Sri Aurobindo
The Mother
to Prithwi Singh
Correspondence (1933-1967)
1 December 1935
Sri Aurobindo
Prithwi Singh
The descent of the Silence is not usually associated with sadness, though it does bring a feeling of calm detachment, unconcern and wide emptiness, but in this emptiness there is a sense of ease, freedom, peace. The absorption as if something were drawing deep from within is evidently the pull of the inmost being, the psychic. There is a psychic sadness often when this inmost soul opens and feels how far the nature and the world are from what they should be, but this is a sweet and quiet sorrow, not distressing. It must be something in the mind and vital which is not yet awake to what has happened within you and gives this colour of dissatisfied and distressed seeking.
You have certainly made a great progress since you came and there is no reason to fear any setback of the sadhana.
I don't think you need attach any value to what Dilip professes to think about the supramental. The descent of the supramental is an inevitable necessity in the logic of things and is therefore sure. It is because people do not understand what the Supermind is or realise the significance of the emergence of consciousness in a world of “inconscient” Matter that they are unable to realise this inevitability. I suppose a matter-of-fact observer if there had been one at the time of the unrelieved reign of inanimate Matter in the earth's beginning would have criticised any promise of the emergence of life in a world of dead earth and rock and mineral as an absurdity and a chimera; so too afterwards he would have repeated his mistake and regarded the emergence of thought and reason in an animal world as an absurdity and a chimera. It is the same now with the appearance of Supermind in the stumbling mentality of this world of human consciousness and its reasoning ignorance. I do not know that the descent depends on the readiness of the sadhaks of this Asram, It is likely that these things are determined from above rather than from below. That the descent is preparing and progressing is a fact; it is that which you feel and are justified in
Sri Aurobindo
1 December 1935
1 As an illustration of the manner in which Sri Aurobindo's letters were censored in the Centenary Edition of Sri Aurobindo's works, let us note that in it, these last three sentences were omitted (Vol. 22, No 6, 6A, p. 8). Also this letter was joined together with a fragment from a letter of 18.10.1934.