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Talks with Sri Aurobindo

Volume 1

10 December 1938 – 14 January 1941

15 February 1940

Nirodbaran: Sotuda has brought the news that Nishikanto’s book is selling now.

Purani: It is still too soon to expect any sales. No reviews have come out yet, though reviews don’t influence the sale.

Sri Aurobindo: In England they do. Plenty of people read the reviews. Any book recommended by the Book Club has a good sale.


Purani: Jinnah is getting impossible. He says that India is one country but with two nations in it – Hindu and Muslim.

Sri Aurobindo: Two heads on one body? Why two only? As the Hindu points out, there are other minorities that can also claim to be separate nations – five or six heads!

Purani: Vallabhbhai Patel says that the British Government is keeping up the division by playing one party against the other.

Sri Aurobindo: What else does he expect? So long as there are different parties, the Government will act like that. If they don’t do so but simply leave India, the Russians may come in and do the same thing.