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রোমাঞ্চ [ rōmāñca ] n horripilation, gooseflesh; thrill. ̃কর a. horripilant; thrilling; (loos.) horrible রোমাঞ্চিত a. horripilated; thrilled.

রোমান [ rōmāna ] a Roman. ☐ n. a Roman.

রোমাবলি [ rōmābali ] n a collection of hair; hair (col lectively).

রোমোদ্গম, রোমোদ্ভেদ [ rōmōdgama, rōmōdbhēda ] n sprouting or growth of hair.

রোয়া1 [ rōẏā1 ] n a juicy seed-vessel of any fruit, a replum, a legume, a pod.

রোয়া2 [ rōẏā2 ] v to sow, to plant (ধান রোয়া). ☐ a. sown or planted, that which has been sown or planted. ̃নো v. to cause to sow or plant.

রোয়াক [ rōẏāka ] n a raised terrace in the front part of a building.

রোয়েদাদ [ rōẏēdāda ] n an award of a share; an award. সাম্প্রদায়িক রোয়েদাদ a communal award.

রোরুদ্যমান [ rōrudyamāna ] a in a state of weeping or wail ing continually, bitterly or loudly. fem. রোরুদ্য মানা ।

রোল [ rōla ] n a suppressed noise; a sound, a noise, an outcry, a cry.

রোলার [ rōlāra ] n a roller. রোলার দেওয়া v. to beat or flatten with a roller, to roll, to use a roller.

রোশনচৌকি [ rōśanacauki ] n a symphony or serenade of sanai (সানাই) and other instruments.

রোশনাই, রোশনি [ rōśanāi, rōśani ] n light; illumination; lus tre.

রোসো [ rōsō ] v (imper.) wait.

রোষ্ট [ rōṣṭa ] n roast.

রোহ, রোহণ [ rōha, rōhaṇa ] n act of riding or mounting or climbing.

রোহিণী [ rōhiṇī ] n (astr. & astrol.) the fourth of the twenty-seven stars of Hindu as tronomy; (myth.) the name of the wife of the moon-god; a nine-year old un married girl (রোহিণী দান).

রোহিত, রোহিতক [ rōhita, rōhitaka ] n a variety of fresh water fish, the trout.

রৌদ্র [ raudra ] n sunshine, the sun. ☐ a. terrible, dreadful. রৌদ্র উঠেছে v. the sun is up. রৌদ্র পোহানো v. to bask in the sun; to take a sun-bath. রৌদ্রে দেওয়া v. to ex pose to the sun's rays, to spread in the sun to dry, to sun. ̃দগ্ধ a. sunburnt. ̃দর্শন a. fierce-looking, of a formi dable appearance. ̃পক্ক a. sun-baked, sunned. ̃রস n. (rhet.) the emotion of rage. ̃সেবন করা same as রৌদ্র পোহানো । ̃স্নান sun-bath. ̃স্নান করা v. to sun bathe. রৌদ্রোজ্জ্বল a. shining in the sun light, brightened with sunshine, sun clad.

রৌপ্য [ raupya ] n silver, argent. ̃জয়ন্তী see জয়ন্তী । ̃নির্মিত a. made of silver, silvern. ̃ময় a. full of silver, silvery; made of silver, silvern. ̃মুদ্রা n. a silver coin. ̃মুদ্রাসমূহ n. pl. silvers. ̃মূল্যে adv. in exchange of silver; in exchange of silvers or money. রৌপ্যালংকার n. a silver orna ment; (in pl.) silvers.

বৌরব [ bauraba ] n (Hindu myth.) a terrible hell.

রাঁদা [ rān̐dā ] n a carpenter's plane.

রাপার [ rāpāra ] n a woollen wrapper.

রালা [ rālā ] n (coll.) a show of vanity or supe riority, showing-off; boastful manner of speaking, bragging.