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ব্রজ [ braja ] n a pasture, esp. for cows; a path; a village near Mathura where Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) passed his childhood, (also ব্রজধাম) । ̃কিশোর n. the young lad of Braja (ব্রজ); Krishna (কৃষ্ণ ।) ̃কিশোরী n. fem. Radha (রাধা) the sweetheart of Krishna. ̃বিহারী n. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) who sported in Braja (ব্রজ). ̃বুলি n. a kind of mixed language used originally by Vidyapati in his poems. ̃ভাষা n. a branch of Hindi. ̃লীলা n. activities of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) in Braja. ব্রজাঙ্গনা n. any one of the milkmaids of Braja (ব্রজ) who were enamoured of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ব্রজেশ্বর n. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) the lord of Braja (ব্রজ). ব্রজেশ্বরী same as ব্রজকিশোরী ।

ব্রজ্যা [ brajyā ] n wandering; travelling.

ব্রণ [ braṇa ] n a boil, a tumour; an acne; an ulcer, a sore.

ব্রত [ brata ] n a vow (religious or secular); prac tice of ascetical austerities in order to attain something (বিদ্যালাভের ব্রত); firm resolve attended with untiring endeavour (অর্থোপার্জনের ব্রত); penance (চান্দ্রায়াণব্রত). ☐ a. (used as a sfx.) under taking or observing a vow (পুণ্যব্রত). ব্রত আচরণ বা পালন করা v. to observe a vow. ব্রত উদযাপন করা v. to fulfil a vow. ̃কথা n. holy or religious story, sacred story that is listened to as a penance. ব্রত গ্রহণ বা ধারণ করা, ব্রত নেওয়া v. to take a vow; to start practising certain religious rites.

ব্রতচারী [ bratacārī ] a observing a vow; undergoing ascetical austerities or penance. ☐ n. a kind of folk-dance. fem. a. ব্রতচারিণী ।

ব্রততী, ব্রততি [ bratatī, bratati ] n a creeper.

ব্রতভঙ্গ [ bratabhaṅga ] n breach of a vow.

ব্রতী [ bratī ] a observing a vow; engaged or em ployed (in) (যুদ্ধব্রতী); initiated into. fem. ব্রতিনী ।

ব্রহ্ম1 [ brahma1 ] n Burma (also ব্রহ্মদেশ). ̃বাসী a. Bur mese. ☐ n. a Burmese, a Burman. fem. ব্রহ্মবাসিনী ।

ব্রহ্ম2 [ brahma2 ] n the Absolute Being, God; a Brahman, a Brahmin. ̃চর্য n. a mode of life marked with devoted study of the Vedas and other scriptures and books of knowledge and with complete abstinence from sexual and secular pleasures. ̃চর্যাশ্রম n. the first stage of life (up to the age of 16) according to the Vedic Hindus when one has to practise brahmacharya (ব্রহ্মচর্য). ̃চারী n. one practising brahmacharya (ব্রহ্মচর্য); a Brahmin boy staying at the residence of the guru to receive his education, having undergone the sacrament of be ing invested with the holy sacrificial thread; one practising abstinence from sexual or other worldly pleasures and preparing to join an order of hermits. fem. চারিণী । ̃জ্ঞ a. one who has at tained knowledge about God. ̃জ্ঞান n. knowledge about God. ̃জ্ঞানী a. having knowledge about God; following Brahmoism. ☐ n. one who has attained knowledge about God; a Brahmo. ̃ণ্য a. relating to God or to Brahmans. ☐ n. the superhuman power obtained through one's knowledge of God; un common spiritual power characteristic of Brahmans; Narayana নারায়ণ (usu. ব্রাহ্মণ্যদেব). ̃তালু n. the crown of the head, the palate. ̃তেজ n. uncommon power of a Brahman. ̃ত্ব n. Godhead; divinity. ̃ত্র n. a piece of rent-free land given away to a Brahman. ̃দৈত্য n. an anthropophagous ghost of a Brahman; a demoniac ghost of a Brahman; a Brahman demon. ̃পিশাচ n. a necrophagous ghost of a Brahman, a Brahman ghoul. ̃বাদী a. (capable of) expounding mysteries about God; en gaged in studying the Vedas; having knowledge about God; versed in or following Vedantic philosophy. ☐ n. such a person. fem. ̃বাদিনী । ̃বিত্ same as ব্রহ্মজ্ঞ । ̃বিদ্যা n. a branch of learning imparting knowledge about God. ̃বৈবর্ত n. one of the eighteen puranas (পুরাণ). ̃ময় a. pervaded by the pres ence of God. ̃মীমাংসা n. the second part of the Vedanta treating of the na ture and attributes of God. ̃রন্ধ্র n. the central pore of the palate. ̃লোক n. the abode of Brahma (ব্রহ্ম); the highest one of the seven mythological heav ens. ̃শাপ n. a curse of or put by a Brahman. ̃সংহিতা n. a Vaishnava scripture. ̃সংগীত n. a song of devotion to God. ̃সূত্র n. the holy sacrificial thread worn by Brahmans; any one of the aphorisms of the Vedanta com posed by Vyasa (ব্যাস). ̃স্ব n. property or possessions of a Brahman. ব্রহ্মস্বাপহরণ করা v. to rob or misappropri ate the property of a Brahman. ̃স্বরূপ n. true nature and attributes of God. ̃হত্যা n. slaying of a Brahman.

ব্রহ্মডাঙা [ brahmaḍāṅā ] n the first person of the Hindu Trinity entrusted with the task of cre ation, Brahma.

ব্রহ্মাণী [ brahmāṇī ] n. fem the wife of Brahma.

ব্রহ্মাণ্ড [ brahmāṇḍa ] n the universe, the world, the cre ation.

ব্রহ্মাস্ত্র [ brahmāstra ] n an ancient divine missile which could never be warded off.

ব্রাত্য [ brātya ] a degenerated; failed in observing one's vow or in religious rites, (loos.) outcast.

ব্রাশ [ brāśa ] n a brush. ব্রাশ করা v. to brush.

ব্রাহ্ম [ brāhma ] a relating to Brahma (ব্রহ্ম) or God; endowed with knowledge about God. ☐ n. a Brahmo, a Brahmoist. ̃ধর্ম n. Brahmoism. ̃বিবাহ n. act of inviting a bridegroom versed in scriptures and marrying him to a bride with due obeisance; marriage (by registration) in accordance with the rules of the Brahmo Samaj. ̃সমাজ n. the Brahmo Samaj ̃মূহুর্ত n. the period of forty-eighth minute immediately preceding sunrise.

ব্রাহ্মণ [ brāhmaṇa ] n a Brahman, a Brahmin; a Brah man priest; a part of the Vedas treating of religious rites. ̃ত্ব same as ব্রাহ্মণ্য । ̃পণ্ডিত n. a Brahman scholar. ̃সভা n. a council of Brahmans for theological and social discussion and arbitration. ̃সমাজ n. the community of the Brah mans. ব্রাহ্মণী n. a Brahman's wife; a fe male Brahman, ব্রাহ্মণ্য n. the state of be ing a Brahman; characteristics and es pecial powers of Brahmans; the pecu liar functions and duties of Brahmans (also ব্রাহ্মণ্যধর্ম); the community of Brahmans.

ব্রাহ্মিকা [ brāhmikā ] n a female Brahmo.

ব্রাহ্মিশাক [ brāhmiśāka ] n Bacopa monnieri, a herb used chiefly as medicine.

ব্রাহ্মী [ brāhmī ] n. fem an ancient script or alphabet, Brahmi.

ব্রিজ [ brija ] n a structure spanning a river, road etc., a bridge; a kind of card game. bridge.

ব্রিটিশ [ briṭiśa ] a British. ☐ n. a Briton, a Britisher.

ব্রীড়া [ brīḍ়ā ] n bashfulness, shyness, coyness. ̃নত, ̃বনত a. hanging down one's head in coyness.

ব্রীড়িত [ brīḍ়ita ] a shy; bashful.

ব্রীহি [ brīhi ] n paddy crop of the rainy season; paddy আশুব্রীহি

ব্রেক [ brēka ] n a brake (of vehicle or machine). ব্রেক কষা v. to put on the brake (to), to brake, (fig.) to slow down.

ব্ব্রোচ [ bbrōca ] n a brooch.

ব্র্যাকেট [ bryākēṭa ] n a small shelf fastened to a wall, a bracket; (loos) a niche or alcove; (in print, & math. -usu. pl.) parentheses (sing. parenthesis), brackets.

ব্র্যানডি, ব্র্যান্ডি [ bryānaḍi, bryānḍi ] n brandy.

ব্লক [ blaka ] n a connected group of houses rooms villages etc., a block.

ব্লটিং পেপার [ blaṭi mpēpāra ] n blotting paper.

ব্লাউজ [ blāuja ] n blouse.

ব্লাড ব্যাংক [ blāḍa byāṅka ] n a bloodbank where blood is collected and stored.

ব্ল্যাকবোর্ড [ blyākabōrḍa ] n a blackboard.