Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo
The Complete Set
B.P. has trouble now affecting eyes, ears, throat and skin. Blood-test showed syphilis. He needs a very energetic treatment for about 6 months, though usual course is of 2 years, and isolation. A safe solution would be to ask him to go back home...
Can you speak to G, B's brother, and explain to him the situation from the medical and hygienic point of view – conditions,
viz. necessity of isolation, 2 years course or minimum 6 months, danger to sadhaks of his coming to Pranam, so that he will have to stop the Pranam, etc., etc.? We shall have to decide after communicating with G, but I would prefer if all that can be told to him (with medical authority) rather than have to write at length.
About sacrifice and the rest, I keep silent tonight, since a cyclone is feared.
I am ready for it, but it has not arrived up till now – 1 a.m.
I am trying hard to understand your Life Divine, like a dog at his bone. But at places I am at sea. Shall I take X's or Y's help? Who is better?
I know nothing of X's capacity for explaining philosophy – Y? well, he has translated it like everything else. Z would be the best man, but he is probably too busy and too lazy.
N.B. Very secret, these obiter dicta.