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Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo

The Complete Set

I am surprised and sad to hear that you can still be affected by these physical ailments!

What I am surprised at is that I have any eye left at all after the last two or three years of half-day and all night work. The difficulty for resting is that the sadhaks have begun pouring paper again without waiting for the withdrawal of the notice – not all of course, but many. And there is a stack of outside correspondence still unanswered! I am persuading my eye, but it is still red and sulky and reproachful. Revolted, what? Thinks too much is imposed on it and no attention paid to its needs, desires, preferences etc. Will have to reason with it for a day or two longer.

How I wish, as a medical man, I mean, I could enforce absolute rest1 to the eyes and issue a bulletin.

It does not exist in this world – not even in the Himalayas – except of course for the inner being which can always be in absolute rest.



1 Underlining “absolute rest”











1935 03 09 Exact Writting Letter Nirodbaran