from Sanskrit and Other Languages
II. From Bengali
Wherever her twin fair feet found room
There the flowers of the water bloom;
Wherever her golden body shone,
There have the waves of lightning gone.
Wonderful beauty, golden-sweet,
How in my heart hast thou set thy feet!
Wherever her eyes have opened bright,
The bloom of the lotus burns its light;
Wherever her musical laugh has flown
Need of the nectar is not known;
Wherever her shy curved glances rove,
There are ten thousand arrows of love;
Eyes, for a little your orbs did see!
In the three worlds now there is none but she.
To heal1 my heart of its piteous pain?
Soon, O lover, soon will she rest
Drawn by thy passion on thy breast.2
1 ease
2 O! on my bosom once to hold
Her boundless beauty and manifold.