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মোকাবিলা [ mōkābilā ] n confronting, encountering; settlement of disputes by meeting face to face; settlement in presence of all concerned. মোকাবিলা করা v. to encoun ter or confront or try to settle disputes by sitting face to face; to brave.

মোকাম [ mōkāma ] n a residence, a dwelling house; a trading-station; a station; an address.

মোক্তার [ mōktāra ] n a mukhtar; a legally appointed representative, an attorney. ̃নামা n. a power-of-attorney. মোক্তারি n. mukhtar ship. মোক্তারি করা v. to practise as a mukhtar.

মোক্ষ [ mōkṣa ] n (theol.) release from the world or from the influence of nature, eternal emancipation, final beatitude, nirvana, salvation of the soul; rescue; death; re lease (গ্রহণমোক্ষ). ̃ণ n. freeing or res cuing or releasing or discharging, emancipation from bondage, redemp tion, bleeding or letting or shedding or removing or wiping. মোক্ষণ করা v. to free, to rescue, to release; to discharge; to bleed, to let blood; to shed; to re move; to wipe. ̃দ a. giving final be atitude or salvation of the soul, re deeming the soul. fem. ̃দা, ̃দাতা a. same as মোক্ষদ ।n. a giver of eternal emancipation, a redeemer of the soul. fem. ̃দাত্রী । ̃দায়ক same as মোক্ষদ । fem. ̃দায়িকা, ̃দায়িনী । ̃ধাম n. the abode of the blessed dead, heaven, (cp.) Elysium. মোক্ষলাভ করা v. to attain eter nal salvation or bliss.

মোক্ষম [ mōkṣama ] a unfailing; irrefutable; formi dable; undeniable; terrible; fatal.

মোগল [ mōgala ] n a Moghul. ☐ a. Moghul.মোগলাই a. pertaining to Moghuls; current amongst Moghuls.

মোচ [ mōca ] n a nib (of a pen); a point (of a pen cil); a moustache. মোচে তা দেওয়া to twist moustache to make it curl.

মোচড় [ mōcaḍ় ] n a contortion; a wring, a twist, a wriggle; a wrench; (fig.) constraint, pressure. মোচড় দেওয়া v. to contort; to wring, to twist, to wriggle; to wrench; (fig.) to constrain, to put (undue) pres sure. মোচড়ানো v. to twist; to contort; to wring; to wriggle. মোচড়া-মুচড়ি n. re peated contortion or wringing or twist ing or wriggling or wrenching; (fig.) persistent solicitation or higgling. মোচড়ামুচড়ি করা v. to contort or wring or twist or wriggle or wrench; (fig.) to so licit or higgle persistently.

মোচন [ mōcana ] n releasing or loosening or open ing or removing or dispelling or dis charging or shooting (শরমোচন) or shedding (পত্রমোচন, অশ্রুমোচন) or (loos.) wiping. মোচন করা v. to set free, to re lease, to loosen, to unloose; to open, to remove; to dispel; to discharge or shoot; to shed; (loos.) to wipe. মোচন নিযুক্তক n. a clearing agent.

মোচা [ mōcā ] n a cone of the banana. মোচাকার a. conical.

মোজা [ mōjā ] n stockings; socks; hose. গরম মোজা woollen socks. ফুল মোজা n. socks that come up to the knee. হাত-মোজা n. gloves. হাফ-মোজা n. socks that come only up to the calf. মোজা-পরা a. stock inged, hosed. মোজা-বিক্রেতা n. a hosier.

মোট1 [ mōṭa1 ] n a total, an aggregate, a sum total. ☐ a. total, aggregate; principal, chief, essential. মোট কথা the sum and sub stance, the long and the short of it. মোট দেওয়া v. to add up, to total. মোটের উপর on the whole; generally, on an average.

মোট2 [ mōṭa2 ] n a load, a burden; a bundle; lug gage. ̃ঘাট n. pl. different items of lug gage. ̃ঘাট সমেত bag and baggage. ̃বাহক n. a porter.

মোটর [ mōṭara ] n a motor; a motor car. ̃গাড়ি n. a motor car. মোটরগাড়ি চালানো v. to drive a motor car; to motor. ভাড়াটে মোটরগাড়ি a hired motor car or a taxi cab. ভাড়াটে মোটরগাড়ির আড্ডা a taxi stand. মোটরগাড়ির চালক, মোটরচালক a motor driver; a motorist. মোটর-মিস্ত্রি n. a motor mechanic.

মোটা [ mōṭā ] a fat, corpulent, fatty, adipose, bulky; voluminous (মোটা বই); thick, coarse (মোটা কাপড়, মোটা চাল); grave or hoarse (মোটা স্বর); dull (মোটা বুদ্ধি); heavy (মোটা খরচ); large (মোটা আয়); high or handsome (মোটা মাইনে); plain. simple; gross, rough, ordinary, pedes trian (চিত্রাদিতে মোটা কাজ). মোটা ভাত কাপড় plain living. ̃নো v. to grow fat, to fatten, to put on weight or flesh. ̃মাথা n. a dullard, a fathead. ☐ a. fat headed, stupid. ̃মুটি a. roughly or grossly estimating (মোটামুটি একমাস); rough (মোটামুটি হিসাব); doing away with formalities, summary (মোটামুটি বিচার); cursory (মোটামুটি পাঠ); moder ate, middling (মোটামুটি অবস্হা). ☐ adv. roughly; grossly; summarily; cursorily; moderately; on the whole. ̃সোটা a. burly; stout and strong.

মোটে [ mōṭē ] adv in total, in all, altogether; only now, just now; at all; only. মোটেই adv. at all.

মোড় [ mōḍ় ] n a turn, a bend, a crossing (রাস্তার মোড়)

মোড়ক [ mōḍ়ka ] n a packet; a tiny packet contain ing a dose of medicine; a carton, a pa per cover.

মোড়ল [ mōḍ়la ] n a village headman; (facet.) a leader; the foreman of a group of workmen.

মোড়লি [ mōḍ়li ] n the position and function of the headman; (sarcas.) unnecessary boss ing, overbearing or masterful manner.

মোড়া1 [ mōḍ়ā1 ] n a wicker stool.

মোড়ামুড়ি [ mōḍ়āmuḍ়i ] n repeated contortion or twist ing or bending; (fig.) chaffering, higgling and haggling.

মোতায়েন [ mōtāẏēna ] a stationed, posted; posted on guard; ready at hand for action. মোতায়েন করা বা রাখা v. to station, to post; to post on guard; to keep ready at hand (or in readiness) for action.

মোতি [ mōti ] n pearl.

মোতিয়া [ mōtiẏā ] n a kind of small sweet-scented flower.

মোদক [ mōdaka ] n a ball-shaped sweetmeat (usu. made of posset); an invigorating (and also intoxicating) drug made of hemp leaves; a confectioner.

মোদিত [ mōdita ] a filled with fragrance; per fumed; delighted; cheerful.

মোদ্দা [ mōddā ] a chief, main, gross. ☐ adv. on the whole, after all, in short (মোদ্দা যাওয়া চাই ।) ☐ con. but (যাই করা, মোদ্দা চাকরি ছেড়ো না) । মোদ্দা কথা the long and the short (of it), the sum and substance; the chief thing.

মোনা [ mōnā ] n the pestle of a foot-driven husking-tree.

মোম [ mōma ] n beeswax. মোম মাখানো v. to wax. ̃জামা, ̃ঢাল n. waxcloth. ̃বাতি n. a waxcandle. ̃বাতিদান n. a candlestick. ̃বাতি বিক্রেতা n. a wax-chandler. মোমের কাগজ wax-paper. মোমের পুতুল a wax doll.

মোয়া [ mōẏā ] n a sweetened ball of parched or fried rice etc. ছেলের হাতে মোয়া (fig.) a thing very easily obtainable.

মোরগ [ mōraga ] n (as masc.) the cock; (as neut.) a fowl, a chicken. মোরগের ঝুটি n. a cock's comb, a cockscomb. মোরগের ডাক crow, cocka-doodle. ̃ফুল n. the cock's comb, the yellow-rattle, Celosia cristata.

মোরচা, মোর্চা [ mōracā, mōrcā ] n a combination or coalition of different parties or groups; an alli ance.

মোরব্বা [ mōrabbā ] n sweetened fruit conserve, fruit jelly, jam.

মোলাকাত [ mōlākāta ] n an interview, a meeting. মোলাকাত করা v. to meet, to pay one a visit.

মোলায়েম [ mōlāẏēma ] a soft and smooth (মোলায়েম জিনিস); tender, suave (মোলায়েম কথা).

মোল্লা [ mōllā ] n (Mus.) a Muslim theologian or priest or teacher, a mullah, a mollah. ̃গিরি n. the profession or office of a mullah. ̃তন্ত্র n. government by or pre dominantly influenced by mullahs (cp. mollahcracy). মোল্লার দৌড় মসজিদ পর্যন্ত (dero.) one with restricted knowledge cannot go beyond the range of one's learning, a churchman becomes a fish out of water outside the church, the ut most reach of one's tether.

মোষ [ mōṣa ] n (coll.) a buffalo. মোষের গাড়ি a buffalo-drawn cart, a buffalo cart.

মোসাহেব [ mōsāhēba ] n a fawning or cringing atten dant; a fawner, a toady; a flatterer. মোসাহেবি n. fawning, toadyism; flattery, adulation. মোসাহেবি করা v. to fawn upon as a sycophant; to toady; to fawn upon; to flatter.

মোহ [ mōha ] n (theol.) ignorance about reality; illusion; ignorance; mental obsession; infatuation; fascination; deep attach ment, dotage; a fainting fit, a swoon; enchantment, bewitchment. মোহ নিরসন করা v. to dispel illusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃গ্রস্ত a. affected with an illusion; ignorant; mentally ob sessed; deluded; infatuated; fascinated or fondly attached; doting; fainted, swooned; enchanted, bewitched; stupe fied. ̃ঘোর n. a spell of illusion or ig norance or mental obsession or infatu ation or fainting fit or enchantment. ̃জনক a. illusive; causing mental ob session; infatuating; fascinating; caus ing to faint; enchanting, bewitching. ̃জাল same as ̃পাশ, ̃তিমির same as ̃ঘোর । ̃নিদ্রা n. stupor or hypnosis or trance caused by illusion; infatuation; a fainting fit. ̃পাশ n. the mesh of illu sion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃বদ্ধ a. caught in the mesh or snare of illusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃বন্ধ, ̃বন্ধন n. the bondage of illusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃ভঙ্গ n. recovery from illusion or infatuation or enchantment or from a fainting fit, dis illusionment, disenchantment. ̃মদ n. pride caused by illusion or ignorance. ̃মন্ত্র n. an incantation to enchant; a magic spell. ̃ময় a. illusive, illusory; infatuating; enchanting. ̃মুগ্ধ a. capti vated by illusion; infatuated; fasci nated; fondly attached, doting; en chanted, bewitched, spellbound. ̃মুদ্গর n. a book of verse by Shankaracharya intending to dispel illusion; a cudgel dispelling illusion or ignorance or in fatuation.

মোহন [ mōhana ] n enchantment, bewitchment; in fatuation, fascination. ☐ a. infatuating, fascinating (গোপীমোহন); charming (মোহন বেণু). ̃চুড়া n. an attractive or charming bun of hair put up on the crown of one's head. ̃ভোগ n. a kind of porridge made by boiling corn-flour in milk. ̃মালা n. a variety of gold neck lace. ̃মূর্তি n. a fascinating figure.

মোহর [ mōhara ] n an obsolete gold coin of India and Persia, a mohur; a seal, a stamp.

মোহানা [ mōhānā ] n (of a water-reservoir, pond etc.) a conduit, a channel; (of a river) a mouth, an estuary.

মোহিত [ mōhita ] a enmeshed in illusion; fasci nated; infatuated; beside oneself; swooned; enchanted, charmed; hypno tized. মোহিত করা v. to enmesh in illu sion; to fascinate; to infatuate; to cause to swoon; to enchant, to charm, to hyp notize.

মোহিনী [ mōhinī ] a. fem enchanting, bewitching; charming; infatuating; possession be witching personal charm. ☐ n. fem. (myth.) an exquisitely bewitching fig ure of a woman assumed by Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) to delude asuras (অসুর); a woman of bewitching beauty or per sonal charm; witchcraft or sorcery (usu. মোহিনীবিদ্যা); hypnotism, mesmer ism (also মোহিনীবিদ্যা). মোহিনী মায়া n. an enchanting illusion. ̃শক্তি n. the power of enchanting or bewitching; hypnotic power.

মোহ্যমান [ mōhyamāna ] a stunned; stupefied; be numbed; extremely afflicted (শোকে মোহ্যমান). fem. মোহ্যমানা ।

মৌ [ mau ] n honey.