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সাবিত্রী [ sābitrī ] n. fem a Vedic incantation recited at prayer; (myth.) Princess Sabitri who won back her husband from the clutches of Yama. ̃ব্রত n. a vow ob served by Hindu married women.

সাবুদ [ sābuda ] n evidence, proof. ☐ a. proved, vindicated (সাবুদ করা); (vul.) rectified, corrected (মারের চোটে সাবুদ). সাবুদ করা v. to prove, to vindicate; to rectify, to cor rect.

সাবেক [ sābēka ] a old, ancient, past; former; pre vious; original, first. সাবেকি a. of old; old-fashioned, of old school (সাবেকি চালচলন); (cp.) dated.

সাব্যস্ত [ sābyasta ] a adjudged or adjudicated; de cided; ascertained; resolved; fixed. সাব্যস্ত করা v. to adjudge or adjudicate; to decide; to ascertain; to resolve; to settle; to fix.

সাম [ sāma ] n the Sama Veda; any hymn or psalm of the Sama Veda. ̃গান n. a hymn of the Sama Veda.

সামগ্রিক [ sāmagrika ] a total, entire, over-all (সামগ্রিক বিচার).

সামগ্রী [ sāmagrī ] n (ori.) things collectively; (pop.) a thing, an article.

সামঞ্জস্য [ sāmañjasya ] n propriety, fitness; consistency, agreement; symmetry, harmony; mu tual understanding, adjustment. সামঞ্জস্য করা, সামঞ্জস্যবিধান করা v. to bring into agreement; to harmonize; to adjust.

সামনা [ sāmanā ] n the front; the forepart; the surface usually presented, the face. ̃সামনি a & adv. facing each other; face-to-face with; in presence of.

সামনে [ sāmanē ] prep in front of, before, in the face of; opposite to, facing; on the face or surface of.

সামন্ত [ sāmanta ] n a feudal prince; a vassal; a leader; a commander; a chieftain; a headman. ̃তন্ত্র n. the feudal system. ̃নৃপতি n. a feudal prince. ̃রাজ্য n. a feudal state; a dependency.

সাময়িক [ sāmaẏika ] a periodic, periodical; tempo rary, passing, momentary; current (সাময়িক সংবাদ); published periodically. সাময়িক উত্তেজনা momentary excitement or impulse, heat or spur of the mo ment. সাময়িক উত্তেজনাবশে on the spur of moment, in the heat of the moment. সাময়িক পত্রিকা a journal published peri odically, a periodical. সাময়িকী n. a cur rent event or topic; (pop.) a journal of current topics.

সামরিক [ sāmarika ] a relating to war; military; mar tial, warlike. সামরিক জাতি a martial race. সামরিক দন্ডবিধি martial law. সামরিক বাহিনী an armed force. সামরিক বিচারালয় a court martial. সামরিক শক্তি military strength. সামরিক শিক্ষা military training.

সামর্থ্য [ sāmarthya ] n ability; capability; efficiency; strength, power. ̃বাধ n. efficiency-bar. সামর্থ্যানুয়ায়ী adv. according to one's abil ity or capability.

সামলানো [ sāmalānō ] v to check, to restrain; to man age to keep in the proper place (কাপড় সামলানো); to protect, to guard, to keep safe; to manage; to surmount, to tide over (বিপদ সামলানো).

সামাজিক [ sāmājika ] a social; pertaining to social formalities, formal, ceremonious; so ciable, companionable. সামাজিকতা n. sociableness; formalities; a formal gift. সামাজিকতা করা to do or perform social duties, to meet social obligations; to observe customary formalities; to be stow a gift on a ceremonial occasion.

সামন্তরিক [ sāmantarika ] n a parallelogram. সামন্তরিক-সূত্র n. (mech.) the parallelogram of forces.

সামান্য [ sāmānya ] a ordinary, common, common place, banal, trite; generic; (esp. in log.) general; (pop.) trifling; insignifi cant; humble; very small in number or amount or degree. ☐ n. (log.) a genus; general or generic properties or charac teristics. fem. a. সামান্যা । সামান্য ধর্ম a common or general or generic charac teristic or property. সামান্য ভগ্নাঙ্ক, সামান্য ভগ্নাংশ vulgar fraction. সামান্য লক্ষণ a common or general or generic charac ter or sign; a general definition. সামান্য লক্ষণা n. intuition. সামান্য সমীকরণ n. (alg.) simple equation. সামান্যীকরণ n. generalization.

সামাল [ sāmāla ] int beware, be on guard, take care. সামাল করা v. to check; to manage; to manage to keep in position or to keep safe or steady.

সামীপ্য [ sāmīpya ] n proximity, nearness, contiguity; presence, company.

সামুদয়িক [ sāmudaẏika ] a in entirety, entire; total; com prehensive; general.

সামুদ্র, সামুদ্রিক [ sāmudra, sāmudrika ] a marine; oceanic; mari time; (of marks on one's person) help ing to tell one's fortune (সামুদ্রিক লক্ষণ); astrological (সামুদ্রিক জ্যোতিষ). ☐ n. the art of telling one's fortune from the marks on one's person (cp. physiogmancy), (loos.) astrology or palmistry (usu. সামুদ্রিক বিদ্যা). সামুদ্র জলবায়ু maritime or oceanic climate. সামুদ্রিক উদ্ভিদ a seaweed; a seaplant. সামুদ্রিক জাতি a maritime race. সামুদ্রিক জীব a marine or maritime creature. সামুদ্রিক তলানি pelagic deposit. সামুদ্রিক বাণিজ্য seatrade, maritime trade.

সাম্প্রতিক [ sāmpratika ] a of recent times, current, con temporary.

সাম্প্রদায়িক [ sāmpradāẏika ] a communal; sectarian. সাম্প্রদায়িকতা n. communalism; sectari anism. সাম্প্রদায়িক দাঙ্গা communal riot. সাম্প্রদায়িক বাটোয়ারা communal award.

সাম্মানিক [ sāmmānika ] a honorary; (of a university study course) of or belonging to or re lating to Honours degree.

সাম্য [ sāmya ] n equality; similarity; similitude; equilibrium, equipoise, balance (শক্তিসাম্য); mental equilibrium; democ racy, socialism, communism. ̃কেন্দ্র n. centre of similitude. ̃বাদ n. socialism; communism. ̃বাদী a. socialistic; com munistic. ☐ n. a socialist; a commu nist. ̃রক্ষা n. maintenance of balance or equilibrium.

সাম্রাজ্য [ sāmrājya ] n an empire. ̃বাদ n. imperialism. ̃বাদী a. imperialistic. ☐ n. an imperial ist.

সায়1 [ sāẏa1 ] n consent, assent (সায় দেওয়া).

সায়2 [ sāẏa2 ] n termination. ☐ a. ended. সায় করা v. to end, to finish ('সে গান তোমার করো সায়').

সায়ংকাল [ sāẏaṅkāla ] n the evening; the eventide. সায়ংকালীন a. of the evening; vespertinal, vespertine. সায়ংকালীন প্রার্থনা evening prayer.

সায়ংকৃত্য [ sāẏaṅkṛtya ] n prayer and other things to be done in the evening; evening service, vespers.

সায়ংসন্ধ্যা [ sāẏaṃsandhyā ] n evening prayer, (cp.) evensong.

সায়ন [ sāẏana ] n (astr.) declination; the equinox.

সায়বানা [ sāẏabānā ] n a canopy, an awning.

সায়র [ sāẏara ] n a sea; a large pond.

সায়া [ sāẏā ] n a petticoat. ফাঁপানো সায়া a hooped petticoat, a farthingale.

সায়াহ্ন [ sāẏāhna ] n the evening; evenfall. ̃কাল same as সায়ংকাল । ̃কৃত্য same as সায়ংকৃত্য ।

সাযুজ্য [ sāyujya ] n (complete) unification; oneness; a form of final salvation which con sists in the individual soul's complete absorption in the Supreme Soul, identi fication with God.

সায়ুধ [ sāẏudha ] a armed. সায়ুধ বাহিনী armed battal ion. সায়ুধ রক্ষী armed guard.

সার [ sāra ] n the best or excellent part; duramen, heart-wood; sap (of a tree); film or cream (of milk); marrow (of bone); pith; essence; extract; inner sig nificance, gist; substance, abstract; spirit, vigour, manure, fertilizer; (only) worth. (কথামাত্র সার). ☐ a. best, excel lent; essential; real or true or inner. সার করা v. to have recourse to something on considering it the sole object of pur suit; to regard something as the best or sole object. সার বোঝা v. to regard some thing as the best or sole object; to form an unalterable and final conviction. সার দেওয়া v. to manure. উদ্ভিজ্জ সার veg etable manure. খনিজ সার mineral ma nure. প্রানিজ সার, প্রাণী-সার animal ma nure. মিশ্র সার n. compost. ̃কথা (lit.) essential words; substance; gist; sum and substance. ̃কুড়, ̃গাদা, ̃ডোবা n. a dunghill, a manure-pit. ̃গর্ভ a. having an inner significance or import; rich in content; substantial. ̃গ্রন্হ n. a manual, a vade-mecum. ̃নিবন্ধ n. an abstract register. ̃বত্তা n. substantiality; real worth. ̃বান a. full of substance, sub stantial; rich in duramen, sappy; pithy; fertile. ̃ভূত a. abstracted into or re duced to substance only; (loos.) sub stantial; best, picked. ̃মাটি n. marl. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. pithless, sapless; unsub stantial. ̃সংক্ষেপ n. substance, sum mary; a precis; essence; see also সারাংশ । ̃সংগ্রহ, ̃সংকলন n. collection or compilation of the substantial or best specimens or of the pick; an ab stract; an anthology of the best things.

সারঙ্গ2 [ sāraṅga2 ] n a variety of spotted deer.

সারঙ্গা, সারঙ্গী1 [ sāraṅgā, sāraṅgī1 ] fem of সারঙ্গ2

সারঙ্গী2 [ sāraṅgī2 ] n a stringed instrument akin to the violin (usu. সারঙ্গ); one who plays on this instrument.

সারণি, সারণী [ sāraṇi, sāraṇī ] n a table. সারণিত a. tabled. সারণীকরণ n. tabling. সারণীবদ্ধ a. tabular. সারণীভুক্ত a. tabled.

সারথি [ sārathi ] n a chariot-driver, a charioteer.

সারথ্য [ sārathya ] n charioteering.

সারমেয় [ sāramēẏa ] n the dog. fem. সারমেয়ী the bitch.

সারস [ sārasa ] n the stork. fem. সারসী ।

সারসন [ sārasana ] n a belt or girdle for men; a woman's ornamental girdle.

সারস্বত [ sārasbata ] a relating to Goddess Saraswati (সরস্বতী); learned. ̃সমাজ n. the learned people, the learned society; litterateurs collectively. সারস্বতোত্সব n. the festival of worshipping Goddess Saraswati.

সারা1 [ sārā1 ] a extremely tired, fatigued, ex hausted, harassed.

সারা2 [ sārā2 ] v to hide, to conceal (টাকাগুলো সেরে রাখা); to finish, to accomplish (কাজ সারা); to kill, to destroy (দফা সারা); to ruin, to undo (জুয়ায় তাকে সারল); to mend, to repair (ঘড়ি সারা); to correct or rectify (দোষ সারা, ভুল সারা); to be corrected or rectified; to recover, to come round (রোগীটি সেরেছে); to cure, to heal (রোগ সারা); to be cured; to restore or improve (স্বাস্হ্য সারা); to be restored or improved. ☐ a. finished; mended, repaired; corrected.

সারা3 [ sārā3 ] a entire, whole, all. ̃ক্ষণ adv. throughout the whole period; all day long. ̃জীবন throughout the whole of one's life, all life. ̃দিন all day long, all day. সারা বছর all the year round. ̃বেলা throughout the whole of the period or time; throughout the whole of the fore noon or afternoon. ̃মাস throughout the whole of the month. ̃রাত all night long.

সারাংশ [ sārāṃśa ] n substance, essence; abstract; gist; duramen; pith.

সারানো [ sārānō ] v to mend or repair; to correct or rectify; to cure, to heal (রোগ সারানো); to restore or improve.

সারি1 [ sāri1 ] n a kind of boatsong.

সারি2 [ sāri2 ] n a row, a line; a range; a column; a series ̃বন্দি a. arranged in a row or line, aligned, alined; arrayed. সারি-সারি adv. in rows, in lines; serially.

সারূপ্য [ sārūpya ] n a form of final salvation con sisting in the attainment of God's per sonal grace in one's own person.

সারেং2 [ sārē2 ] n a boatswain, a serang.

সারেগামা [ sārēgāmā ] n (mus.) the first four notes of the gamut, namely, cdef; musical nota tion, elementary lessons of music; (fig.) elementary knowledge.

সারোদ্ধার [ sārōddhāra ] n extraction or elicitation of the true significance or inner meaning.

সার্কাস [ sārkāsa ] n a circus-show; circus. সার্কাস দেখানো v. to take (someone) along to the circus; to hold a circus-show. সার্কাস খেলোয়াড় n. a showman of a circus.

সার্জন [ sārjana ] n a surgeon.

সার্টিফিকেট [ sārṭiphikēṭa ] n a certificate. সার্টিফিকেট দেওয়া v. to give (one) a certificate, to certify.

সার্থ [ sārtha ] a moneyed, wealthy; significant, meaningful. ☐ n. a companion; a col lection; a flock, a herd; a company; merchants collectively; a company of merchants. সার্থক a. significant (esp. in arith.); successful; effective; useful; re alized, gratified. সার্থকজন্মা a. successful in life. সার্থকতা n. (rare) significance; success; fruition; effectiveness; utility, use; realization; gratification. সার্থকনামা a. one who has fully justified one's name (esp. by one's attainments and deeds); famous. ̃নিবন্ধক n. a registrar of firms. ̃বাহ n. a company of mer chants travelling together, a caravan of merchants; a merchant; a guide.

সার্ধ [ sārdha ] a one and a half of.

সার্ব [ sārba ] a relating to all, universal. ̃কালিক a. of all times; eternal; perpetual. ̃জনীন same as সর্বজনীন (see সর্ব). ̃জাতিক a. international; universal. ̃জাতিক ভ্রাতৃত্ব international brother hood. ̃জাতিকতা n. internationalism. ̃দেশিক same as সর্বদেশীয় (see সর্ব). ̃ভৌম n. an emperor; a sovereign ruler, a sovereign; a title awarded to some Sanskrit pundits. ☐ a. worldwide; uni versal; having worldwide fame; (loos.) supreme, sovereign. ̃রাষ্ট্রিক a. pertain ing to all states; international; univer sal. লৌকিক a. universal.

সাল2 [ sāla2 ] n an era; (pop.) hegira as current in Bengali, the Bengali era (comencing from 593 or 594 A.D.); a year.

সালগম [ sālagama ] n turnip.

সালংকার, সালঙ্কার [ sālaṅkāra, sālaṅkāra ] a (of a person) embel lished with ornaments, ornamented; (of language ornate. fem. সালংকারা, সালঙ্কারা ।

সালতামামি [ sālatāmāmi ] n year-closing; the annual re port or review; the annual accounts or balance-sheet.

সালন [ sālana ] n a very spicy and hot curry (usu.) of fish etc.

সালম-মিছরি [ sālama-michari ] n salep.

সালসা [ sālasā ] n an Ayurvedic (আয়ুর্বেদীয়) blood purifying tonic (cp. sarsa); (loos.) an elixir.

সালিয়ানা [ sāliẏānā ] n an annual grant or stipend or fee or rent. ☐ a. annual, yearly. ☐ adv. annually.

সালিশ [ sāliśa ] n an arbitrator (fem. an arbitratrix), an arbiter (fem. an arbitress); arbitration. সালিশের রায় ar bitrament, arbitrement. সালিশি n. arbi tration. ☐ a. arbitral; under arbitration.

সালোক্য [ sālōkya ] n a form of salvation that en ables one to live with God in the same abode.

সালোয়ার [ sālōẏāra ] n a pyjama-like garment usu. worn by women.

সার্শি, সাশি [ sārśi, sāśi ] n a sash.

সাশ্রয় [ sāśraẏa ] n a cut in expenditure, a saving.

সাশ্রু [ sāśru ] a with tears, tearful, full of tears. ̃নয়নে adv. with tearful eyes.

সাষ্টাঙ্গ [ sāṣṭāṅga ] a performed by touching the ground with one's eight limbs, namely, thighs, feet, hands, chest, head, eyes, sight and speech or tongue; lying at full length with the face to the ground. সাষ্টাঙ্গে adv. touching the ground with one's eight limbs; lying at full length with one's face to the ground.

সাহংকার [ sāhaṅkāra ] a full of pride or vanity; proud; conceited. সাহংকারে adv. proudly; con ceitedly.

সাহচর্য [ sāhacarya ] n companionship; company; co operation, help.

সাহজিক [ sāhajika ] a natural; instinctive.

সাহস [ sāhasa ] n intrepidity; courage, bravery, boldness; daring; audacity. সাহস করা v. to dare, to venture; to make bold, to take or summon up courage. সাহসিক a. requiring or having courage, coura geous, bold; daring; audacious. সাহসিকতা n. courage; courageousness; boldness; daring. সাহসী a. having cour age, intrepid; courageous, brave, bold; daring. সাহসী হওয়া v. to be brave or courageous; to dare, to venture; to be audacious. fem. সাহসিনী ।

সাহায্য [ sāhāyya ] n help, aid; assistance; support; backing, patronization; (dero.) abet ment or collaboration; a gratuitous gift or donation. সাহায্য করা v. to help, to aid; to assist; to support; to back; to patronize; (dero.) to abet or collabo rate; to give or donate gratuitously. ̃কারক, ̃কারী a. helping, assisting; supporting; patronizing; helpful, con ducive; (dero.) abetting or collaborat ing; ☐ n. a helper, an aider; an assis tant; a supporter; a patron; (dero.) an abettor or collaborator. fem. ̃কারিণী । সাহায্যদান করা same as সাহায্য করা । ̃প্রাপ্ত a. in receipt of help or aid or assistance or support; aided. ̃প্রাপ্ত বিদ্যালয় a school in receipt of a grant-in-aid, an aided school. ̃প্রার্থী a & n. one who seeks help. fem. ˜প্রাথির্নী । সাহায্যার্থ, সাহায্যার্থে adv. in aid of; for help.

সাহিত্য [ sāhitya ] n literature; a book (ধর্মসাহিত্য); composition, writing (প্রচারসাহিত্য). ̃কলা n. the art of literary composition. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. field of literature. ̃চর্চা n. liter ary pursuit or discussion. সাহিত্যচর্চা করা v. to compose or study or cultivate lit erature. ̃জগত্ n. the literary world, the world of letters. ̃বৃত্তি, ̃ব্যবসায় n. the literary profession. ̃ব্যবসায়ী n. same as সাহিত্যিক (n.). ̃ভান্ডার n. the store or repertory of literature. ̃রথী n. an emi nent litterateur or writer. ̃শিল্প same as ̃কলা । ̃সভা n. a literary society or gathering; the literary world. ̃সমাজ n. the literary world, litterateurs collec tively. ̃সমালোচক n. a critic of litera ture; a literary critic. ̃সমালোচনা n. lit erary criticism. সহিত্যসেবা করা v. to pur sue or compose or study or cultivate literature devotedly. ̃সেবী a. devoted to literature; devotedly pursuing or composing or studying or cultivating literature. ☐ n. a devotee of literature; a litterateur, a writer, an author. সাহিত্যাকাশ same as ̃জগত্ । সাহিত্যাচার্য n. one profoundly versed in literature; a connoisseur or a great teacher of litera ture; a great author or litterateur. সাহিত্যানুশীলন same as ̃চর্চা । সাহিত্যালোচনা n. literary discussion. সাহিত্যালোচনা করা v. to discuss literature. সাহিত্যিক a. liter ary (সাহিত্যিক বৈঠক); pursuing literature (সাহিত্যিক লোক). ☐ n. a litterateur, a man of letters, a writer, an author (fem. an authoress).

সাহেব [ sāhēba ] n an appellation affixed to names of gentlemen, (cp.) Mr. (বাবুসাহেব, মৌলবিসাহেব); a proprietor or master or chief or boss (আপিসের বড়সাহেব); an Englishman or a European; one pre tending to be an Englishman or Euro pean, a sham Englishman or European. কালা সাহেব (sarcas.) a dark-complex ioned man adopting or assuming the dress and the style of living of an En glishman or European, a sham En glishman or European; an Anglo-Indian. সাহেব সাজা v. to adopt or assume the English or European dress and style of living (as by a non-English or non-European person). সাহেব পাড়া n. an English or European quarter in a town or village. সাহেব-মেম n. an Englishman and an Englishwoman; a European and a European woman; an English or Eu ropean couple. সাহেবি n. the English or European dress or style of living as adopted by foreigners; Englishness or Europeanism (also সাহেবিয়ানা). ☐ a. like the English or Europeans; (rare) En glish or European.

সিংহ [ siṃha ] n the lion; (astrol.) the Leo; (in comp.) the best or the most coura geous specimen (পুরুষসিংহ). ̃কেশর n. lion's mane. ̃তুল্য a. lionlike, leonine. ̃দ্বার n. a gate, esp. a main gate, adorned with a figure of a lion; main gate. ̃নাদ n. lion's roar; war cry. সিংহনাদ করা v. to yell out a war cry. ̃পুরুষ n. a lion of a man; an exception ally powerful and valiant man; a lionheart. ̃বিক্রম n. prowess like that of a lion; great prowess. ̃বিবর n. the den of a lion; ̃রাশি n. (astrol.) the Leo. ̃শাবক, ̃শিশু n. a lion-cub, a lion's whelp, a lionet.

সিংহল [ siṃhala ] n Ceylon, (at present) Sri Lanka. সিংহলি a. Ceylonese. ☐ n. a Ceylonese; the language of Ceylon, Ceylonese.