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সেঁধানো [ sēn̐dhānō ] v to enter, to go into; to cause to enter; to drive into.

সেক [ sēka ] n fomentation. সেক দেওয়া v, to fo ment.

সেকা [ sēkā ] v to warm slowly in heat (আগুনে হাত সেকা); to bake (রুটি সেকা). ☐ a. baked.

সেকাল [ sēkāla ] n ancient times, the days of yore; past or bygone days, the past. সেকাল ও একাল the past and the present.

সেকেন্ড, সেকেনড [ sēkēnḍa, sēkēnaḍa ] n a second (= ⅙ minute). ☐ a. second. সেকেন্ড হওয়া v. to stand second. এক সেকেন্ডে in a second; in a trice.

সেকেন্দর, সেকেন্দার [ sēkēndara, sēkēndāra ] n Alexander the Con queror. সেকেন্দারি, সেকেন্দারি a. of king Secunder Sha. সেকেন্দারি গজ a lineal measure in which 1 yard is equal to 38 inches.

সেকেলে [ sēkēlē ] a of ancient times; of the past; ancient; old; antiquated; old-fashioned; out of date; backdated. সেকেলে লোক বা বস্তু a back number.

সেখান [ sēkhāna ] n that place. সেখান থেকে from that place, from there. ̃কার a. of that place. সেখানে adv. at or in or to that place, there.

সেগুন [ sēguna ] n the teak; teak-wood.

সেচ, সেচন [ sēca, sēcana ] n spraying or sprinkling or watering or baling; irrigation. সেচন করা v. same as সেচা (v.). সেচকর n. irrigation tax or cess. সেচন-কৃত্যক n. the Irrigation Service. সেচনযন্ত্র n. a sprinkling appara tus, a spray. সেচনী n. a spray, a sprin kling apparatus; a watering can; a bail ing bucket or vessel, a bail, a bale. সেচবিভাগ n. the Irrigation Department. সেচমন্ত্রক n. the Ministry of Irrigation. সেচমন্ত্রী n. the Minister of Irrigation.

সেচা [ sēcā ] v to spray or sprinkle; to water; to bail or bale out; to bail out water (partly or completely); to lift a small quantity from the bottom (সেচে তোলা); to dredge.

সেজ1 [ sēja1 ] n a bed.

সেজ2, সেজো [ sēja2, sējō ] a third in order of birth, third-born (সেজো ভাই); third in order of seniority (সেজো সাহেব, সেজদা).

সেট1 [ sēṭa1 ] n a set (এক সেট বই); asuit (এক সেটপোশাক বা গয়না).

সেট2 [ sēṭa2 ] a fixed in position or in required condition, set. সেট করা v. to set (বিভিন্ন অংশ সেট করা); to put something into proper position (হাত সেট করা).

সেতখানা [ sētakhānā ] n a latrine, a lavatory.

সেতার [ sētāra ] n a three-stringed (sometimes five-stringed with three additional strings in larger instruments) musical instrument. ̃বাদক, সেতারি n. one who plays the aforesaid musical instrument.

সেতু [ sētu ] n a bridge; a culvert; a causeway; a dam. সেতু বাঁধা v. to build a bridge (over); to bridge, to span. ̃বন্ধ n. a ridge of rocks extending from the southern extremity of India towards Sri Lanka, Adam's Bridge. ̃মুখ n. a bridgehead.

সেথো [ sēthō ] n a traveller's professional com panion and guide. ̃গিরি n. act of ac companying or guiding a traveller pro fessionally.

সেনা [ sēnā ] n an army, armed forces; a troop of soldiers; a soldier. পশ্চাদ্বর্তী সেনা the rear party of an army, the second echelon. পুরোবর্তী সেনা the advance party of an army, the vanguard; the advance guard. সেনাধিকারিক n. an army officer, a military officer. ̃ধ্যক্ষ, ̃নায়ক n. an army com mander, a general; the commander of a troop. ̃নিবাস n. army quarters, bar racks; a cantonment; (loos.) a garrison. সেনানিবেশ করা v. to array or station sol diers esp. for a battle. ̃নী n. an army commander, a general; (pop.) the army; the soldiers. ̃পতি n. the commander in-chief, an army commander, a gen eral; the commander of a troop. প্রধান সেনাপতি the commander-in-chief. ̃পতিত্ব n. office of the commander-in-chief; generalship; command. ̃পতিত্বে adv. un der one's command. ̃বাস same as সেনানিবাস । ̃ভঙ্গ n. a stampede, a de bacle; defeat or retreat of an army. ̃শিবির n. an army encampment; a can tonment.

সেপটেমবর, সেপ্টেম্বর [ sēpaṭēmabara, sēpṭēmbara ] n September.

সেবক [ sēbaka ] a serving, waiting upon; nursing; worshipping, following. ☐ n. a servant, an attendant; a waiter (fem. waitress); a sick-nurse, a nurse; a worshipper, a vo tary; a follower. ̃সমিতি n. organization of social workers. সেবকাধম n. the hum blest of servants.

সেবন [ sēbana ] n eating or drinking or smoking (ঔষধসেবন, মদ্যসেবন, গঞ্জিকাসেবন); act of having or enjoying (বায়ুসেবন); wor ship, serving, waiting upon; nursing; সেবন করা v. to eat or drink or smoke, to have or enjoy, to take. সেবনীয় a. same as সেব্য ।

সেবা [ sēbā ] n serving, waiting upon; nursing; worship; eating or drinking or smoking or enjoying; (dial.) obeisance, saluta tion. ☐ v. poet. form of সেবা করা । সেবা করা v. to serve, to wait upon; to nurse; to worship; to eat or drink or smoke or have or enjoy; to take. ̃ইত n. a priest and beneficiary of a temple or a reli gious institution; a worshipper, a vo tary. ̃দাসী n. fem. a maiden dedicated to the service of a temple or a deity, (cp.) a nun; a woman who (usu. under a vow) serves an ascetic or a Vaishnava devotee or the head of a religious insti tution; (sarcas.) a concubine. ̃ধর্ম n. social service looked upon as a reli gion, the sacred task of serving others. ̃য়ত, ̃য়েত variants of সেবাইত ।

সেবিকা [ sēbikā ] fem of সেবক ।

সেবিত [ sēbita ] a served, waited upon; nursed; worshipped; eaten or drunk or smoked or enjoyed.

সেবী [ sēbī ] a (used as a sfx.) one who serves or waits upon or nurses or worships; one who eats or drinks or smokes, addicted or habituated to; one who enjoys.

সেব্য [ sēbya ] a to be eaten or drunk or smoked or enjoyed; worthy of being wor shipped or served or nursed.

সেমই [ sēmi ] n vermicelli.

সেমত, সেমতি । [ sēmata, sēmati . ] adv. & a (poet.) like that.

সেয়ান, সেয়ানা [ sēẏāna, sēẏānā ] a sly, shrewd; clever; feigning; of age, adult (মেয়ে সেয়ানা হয়েছে). সেয়ানা পাগল one feigning mad ness; one who has a method in one's madness. সেয়ানে সেয়ানে কোলাকুলি (fig.) diamond cuts diamond.

সের [ sēra ] n an obsolete Indian measure of weight (¼ মন), a seer. ̃কিয়া n. the table of counting by seers. ̃কে adv. in each seer; for each seer.

সেরকশ [ sērakaśa ] a obstinate, refractory.

সেরা1 [ sērā1 ] a best; excellent.

সেরা2, সেরি [ sērā2, sēri ] a (used as suffixes) weigh ing and holding or consuming a spe cific number of seers (সের).

সেরূপ [ sērūpa ] a of that form or kind. সেরূপে adv. in that manner or way.

সেরেফ [ sērēpha ] a & adv only; alone; mere or merely.

সেরেস্তা [ sērēstā ] n an office; a record-office. ̃দার n. an office superintendent; a headclerk, a chief clerk; a record keeper.

সেলাই [ sēlāi ] n sewing; seaming; a stitch or seam. সেলাই করা v. to sew; to seam; to stitch. ̃কল n. a sewing machine. সেলাই খোলা v. to unsew, to unstitch; to get unsewn. সেলাইয়ের ফোঁড় a stitch.

সেলাখানা [ sēlākhānā ] a an armoury, an arsenal.

সেলাম [ sēlāma ] n salutation, obeisance, a salute. সেলাম করা v. to salute, to make an obei sance; (iron.) to shun by showing feigned reverential awe. সেলাম আলায়কুম, সেলাম আলেকুম int. (Mus.) I salute you. সেলামি n. an irregular fee or present given to an owner, landlord, employer, boss etc. as a mark of obei sance (জমিদারের সেলামি); an illegal ex tra payment made to obtain something (বাড়িভাড়ার সেলামি).

সেলুন [ sēluna ] n a barber's shop, a hair dresser's shop; a luxurious railway carriage or motor car used by dignitaries.