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Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo

Second Series

3. Matters Medical

Cases of Poisoning (I)

It would be better if he stopped taking these seeds. Who knows if it may not produce cumulative poisoning later. I learn that he has already done some Hatha Yoga.

He must not stop suddenly, otherwise all the symptoms of poisoning are likely to come up. If he stops, it must be very gradually, decreasing little by little.

He started with 5-7 seeds a day. The number rapidly rose to 26-30 divided among three meals. It is amazing he had no bad symptoms except a slight oily sensation in the throat at first. Immunity? Tolerance by the system? Or another Khagananda in the Ashram?

He must have immunised himself – a modern Mithridates! Of course the yogis do this kind of thing and it is perfectly possible. But I did not realise that V was one of the great ones. He has however in these matters the faith and audacity that moves mountains. Also his intestines must be very leathery and tough.

Who is Khagananda? There was the public poison-nails-snakes eater who died because once he forgot to do the antidotic kriyā after his poison meal. But that was, I think, another Ananda.


1935 05 26 Exact Writting Letter Nitrodbaran