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Sri Aurobindo
The Mother

to Prithwi Singh

Correspondence (1933-1967)

27 November 1935

Sri Aurobindo

Prithwi Singh1

It must have been the descent of the higher silence, the silence of the self or Atman. In this silence one perceives, but the mind is not active, — things are sensed, but without any responsive connection or vibration. The silent self is there as a separate reality, not bound or involved in the activities of Nature, aloof, detached and self-existent. Even if thoughts come across this silence, they do not disturb it; the self is separate from the thinking mind also. In this condition the feeling “I think” is a survival from the old consciousness — in the full silence what one feels is that “thought occurs in me” — the identification with thought as well as with the perception of objects ceases.

Sri Aurobindo
27 November 1935


1 This letter was published at Vol.24 (No 2629) of SABCL
