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of Rig Veda

yajiṣṭha, most strong for sacrifice

The epithet of Agni, expressing that without Agni conveying our offering from Earth to Heaven, without the participation of the divine Will-Knowledge in human activity, this activity will not be able to pass beyond ordinary human scope. This is a very important concept, since the mechanistic performance of ritual, rite, etc., is not a condition for spiritual achievement. Nevertheless religious prescriptions or views and even our most usual movements too often are based on such mechanistic action of man and of God; but as Sri Aurobindo wrote, the Deity is not a machine, into the slot of which it is enough to put the coin-prayer, and the god-machine must begin to work. It is needed a living mutual connection, created on the part of a man by his intimate, sincere, innermost movements, leading to the spontaneous and complete self-surrender of the whole being to God, which is a true offering.

in Russian
