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হ [ h ] n the thirty-third and last consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

হইচই [ hici ] n a very loud uproar; fuss. হইচই করা v. to raise an uproar; to fuss nois ily. হইচই করে বেড়ানো v. to gallivant, to gad about (noisily and cheerfully).

হওয়া [ hōẏā ] n being; happening, occurrence; birth; growth; production; collection, formation; accomplishment; perfor mance; procurement; rendering; be coming; setting in; sufficing; the state of being in particular relation with; act of becoming one's own or one's prop erty; fitting. ☐ v. to be; to come into ex istence, to be created; to happen, to oc cur, to take place (যুদ্ধ হওয়া); to be born; to grow (ধান হওয়া); to be pro duced or manufactured; to gather or collect; to form; to be earned or gained; to be acquired (তার টাকা হয়েছে = he has made money); to advance (বেলা হওয়া); to increase, to grow, to add to; to be finished or accomplished or performed; to be procured or obtained; to be ren dered or turned into, to be reduced to; to become (রাজা হওয়া); to arrive (সময় হওয়া); to set in (সন্ধ্যা হওয়া); to extend over, to cover (দুদিন হল সে গেছে = it is two days since he went); to be seized or attacked with (ভয় বা জ্বর হওয়া); to fall বৃষ্টি হওয়া; to be sufficient or ad equate for, to suffice (এ টাকাতেই হবে); to bear a particular relation to (সে আমার কুটুম হয় = he is my relation); to become one's own or one's property (জমিটা তার হল); to fit (জামাটা গায়ে হবে না); to be likely to happen (তা হবে = it may be so, it may happen so). ☐ a. completed, fin ished; done; performed (হওয়া কাজ). হয়ে আসা v. to drop in temporarily (আসার পথে বাজারটা হয়ে এসো); to be about to terminate or end, to come near the close; to be in the last gasp, to be dying (তার হয়ে এসেছে).

হংস [ haṃsa ] n the drake; the gander, the swan; a greedless ascetic. ̃গমনা ̃গামিনী a. fem. walking (gracefully or with a slight waddle) like a duck. ̃ডিম্ব n. a duck's egg; (facet.) a cipher, a zero, a mere nothing. ̃ধ্বনি1, ̃নাদ n. cack ling. ̃ধ্বনি2 n. an Indian musical mode. ̃বাহন, ̃রথ n. one who rides a duck; Brahma (ব্রহ্ম). n. fem. ̃বাহনা, ̃বাহিনী a female riding a duck; God dess Saraswati (সরস্বতী). ̃শাবক n. a duckling. হংসারূঢ় a. seated on a goose or swan. হংসী n. fem. the duck; the goose.

হক [ haka ] a rightful, just, right. ☐ n. rightful claim or title, right (হক আদায় করা, হকের ধন); just or right words (হক বলা).

হকচকানো [ hakacakānō ] v to be nonplussed, to be taken aback; to be astounded or flabber gasted.

হকদার [ hakadāra ] n one having a rightful claim or title, a rightful claimant.

হকার [ hakāra ] n a huckster, a pedlar; (loos.) a hawker. খবরের কাগজের হকার a news man; a newsboy. হকারি n. huckstery, pedlary.

হকি [ haki ] n hockey.

হকিকত [ hakikata ] n (law) descriptive statement.

হকিম [ hakima ] n a physician practising the Is lamic system of medicine; a hakim. হকিমি a. of a hakim. ☐ n. practice of Muslim system of medicine.

হকিয়ত [ hakiẏata ] n proprietorship; right; claim; a title-suit.

হজ [ haja ] n Mohammedan pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, hadj, hajj. হজ করা v. to go on hadj.

হজম [ hajama ] n digestion; (iron.) misappropria tion or appropriation to oneself by cun ning (চাঁদার টাকা হজম); (idiom.) act of enduring tamely, pocketing, swallow ing (অপমান হজম). হজম করা v. to digest; (iron.) to misappropriate or to appro priate to oneself by cunning; (idiom.) to endure tamely, to take something ly ing down. হজমি a. digestive (হজমি গুলি = digestive pill).

হজযাত্রী [ hajayātrī ] n a Muslim pilgrim to Mecca and Medina.

হজরত [ hajarata ] n (Mus.) a lord, a master, a vener able or honourable person. হজরত মোহম্মদ the Prophet, the founder of Is lam.

হট, হট্ [ haṭa, haṭ ] int indicating: suddenness, quickness, rashness etc. হট করে adv. hastily; suddenly; impetuously; abruptly.

হটা [ haṭā ] v to move backwards or aside; to re treat; to evade an obligation or under taking, to back out; to withdraw; to be defeated. হটানো v. to cause to move backwards or aside; to repel; to cause to retreat or back out or withdraw; to defeat.

হট্ট [ haṭṭa ] n a market. ̃গোল n. a confused up roar, a hullabaloo; rumpus; din. ̃বিলাসিনী n. a prostitute. ̃মন্দির n. (facet.) a hutted structure in a market used as a shop.

হঠ [ haṭha ] n application of force, violation; re treat, withdrawal; defeat; indiscretion, imprudence; rashness.

হঠকারী [ haṭhakārī ] a rash, foolhardy, impetuous; in discreet; obstinate. fem. হঠকারিণী । হঠকারিতা n. rashness; foolhardiness; impetuosity; indiscretion, obstinacy.

হঠযোগ [ haṭhayōga ] n a form of yogic practice or breath control by yogic means or pre scribed poses.

হঠাত্ [ haṭhāt ] adv suddenly, all on a sudden, all of a sudden. হঠাত্ নবাব an upstart; (cp.) nouveau riche.

হড়কানো [ haḍ়kānō ] v to get out of position acciden tally; to lose one's footing; to slip; to glide; to slide. হড়কানি n. slipping or gliding or sliding.

হড়বড় [ haḍ়baḍ় ] int indicating: great rapidity in talking, moving, doing etc. হড়বড়ানো v. to hurry overmuch in talking, walking, doing etc.; to fuss and hurry. হড়বড়ে a. & adv. over-hasty; fussy and hasty.

হড়হড় [ haḍ়haḍ় ] int indicating: slipperiness; ra pidity; rattling noise; rumbling noise (পেট হড়হড় করা). হড়হড় করা v. to be slippery (to the touch). হড়হড়ে a. slip pery.

হণ্ডা, হণ্ডিকা, হণ্ডী [ haṇḍā, haṇḍikā, haṇḍī ] n (now rare) an urn.

হত [ hata ] a killed, slain; ruined, destroyed, spoiled, pulled down, impaired; lost, bereft of; frustrated, foiled; bad, wretched. ̃কুচ্ছিত a. (coll.) very ugly or uncouth; very mean or vile; very inde cent. ̃গৌরব a. deprived of glory, shorn of glory; past all glory. ̃চেতন, ̃চৈতন্য, ̃জ্ঞান a. deprived of consciousness, un conscious; stupefied, utterly perplexed or confounded, flabbergasted. ̃চ্ছাড়া a. graceless; wretched; reckless and dissi pated. হতচ্ছাড়া লোক a scapegrace; a wretch; a reckless and dissipated per son; a rascal, a rogue, a scoundrel, a loafer. ̃প্রায় a. almost or nearly killed. ̃বাক a. speechless owing to amaze ment; dumb; dumbfounded. ̃বীর্য a. having lost one's vigour, rendered vigourless; weakened. ̃বুদ্ধি, ̃ভম্ব a. stupefied, nonplussed, utterly per plexed or confounded, flabbergasted. ̃ভাগা, ̃ভাগ্য a. unfortunate, illfated; wretched, miserable. fem. ̃ভাগিনী, ̃ভাগী। ̃মান a. dishonoured; humbled; humiliated; slighted; disgraced. ̃শ্রদ্ধ a. having lost one's reverence for or faith in; disgusted, browned off. ̃শ্রদ্ধা n. ir reverence; apathy; disregard; neglect; slight; disdain, despise. ̃শ্রী a. deprived or shorn of one's grace or beauty or prosperity or glory.

হতাদর [ hatādara ] a not received with cordiality or warmth; neglected; slighted. ☐ n. lack of cordial or warm reception; neglect; slight.

হতাশ [ hatāśa ] a disappointed, crestfallen; de jected, down in the mouth, despondent. হতাশ করা v. to disappoint; to deject. হতাশা n. disappointment; dejection, de spondence, despondency.

হতাশ্বাস [ hatāśbāsa ] a having lost one's reliance (on) or faith (in); bereft of hope, hopeless, dejected, crestfallen, despondent.