Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo
Second Series
1. Spirituality
The Ashram and its Yoga
V. Departures from the Ashram 2-9-1935
The departure of a person with extraordinary powers is serious.
Pooh! a sincere heart is worth all the extraordinary powers in the world.
And what a pathetic and tragic end for him? All the world will laugh at him and won't you share in the laughter? What is your attitude from the Supramental? Won't you care?
And why a tragic or pathetic end! He is as merry as a grig and as sure of himself as a god. He says he has only one step to make and he is going to make it no matter whatever happens or who does what.
Do you think I care? What a very human mind you have! But why want me to share in it? What is in the minds of the sadhaks matters because that is part of my work, but what you call all the world (meaning the small part of it interested in Y outside) can laugh or not – what difference does it make? My bringing down of the Supramental does not depend on the 1 or
2 dealt out from there. And is care for these things part of the ordinary spiritual consciousness even and if I am to be inferior in these matters to a spiritual man, for instance X, how am I to be not only Supramental and superman but supramentalise others? Have you never thought of these things and will you and the others live always in the ordinary mundane social consciousness and feelings and ideas and judge me and my work from that sorry standpoint?
1 praise and blame
2 honour and dishonour