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Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo

Second Series

1. Spirituality

Problems of Harmonisation

Lucky man! Ample time, sir, ample time, both to realise the Brahman and to write another Iliad – or Nirodiad.

Good Lord! What can one write in 1 or 1.5 hours? If I could only get that time for immortal productions every day! Why in another three years Savitri and Ilion and I don't know how much more would be all rewritten, finished, resplendently complete.

Well, but what I mean is to stop this profitless debate in your stomach and do what you have to do. When you are moved to concentrate, concentrate – when you are moved to cosmicise chaos, cosmicise away. And don't waste time in remorses for having done either. Remorse is a damned useless affair, very depressing, defertilising etc. Even if you murder somebody or, what is worse,  write lines which amount to a murder of the Muse, remorse is out of place. In the first case, the useful thing to do is to bury the corpse and in the second to seek the capacious arms of the W.P.B. for your misdeed or try to cover it up by doing better.


1935 12 06 Exact Writting Letter Nitrodbaran