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মঙ্গল [ maṅgala ] n well-being, weal, welfare, good, benefit; the Mars; Tuesday; a kind of Bengali epic poems about popular dei ties (usu. মঙ্গলকাব্য). মঙ্গল করা v. to do good to. ̃কর a. auspicious, propitious; doing good. ̃কামনা n. good wishes. ̃কামী a. well-wishing. মঙ্গলকামী ব্যক্তি a well-wisher. ̃কারী a. & n. one who does good to others. fem. ˜কারিণী । ̃গীত n. a song narrating the glory of a deity. ̃গ্রহ n. the Mars. ̃ঘট n. a consecrated pitcher placed in a house to win divine favour. ̃চন্ডী n. a manifestation of God dess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃জনক, ̃দায়ক same as ̃কর । fem. ̃দায়িকা । ̃বার n. Tuesday. ̃ময় a. benign, benignant, gracious, do ing good, auspicious. ☐ n. God. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃সংবাদ ̃সমাচার n. news of well being; good news; (Christ.) gospel. ̃সূত্র n. a sacred or consecrated thread or string worn on the neck by woman. মঙ্গলা n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). মঙ্গলাকর n. a mine of good. মঙ্গলাকাঙ্ক্ষা same as ̃কামনা । মঙ্গলাকাঙ্ক্ষী same as ̃কামী । fem. মঙ্গলাকাঙ্ক্ষিণী । মঙ্গলাচারণ, মঙ্গলাচার n. a prayer, to obtain divine benison on the eve of commencing work or in the beginning of a drama, poem etc.; any rite performed for the welfare of the vo tary. মঙ্গলামঙ্গল n. good and evil, weal and woe. মঙ্গলারতি n. the ceremonial waving of lights before an idol. মঙ্গলার্থে adv. for the good or welfare of. মঙ্গল্য var. of মাঙ্গলিক ।

মঙ্গোল, মঙ্গোলীয় [ maṅgōla, maṅgōlīẏa ] n a Mongol. ☐ a. Mongol, Mongolian, Mongoloid. মঙ্গোলয়েড n. a Mongoloid. ☐ a. Mon goloid.

মচ [ maca ] int denoting: a sharp snapping noise. মচমচ int. denoting: repeated snapping noise. মচমচে a. crisp (মচমচে মুড়ি).

মচকানো [ macakānō ] v to sprain or be sprained; to twist. মচকানি n. sprain; twist. ভাঙে তবু মচকায় না would rather break than bend.

মজবুত [ majabuta ] a firm; stiff, fast; strong, hard; lasting, durable.

মজলিশ [ majaliśa ] n a sitting, a meeting, a gathering; a party (চায়ের মজলিশ); an associa tion, a society, a club. মজলিশি a. of or fit for a party or assembly; capable of brightening up a gathering or party with pleasant talk or bearing.

মজা1 [ majā1 ] v to be drowned; to lose oneself (in) (প্রেমে মজা, নেশায় মজা); to be charmed (with) or won over (by) (কথায় মজা); to silt up (পুকুর মজা); to be pickled thoroughly or overmuch (আচার মজা); to mature or ripen thoroughly (কাঁঠাল মজেনি); to be greatly endan gered or utterly ruined (ব্যাঙ্ক ফেল পড়ায় সে মজল). ☐ a. silted up or dried up thoroughly or overmuch, matured or ripened. ☐ n. the delicious leavings of certain fruits from which juice has been extracted (তালের মজা).

মজা2 [ majā2 ] n pleasure; enjoyment; comfort and luxury (মজায় থাকা); sport, frolic; fun; banter, joke; a funny or pleasant affair or object. মজা করা v. to make fun (of); to make a song of; to pull one's leg; to indulge in pleasures and frolics. মজা টের পাওয়া v. to feel the weight or brunt of adventure or danger or diffi culty; to feel the pinch of; to feel the evil consequences; to be punished, to have to kiss the rod. মজা টের পাওয়ানো, মজা দেখানো v. to drag one into a danger or trouble as a punishment; to punish; to teach one a lesson; to make one feel the evil consequences of. মজা দেখা v. to take delight in other's trouble; to view other's trouble with secret joy. মজা মারা, মজা লোটা v. to enjoy; to indulge in pleasures and frolics; to enjoy undue benefit from something; to live amidst pleasure and luxury. মজার গল্প a funny or amusing story.

মজাদার [ majādāra ] a funny; amusing; delicious, pal atable (মজাদার খাবার).

মজানো [ majānō ] v to drown; to cause to lose oneself (in); to charm, to win over; to silt up; to pickle thoroughly; to cause to mature or ripen thoroughly, to bring disgrace on (কুল মজানো); to endanger greatly or ruin utterly overmuch.