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Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo

Second Series

2. Art and Literature

Poetic Inspiration and Yoga

I am satisfied with the answers exposing the symptoms and providing the diagnosis. Now the prognosis and treatment?

That is more difficult. Panacea there is, but only one, which you have indicated in your today's poem. You described very admirably the attitude of perfect nirbhar which is the great secret of the most perfect kind of sadhana.

Nirbhar means reliance on the Divine whatever the condition or the difficulties. Nirbhar when all is going well, does not mean much. It is a pose one has to take and you can grow into it.

For the rest there are several formulas which are not panaceas. The first is to get into touch with your central being and get it into action. That central may be the psychic, it may be the Self above with the mental Purusha as its delegate. Either of these once in action does the harmonising etc.

The second way is to act with your mental will on these things, not letting yourself to drift and not getting upset by difficulties and checks, calling on the Mother's  force to assist and finally use your will. There are others, but I stop here.


1936 08 09 Exact Writting Letter Nitrodbaran