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মিউনিসিপ্যাল [ miunisipyāla ] a municipal. মিউনিসিপ্যালিটি n. a municipality.

মিছিমিছি [ michimichi ] adv (coll.) for nothing, in vain, meaninglessly, uselessly. ☐ a. false; useless, meaningless.

মিছিল [ michila ] n a procession.

মিজরাব [ mijarāba ] n a kind of thimble (made of wire) used by instrumentalists, (cp.) plectrum.

মিট [ miṭa ] n (book-keeping) balancing; paying off; act of making up, compounding; settlement or compromise. মিট করা v. to balance (an account); to pay off (a bill); to make up, to compound (a loss); to settle or compromise (a dis pute). মিট হওয়া v. to be balanced or paid off or made up or compounded or settled or compromised. ̃মাট n. com promise; settlement. মিটমাট করা v. to compromise; to settle up (a difference, dispute etc.). মিটমাট হওয়া v. to be com promised or settled up.

মিটা, মেটা [ miṭā, mēṭā ] v to be accomplished or fin ished (কাজ মেটা); to be removed or re lieved (দুঃখ মিটেছে); to be settled or compromised (বিবাদ মিটল); to be satis fied or fulfilled (সাধ মেটানো); to be paid off (পাওনা মেটা); to be compen sated or compounded (লোকসান মেটা); (book-keeping) to be balanced.

মিটমিট [ miṭamiṭa ] int expressing: dim, flickering or almost dying state (as of a light); blinking (as of eyes). মিটমিট করা v. to flicker dimly; to blink. মিটমিটে a. dimly flickering; dim; blinking; (fig.) simu lating or hypocritical. মিটমিটে ডান, মিটমিটে শয়তান a witch or a rogue dis sembling as an honest and simple soul; (fig.) a wolf in a sheepskin.

মিটানো [ miṭānō ] v to accomplish or finish; to re move or relieve; to settle or compro mise; to satisfy or fulfil; to pay off; to compensate or compound; (book-keep ing) to balance.

মিটার1 [ miṭāra1 ] n a meter (ইলেকট্রিকের মিটার, ট্যাকসির মিটার).

মিটার2 [ miṭāra2 ] n a unit of measuring length, a metre.

মিটার3 [ miṭāra3 ] n a verse rhythm, fixed arrange ment of accented and unaccented syl lables, metre.

মিটিমিটি [ miṭimiṭi ] adv flickering dimly (মিটিমিটি জ্বালা); blinkingly (মিটিমিটি চাওয়া). ☐ a. dimly flickering, dim; blinking. মিটিমিটি করা v. to flicker dimly; to blink.

মিটিং [ miṭi ] n meeting.

মিঠাই [ miṭhāi ] n sweetmeat. ̃ওয়ালা n. a confec tioner. মিঠাইয়ের দোকান a sweetmeat shop, a confectionary.

মিঠেকড়া [ miṭhēkaḍ়ā ] a (of tobacco) moderately strong; (of words) suave yet cutting to the quick.

মিড় [ miḍ় ] n (mus.) sweet and pleasant rolling from one note to another.

মিত [ mita ] a temperate; moderate; restricted; abstemious.

মিতব্যয়, মিতব্যয়িতা [ mitabyaẏa, mitabyaẏitā ] n frugality, thrift, economy. মিতব্যয়ী a. frugal, thrifty, economical.

মিতভাষী [ mitabhāṣī ] a economical in speech, taci turn; reticent, reserved. fem. মিতভাষিণী । মিতভাষিতা n. economy of speech, taci turnity; reticence, reservedness.

মিতা [ mitā ] n friend; a born companion; an ally; a namesake.

মিতাক্ষরা [ mitākṣarā ] n an ancient Hindu treatise on the law and rules of inheritance.