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মস্তান [ mastāna ] n a rowdy acting officiously as the leader of a locality. মস্তানি1 n. rowdy ism. মস্তানি2 n. fem. a turbulent female of questionable morals; a rowdy harlot.

মস্তিষ্ক [ mastiṣka ] n the encephalon; matter within the encephalon, brains; intellect, intel ligence, brain. মস্তিষ্ক খাটানো v. to apply or tax one's brains. মস্তিষ্ক বিকৃত করা v. to drive crazy, to madden, to run crazy, to go mad; to puzzle or be puzzled; to irritate or fret; to derange one's brains. মস্তিষ্কের কাজ n. the function of the brain; an intellectual work, a brainy job. মস্তিষ্ক আলোড়ন করা v. to rack one's brains. মস্তিষ্ক চালানো same as মস্তিষ্ক খাটানো । ̃প্রদাহ n. brain-fever, cephalitis, cerebritis. ̃বিকৃতি n. mental derangement, insanity; brain-sickness; (pop.) loss of understanding or intelli gence, folly, (cp.) brain-storm. মস্তিষ্কবিজ্ঞান n. cerebrology. মস্তিষ্কবিজ্ঞানী n. a cerebrologist. মস্তিষ্কশূন্য, মস্তিষ্কহীন a. lacking in intelligence, slow in un derstanding, dull-headed; stupid.

মস্যাধার [ masyādhāra ] n an inkpot, an inkhorn; an ink bottle.

মহকুমা [ mahakumā ] n a subdivision of a district. ̃শাসক, ̃হাকিম n. a subdivisional of ficer, (contr.) an S.D.O. ̃সংক্রান্ত a. subdivisional.

মহড়া [ mahaḍ়ā ] n the front; a position at the front or in the front-line; (fig.) lead (কাজের মহড়া); rehearsal (অভিনয়ের মহড়া). মহড়া দেওয়া v. to rehearse (a dramatic perfor mance). মহড়া নেওয়া v. to take position in the front and resist or repulse the ad vance party of the enemy forces; to confront, to face defiantly; to resist or repulse; to bear the brunt (of).

মহতী [ mahatī ] fem of মহত্ ।

মহত্ [ mahat ] a large, vast, extensive; (rare) best; high-minded, noble; excellent, sublime (মহত্ সাহিত্য); great, monstrous (মহত্ ভয়); elevated, high (মহত্ পদ). compar. মহত্তর; super. মহত্তম । মহত্ত্ব n. (rare) largeness, vastness; high mindedness, nobleness, nobility; excel lence, sublimity; greatness.

মহদাশয় [ mahadāśaẏa ] a high-minded, noble-natured, magnanimous, generous.

মহদাশ্রয় [ mahadāśraẏa ] n a shelter or refuge offered by a noble person; dependence upon great persons.

মহনীয় [ mahanīẏa ] a worshipful, adorable; vener able; honourable.

মহন্ত [ mahanta ] n a head of a monastery, convent, temple etc.; (cp.) an abbot.

মহফিল [ mahaphila ] n a sitting or soiree of music, a musical soiree.

মহন্মদি [ mahanmadi ] a Mohammedan, Muslim. ☐ n. a Mohammedan.

মহরত [ maharata ] n ceremonial beginning or re newal; opening ceremony.

মহরম [ maharama ] n the Muslim festival of Muharam; the first month of the Mus lim calendar.

মহর্ষি [ maharṣi ] n a great sage or saint.

মহর্লোক [ maharlōka ] n (myth.) fourth amongst the seven heavens.

মহল [ mahala ] n a residence (রাজমহল); a house or building (রংমহল); the self-contained portion or annexe of a building (অন্দরমহল); a taluk or estate (খাসমহল); a society (মেয়েমহল).

-মহলা1 [ -mahalā1 ] a having a particular number of self-contained portions or parts of a building (সাতমহলা বাড়ি).

-মহলা2 [ -mahalā2 ] n rehearsal (of a dramatic per formance); practice (নাচের মহলা); demonstration (বিদ্যাবুদ্ধির মহলা). মহলা দেওয়া v. to rehearse; to practise; to give a demonstration of.

মহল্লা [ mahallā ] n part or quarter of a town, a ward.

মহা1 [ mahā1 ] a (coll.) terrible or formidable (মহা শত্রু); excessive or exuberant (মহা ফুর্তি); large (মহাশোল).

মহা2 [ mahā2 ] in comp used as a pfx. implying all the meanings of মহত্, মহান and মহতী । ̃কবি n. a great poet; an epic poet. ̃করণ n. the secretariat (of the govern ment); the secretariat building or build ings. ̃কর্ষ n. (phys.) gravitation. ̃কর্ষাঙ্ক n. gravitation constant. ̃কর্ষীয় a. gravi tational. মহাকর্ষীয় একক a gravitational unit. ̃কাব্য n. (ori.) a narrative poem consisting of more than eight cantos depicting the whole life of a hero born of a god or born with divine grace in him; (pop.) an epic; (rare) great poetry or a great poem. ̃কাব্যীয় a. epical, epic. ̃কায় a. having a huge body; huge, monstrous, colossal. ̃কাল n. (myth.) a terribly destructive manifestation of Shiva (শিব); eternity; time to come, the future. fem. ̃কালী a terribly de structive manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃কাশ n. (sc.) the firma ment beyond the solar region, the stel lar sky, the outer space; (pop.) the vast endless sky. ̃কাশচারণা n. space-travel. ̃কাশচারী n. a spaceman, an astronaut. fem. ̃কাশচারিণী a spacewoman. ̃কাশযান n. a spacecraft. ̃গুরু n. any one of the most venerable persons, namely, father, mother, the religious initiator and husband. ̃জন n. a very virtuous or great man; an illustrious man; a great merchant or stockist or wholesaler; a creditor; a usurer, a money lender; any one of the mediae val poets who composed kirtan (কীর্তন) songs about Radha (রাধা) and Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ̃জনি n. usury, money-lending. ☐ a. relating to usury or money-lend ing; usurious. মহাজনি করা v. to practise usury, to act as a money-lender. মহাজনি-কারবার n. money-lending busi ness; banking. ̃জাগতিক a. cosmic. ̃জাগতিক রশ্মি cosmic ray. ̃জ্ঞান n. knowledge about reality, the final knowledge; the occult knowledge by dint of which a dead man can be brought back to life. ̃জ্ঞানী n. (ori.) possessing knowledge about ultimate reality; profoundly wise. ̃ঢ্য a. very rich or wealthy. ̃তপা a. & n. one who has practised or is still practising se verest ascetical austerities. ˜তেজ n. great spirit or vigour; great heat. ̃তেজস্বী, ̃তেজা a. highly spirited or vigorous. fem. ̃তেজস্বিনী । ̃ত্মা a. high souled; very high-minded or noble. ☐ n. an appellation of Gandhi, the great leader of India. ̃দেব n. a great god; Shiva (শিব) fem. ̃দেবী a great god dess; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); a title of a chief queen. ̃দেশ n. a continent; (rare) a great or noble country. ̃দেশীয় a. continental. ̃দ্যুতি a. of great splendour, very bright or radiant or effulgent. ̃দ্রাবক n. sulphuric acid. ̃ধনবান, ̃ধনী a. very wealthy or rich. ̃ধমনী n. the aorta. ̃ধর্মাধিকরণ n. the High Court. ̃নগর, ̃নগরী n. a great city; a metropolis, a capital. ̃নগরীয় a. metropolitan. ̃নট n. a great dancer or actor. ̃নন্দ n. great or exhilarating joy or delight. ̃নবমী n. the ninth lunar day of the light fortnight of the month of Aswin (আশ্বিন) or Kartik (কার্তিক) which is the fourth day of the autumnal wor ship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃নাগরিক n. the mayor; (rare) a great citizen. ̃নাদ n. a terrible or very loud sound or report or roar. ̃নিদ্রা n. sleep that knows no breaking; death. ̃নির্বাণ n. (Buddhism) cessation of individual ex istence, nirvana; the death of Buddha. ̃নিশা n. midnight, night far advanced, the dead of night, the dead hours of the night. মহানুভব, মহানুভাব a. highminded, magnanimous, large-hearted. মহানুভবতা n. high-mindedness. ̃পদ্ম n. & a. hun dred billion. ˜পাতক n. a deadly sin. ̃পাতকী a. guilty of one or more deadly sins. ̃পাত্র n. the chief counsellor of a state, the prime minister; (loos.) a court-counsellor or courtier of the highest rank. ̃পাপ same as ̃পাতক । ̃পাপিষ্ঠ, ̃পাপী same as ̃পাতকী । fem. ̃পাপিষ্ঠা, ̃পাপিনী । ̃পুরুষ n. a man with supernatural powers; a saint who has attained knowledge about God and re ality and power to look upon the world dispassionately; a high-souled man; a superman. ̃পূজা n. a solemn worship. ̃প্রভু n. a great master or saint or prophet; an appellaton of Chaitanya (চৈতন্য). ̃প্রয়াণ n. voluntary journey to court one's death; death. ̃প্রয়াণ করা v. to set out voluntarily to court one's death; to die. ̃প্রলয় n. complete disso lution of the universe; a universal cata clysm. ̃প্রসাদ n. a part of the food-of fering to Jagannath at Puri taken by devotees as a mark of the deity's grace; the highest divine grace; offering or altarage to deities; meat-offering to a deity. ̃প্রস্হান same as মহাপ্রয়াণ । ̃প্রাণ a. large-hearted, magnanimous; (gr.) as pirate. ☐ n. (gr.) an aspirate. ̃প্রাণতা n. large-heartedness, magnanimity; (gr.) aspiration. ̃প্রাণী n. life conceived as having an existence independent of the body, (cp.) atman, the soul. ̃বল a. very powerful; strong, mighty. ̃বাক্য n. a saying of a great man, a great say ing or maxim. ̃বাহু a. having very long and mighty arms; very strong, mighty. ̃বিক্রম a. possessing great prowess or valour. ̃বিদ্যা n. any one of the ten manifestations of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); (facet.) the art of steal ing. ̃বিদ্যালয় n. a college. ̃বিষুব n. the vernal equinox. ̃বিষুবরেখা n. the line of the vernal equinox. ̃বিষুবসংক্রান্তি n. the transition of the sun in the Aries; the day of the aforesaid transition. ̃বীর n. a great hero; the great Jaina preacher. ̃বৈদ্য n. a great or chief physician; (sarcas.) a charlatan, a quack. ̃বোধি n. an embodiment of the highest or final knowledge; an appellation of Gautama Buddha; highest or final knowledge. ̃ব্যবহারদেশক n. attorney-general. ̃ব্যাধি same as রোগ । ̃ভাগ a. very lucky or fortunate; high-minded, magnanimous, noble-minded; endowed with noble human qualities. ̃ভাব n. the ecstatic state caused by profundity of love, de votion etc. ̃ভুজ same as ̃বাহু । ̃মন্ডল n. a great guild or association or con course. ̃মতি, ̃মনা a. high-minded, magnanimous; high-souled. ̃মন্ত্র n. a great mantra or incantation; very sa cred words of initiation (দেশসেবার মহামন্ত্র). ̃মন্ত্রী n. the prime minister; (euph.) a great minister. ̃মহিম, ̃মহিমান্বিত a. highly glorious or majes tic, most excellent. fem. ̃মহিমান্বিতা । ̃মহোপাধ্যায় n. a teacher of great teach ers or scholars; an official title given to distinguished Sanskrit scholars. ̃মাংস n. human flesh taken as food, human meat. ̃মাত্য n. the prime minister. ̃মাত্র n. the prime minister; the chief courtier; the chief executive of the government. ̃মান্য a. highly venerable or honourable. ̃মান্য পোপ His Holiness the Pope (whilst addressing the Pope: Your Ho liness). ̃মায়া n. (phil.) illusion, the ma terial world or nature; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃মায়াচ্ছন্ন a. overwhelmed with or enveloped in (divine) illusion; self obliviously enmeshed in worldly af fairs. ̃মারী n. a devastating epidemic, a pestilence, a plague. ̃মারী কান্ড (usu. facet.) a great affair, a tumultuous af fair. ̃মারী-পীড়িত pestilence-stricken. ̃মুনি n. a great ascetic or sage. ̃মূল্য a. of great value; very costly, dear. ̃যশা a. very famous, highly and widely cel ebrated or renowned. যাত্রা same as ̃প্রয়াণ । ̃যান n. one of the two commu nities of the Buddhists (cp. হীনযান). ̃যুদ্ধ n. a great war; (loos.) a world war. ̃যোদ্ধা n. a great warrior, a great soldier. ̃যোগী n. a great ascetic. ̃রণ্য n. a large and dense forest. ̃রথ (inc.) ̃রথী n. (ori.) one who commands a host of charioted fighters; (loos.) a great warrior fighting from on a chariot. ̃রণ n. a great war or battle. ̃রাজ n. a great king; an emperor; a great ascetic. ̃রাজা n. a government title awarded to the feudal princes, zamindars, rich citizens etc. of India during the British regime, a maharaja. ̃রাজাধিরাজ n. a king of kings, an em peror; a title conferred on a big land owner during the British regime. ̃রাজ্ঞী n. fem. the wife of a great king; a great queen; an empress. ̃রানা (rej.) ̃রাণা n. the title of the rulers of Udaipur (or Chitore). ̃রানি n. the wife of a great king, a great queen; an empress; the wife of a maharana (মহারানা); the wife of a maharaja. ̃রাত্রি n. midnight; a sol emn night (কালীপূজার মহারাত্রি); a ter rible night (মৃত্যুর মহারাত্রি). ̃রাষ্ট্রীয় a. of Maharashtra, Maharashtrian. ̃রুদ্র n. an awesome manifestation of Shiva (শিব). ̃রোগ n. an almost incurable and (usu. obnoxious) disease; leprosy; an inveter ately bad habit or mannerism. ̃র্ঘ, ̃র্ঘ্য a. precious; costly; high-priced, dear. মহার্ণব n. an ocean; a great sea. মহার্হ same as ̃র্ঘ । ̃লয়া n. the new-moon day immediately preceding the autum nal worship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃শক্তি Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); great strength or power or prowess. ̃শক্তিধর, ̃শক্তিশালী a. having great strength or power or prowess. fem. ̃শক্তিশালিনী । ̃শঙ্খ n. a dead man's skull; an enor mous conch. ☐ n. & a. thousand bil lions. ˜শয় a. high-minded, magnani mous; high-souled. ☐ n. a term of cour tesy affixed to the name of a gentleman, (cp.) Mr. (fem. Mrs.), Sir (fem. Madam). fem. ̃শয়া । ̃শূন্য same as ̃কাশ । ̃ষ্টমী n. the eighth lunar day of the light fortnight of the month of Aswin (আশ্বিন) or Kartik (কার্তিক) which is the third day of autumnal worship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃সংকট n. a great crisis. ̃সত্ত্ব a. having great strength; very noble or magnanimous; high souled. ̃সভা n. great meeting or asso ciation; a (representative) legislative as sembly, a parliament; a congress. ̃সমারোহে adv. with much pomp and grandeur. ̃সমুদ্র, ̃সাগর n. an ocean. আটলানটিক বা অতলান্তিক মহাসাগর the At lantic (Ocean). উত্তর মহাসাগর the Arctic Ocean. দক্ষিণ মহাসাগর the Antarctic Ocean. প্রশান্ত মহাসাগর the Pacific (Ocean). ভারত মহাসাগর the Indian Ocean. ̃সাগরীয় a. oceanic. ̃সামন্ত n. a commander-in-chief; a great general. ̃সিন্ধু same as ̃সমুদ্র । ̃সুযোগ n. the best chance, the greatest chance. ̃সুখ n. a great pleasure. ̃স্হবির n. one belonging to the highest order of Buddhist monks.

মহান [ mahāna ] masc of মহত্ ।

মহাফেজ [ mahāphēja ] n a record-keeper (esp. a gov ernment record-keeper). ̃খানা n. a record-room, archive. জাতীয় মহাফেজখানা the National Archive.

মহাভারত [ mahābhārata ] n the Mahabharata, the greatest epic of the world. মহাভারত অশুদ্ধ হওয়া (fig.) occurrence of a serious fault or lapse, (cp.) profanation of the Bible. মহাভারত আরম্ভ করা (fig.) to begin an in tolerably long harangue; (fig.) to make a long introduction.

মহিমময় [ mahimamaẏa ] a glorious; majestic; exalted; dignified. fem. মহিমময়ী ।

মহিমা [ mahimā ] n divine grace or power; glory; majesty; exaltedness, dignity; charm, influence (টাকার মহিমা). ̃কীর্তন করা v. to sing or narrate the glory of. মহিমান্বিত same as ̃ময় fem. মহিমান্বিতা । ̃ব্যঞ্জক a. expressive of grace or glory or majesty or exaltedness or dignity or power. মহিমার্ণব n. one regarded as an ocean of grace or glory or majesty or exaltedness or dignity or power.

মহিলা [ mahilā ] n a lady, a gentlewoman; a woman. মহিলা সংঘ n. a women's club or association. মহিলা সমাজ n. women folk, women's society.

মহিষ [ mahiṣa ] n the buffalo. ̃ধ্বজ, ̃বাহন n. ap pellations of Yama (যম), the god of death. ̃মর্দিনী n. fem. (myth.) Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) who slew the demon Mahisa (মহিষ); (fig.) a terrible female warrior, (cp.) an amazon; (facet.) a ter magant.

মহিষাসুর [ mahiṣāsura ] n (myth.) Mahisa (মহিষ) the de mon. ̃মর্দিনী same as মহিষমর্দিনী ।

মহিষী [ mahiṣī ] n a queen; the chief queen of a king; a female buffalo.

মহী [ mahī ] n the earth.

মহীতল [ mahītala ] n the surface of the earth; the ground; the earth.

মহীধর [ mahīdhara ] n a mountain; a hill.

মহীন্দ্র, মহীপতি, মহীপাল [ mahīndra, mahīpati, mahīpāla ] n a king.

মহীমন্ডল [ mahīmanḍala ] n the earth, the entire earth.

মহীয়ান [ mahīẏāna ] a very glorified or majestic or exalted or noble.

মহীরুহ [ mahīruha ] n a tree (esp. a big one); a plant.

মহীলতা [ mahīlatā ] n an earthworm.

মহুয়া [ mahuẏā ] n a kind of butter-tree or its seed or flower, the mahua. মহুয়ার মউ, মহুয়ার মধু the honey of mahua flower; a fat obtained from mahua seeds, mahua butter.