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Sri Aurobindo

Writings in Bengali

Translated into English

Patrawaly: Letters to N. and S

4. Experience, Direct Perception and Realisation


What you have seen is perfectly true. There is a centre of consciousness in the throat, and that is the centre of the externalising mind or the physical mental; that is to say, the mind that has the experience of speech, the mind that sees everything of the physical and is busy with it. The lower part of the head and the mouth are in its possession. If this mind is connected with the higher or inner consciousness and expresses them, then it is good. But it has a more intimate connection with Muladhar which is the centre of the lower vital and physical consciousness. That is why it happens so. It is very necessary to control that mind and speech so that it can be accustomed to express the inner and the higher consciousness and not the inert and the lower consciousness.