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Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo

The Complete Set

By the way, what are R's stakes regarding B.P.? I knew he must have gone at us, allopaths. But how does he view it?

His views are rather ominous and menacing.

He has grumbled about the mercury (and bismuth?) and says he has to antidote the former. He wants to diagnose everything as the result of hereditary results of gonorrhea (his pet disease,) not syphilis contracted personally, alleging all sorts of reasons such as B.P.'s confirmed aneurism etc. However it is the cure that is important, not the diagnosis. He is not positive about success as he was in all his other (outside) cases; wants to have B.P. in the next room to him under night and day observation etc – thinks that if certain things happen he may pop off at any moment, so wants to be prepared for all emergencies.


1936 05 13 Exact Writting Letter Nirodbaran