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Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo

Second Series

2. Art and Literature

Poetic Inspiration and Yoga

What the deuce are you complaining about? You are writing very beautiful poetry with apparent ease and one a day of this kind is a feat. If the apparent ease covers a lot of labour, that is the lot of the poet and  artist except when he is a damned phenomenon of fluency. “It is the highest art to conceal art”. “The long and conscientious labour of the artist giving in the result an appearance of divine and perfect ease” – console yourself with these titbits. As for repetitions, they are almost inevitable when you are writing a poem a day. You are gaining command of your medium and that is the main thing. An inexhaustible original fecundity is a thing you have to wait for – when you are more spiritually experienced and mature.


1938 09 07 Exact Writting Letter Nitrodbaran