বৈর [ baira ] n hostility, enmity. ̃নির্যাতন n. persecution of an enemy. বৈরনির্যাতন করা v. to persecute an enemy. ̃ভাব n. hostil ity; enmity. ̃সাধন n. hostility, enmity.

বৈরাগী [ bairāgī ] a apathetic to worldly interests, (cp.) stoical. ☐ n. (loos.) a Vaishnava anchorite.

বৈরাগ্য [ bairāgya ] n apathy towards worldly inter ests; stoicism; philosophical or spiri tual consciousness. বৈরাগ্যোদয় n. access of philosophical or spiritual conscious ness (in one's mind); awakening of the spirit of renunciation.

বৈরিতা [ bairitā ] n enmity, hostility; malice.

বৈরী [ bairī ] a hostile, inimical; malicious: ad verse, unfavourable. ☐ n. an enemy, a foe, an adversary. ̃ভাবাপন্ন a. hostile, inimical; adverse.

বৈলক্ষণ্য [ bailakṣaṇya ] n a changed state; change; dif ference; uncommonness.

বৈশাখ [ baiśākha ] n the first month of the Bengali calendar (from the middle of April to the middle of May). বৈশাখী a. of Baisakh (বৈশাখী পূর্ণিমা). বৈশাখী ঝড় a northwester or nor-wester.

বৈশিষ্ট্য [ baiśiṣṭya ] n speciality; importance or dis tinction; prominence; a peculiarity, a characteristic. ̃রেখা n. (phys.) a char acteristic curve.

বৈশেষিক [ baiśēṣika ] n a system of philosophy pro pounded by Kanada (কণাদ).

বৈশ্বানর [ baiśbānara ] n fire; the god of fire, Agni (অগ্নি).

বৈশ্য [ baiśya ] n a member of the third caste amongst Hindus. fem. বৈশ্যা । ̃বৃত্তি n. trade; the profession of a trader; busi ness as a profession.

বৈষম্য [ baiṣamya ] n dissimilarity; inequality; differ ence. ̃মূলক a. discriminatory, differ ential. বৈষম্যমূলক আচরণ differential or unfair treatment.

বৈষয়িক [ baiṣaẏika ] a relating to property or wealth or earthly possessions or personal af fairs; material, worldly.

বৈষ্ণব [ baiṣṇaba ] a relating to Vishnu (বিষ্ণু); wor shipping Vishnu; following the teach ings of Chaitanya. ☐ n. a worshipper of Vishnu; a follower of Chaitanya, a Vaishnava; a Vaishnava mendicant. fem. বৈষ্ণবী । ̃ধর্ম n. the Vaishnava cult or religion; Vaishnavism.

বৈসাদৃশ্য [ baisādṛśya ] n dissimilarity; inequality, dis parity; difference.

বোঁ [ ] int expressing : a whirring sound as caused by quick revolution, flight etc. বোঁ করে with a whir, whirringly; very swiftly; dartingly.

বোঁচকা [ bōn̐cakā ] n a small bundle tied up in a piece of cloth, a pack. বোঁচকাবুঁচকি n. luggage. বোঁচকাবুঁচকিসমেত bag and bag gage.

বোঁচা [ bōn̐cā ] a having one's nose cut off, noseless; snub-nosed; truncated.

বোঁটা [ bōn̐ṭā ] n a leaf-stalk; a petiole; a leaf; a leaf-base; a nipple, a teat.

বোঁদে [ bōn̐dē ] n a kind of small globular sweet meat made of powdered pigeon-pea dipped in liquefied sugar; bundia, bonde.

বোকা [ bōkā ] a stupid, foolish, silly. ☐ n. a stu pid or silly person, a dunce, a fool, a simpleton. ̃চন্ডী, ̃রাম a. grossly stu pid. ☐ n. a grossly stupid person. ̃পাঁঠা n. an over-grown billygoat; (fig.) an utter-fool. ̃মি n. stupidity, foolish ness; a folly.

বোঝা1 [ bōjhā1 ] v to understand, to comprehend; to sound (মন বোঝার চেষ্টা). ̃নো v. to make one understand or comprehend; to explain; to comfort or console.

বোঝা2 [ bōjhā2 ] n a burden, a load. বোঝাই n. load ing; filling or repleting, repletion. ☐ a. loaded; loaded to the full (বোঝাই নৌকা); filled or replete (with) (পুঁজে বোঝাই); burdened (with) (দুঃখে বোঝাই). বোঝাই করা v. to load; to load to the full; to burden; to fill or replete (with). বোঝাই-করা a. loaded, packed or loaded to the full. বোঝা-টানা a. load-carrying. বোঝা-টানা ঘোড়া a pack-horse. বোঝা-টানা জানোয়ার a beast of burden, a pack-ani mal.

বোঝাপড়া [ bōjhāpaḍ়ā ] n an understanding; a compro mise; a mutual agreement; confronta tion (বিপক্ষ দলের সঙ্গে শেষ বোঝাপড়া).

বোঝাপড়া করা [ bōjhāpaḍ়ā karā ] v to come to terms, to come to or arrive at an understanding.

বোট [ bōṭa ] n a boat.

বোটকা [ bōṭakā ] a resembling the body odour of a billy-goat, goatish.

বোটে [ bōṭē ] n (coll.) a scull.

বোড়া [ bōḍ়ā ] n a kind of venomous snake; the viper.

বোতল [ bōtala ] n a bottle. বোতলে ভরা, বোতলে পোরা v. to bottle.

বোতাম [ bōtāma ] n a button. বোতাম পরানো বা লাগানো v. to button; to fit with buttons; to sew a button into. বোতামের ঘর বা ঘাট n. a button-hole.

বোদমাটি [ bōdamāṭi ] n a kind of black earth or soil.

বোদা [ bōdā ] n distasteful, tasteless, insipid; (loos.) rather offensive (বোদা গন্ধ); (fig.) uninteresting, dull (বোদা লেখা), witless (বোদা লোক).

বোদ্ধা [ bōddhā ] a able to understand or compre hend or appreciate, knowing, knowl edgeable.

বোধ [ bōdha ] n knowledge; cognition; intellect; intelligence; perception; feeling; ap preciation; consciousness; consolation; a notion or surmise. বোধ করা v. to feel; to perceive; to have a notion, to sur mise. বোধ থাকা v. to have wisdom or cognition or intellect or intelligence or perception or feeling or appreciation or consciousness. বোধ মানা v. to be ame nable to consolation. বোধ হওয়া v. to seem or appear (to be). বোধ হয় per haps. বোধক a. signifying, indicative (of); imparting knowledge; arousing feeling or consciousness; enlightening. ̃গম্য a. intelligible; perceivable; com prehensible; knowable. বোধন n. inparting knowledge; arousal of feel ing or consciousness; enlightenment; awakening; ceremonial awakening of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) on the sixth lu nar day immediately preceding the time of her autumnal worship; an in spiration. ̃য়িতা same as বোধক । fem. ̃য়িত্রী । ̃শক্তি n. power of understand ing or feeling; power of appreciation; perception; comprehension; intellect; sensation. ̃শক্তিহীন a. devoid of power of understanding or feeling or appre ciation; insensible; stupid; dull. ̃শক্তিহীনতা n. lack of the power of un derstanding. ̃শোধ n. common sense. ̃হীন a. incapable of understanding or feeling or appreciating or perceiving; stupid; dull. বোধাতীত a. unintelligible; imperceptible; incomprehensible; un knowable; beyond cognition. বোধি n. a kind of spiritual meditation or trance; knowledge about philosophical reality, final or supreme knowledge; the banian tree at Gaya under which Bud dha sat in meditation and attained final knowledge (usu. বোধিদ্রুম, বোধিবৃক্ষ). বোধিসত্ব n. a person whose very essence is knowledge; an incarnation of Gautam (গৌতম) immediately preced ing his birth as Buddha. বোধিকা fem. of বোধকn. a helpbook. বোধিনী same as বোধিকা (n.). বোধের বাইরে adv. beyond one's knowledge or comprehension; beyond one's ken. বোধোদয় n. enlight enment. বোধ্য a. intelligbile; perceiv able; comprehensible; knowable.

বোন [ bōna ] n a sister. ̃ঝি n. a sister's daughter, a niece. ̃পো n. a sister's son, a nephew.

বোনা [ bōnā ] v to sow; to weave or knit. ☐ a. sown; woven; knitted.

বোনাই [ bōnāi ] n a sister's husband, a brother-in-law.

বোবা [ bōbā ] a dumb; speechless; mute; (fig.) inexpressible (বোবা ব্যথা).

বোমা2 [ bōmā2 ] n the yoke of a vehicle.

বোমা [ bōmā ] n a bomb. বোমা ছোঁড়া, বোমা ছুঁড়ে মারা, বোমা মারা v. to bomb. ̃প্রতিরোধী a. bombproof. ̃বর্ষণ n. bombing. বোমাবর্ষণ করা v. to bomb. ̃রু a. employed in bombing. বোমারু বিমান n. bomber.