From a Vedic Hymn
इन्द्र॒ सोमं॒ पिब॑ ऋ॒तुना त्वा॑ विश॒न्त्विन्द॑वः ।
म॒त्स॒रास॒स्तदो॑कसः ॥
indra somam piba ṛtunā ā tvā viśantu indavaḥ
matsarāsaḥ tat-okasaḥ
O Indra, drink according to the law of truth the Soma-wine; let the nectar-sweetnesses enter into thee, rapturous, that have there their home.
मरु॑त॒: पिब॑त ऋ॒तुना॑ पो॒त्राद्य॒ज्ञं पु॑नीतन ।
यू॒यं हि ष्ठा सु॑दानवः ॥
marutaḥ pibata ṛtunā potrāt yajñam pūnītana
yūyam hi stha su-dānavaḥ
O Maruts, drink according to the truth, purify the Yajna by the process of purification for ye are steadfast and very bold.
अ॒भि य॒ज्ञं गृ॑णीहि नो॒ ग्नावो॒ नेष्ट॒: पिब॑ ऋ॒तुना॑ ।
त्वं हि र॑त्न॒धा असि॑ ॥
abhi yajñam gṛṇīhi naḥ grāvaḥ neṣṭariti piba ṛtunā
tvam hi ratna-dhā asi
About the Yajna utter for us thy cry, active and exhilarated drink thou by the truth for thou art the disposer of delight.
अग्ने॑ दे॒वाँ इ॒हा व॑ह सा॒दया॒ योनि॑षु त्रि॒षु ।
परि॑ भूष॒ पिब॑ ऋ॒तुना॑ ॥
agne devān iha ā vaha sādaya yoniṣu triṣu
pari bhūṣa piba ṛtunā
O Agni, bring hither the gods, make them to sit in the three wombs, surround all and drink by the truth.
ब्राह्म॑णादिन्द्र॒ राध॑स॒: पिबा॒ सोम॑मृ॒तूँरनु॑ ।
तवेद्धि स॒ख्यमस्तृ॑तम् ॥
brāhmaṇāt indra rādhasaḥ piba somam ṛtūn anu
tava it hi sakhyam astṛtam
O Indra, drink thou the Soma of the soul’s bliss according to the truths of things, for it is thy friendship that never sinks.
यु॒वं दक्षं॑ धृतव्रत॒ मित्रा॑वरुण दू॒ळभ॑म् ।
ऋ॒तुना॑ य॒ज्ञमा॑शाथे ॥
yuvam dakṣam dhṛta-vratā mitrāvaruṇā duḥ-dabham
ṛtunā yajñam āśāthe iti
Do you, O Mitra and Varuna, whose function it is to uphold Daksha,... enjoy the Yajna by the truth.
द्र॒वि॒णो॒दा द्रवि॑णसो॒ ग्राव॑हस्तासो अध्व॒रे ।
य॒ज्ञेषु॑ दे॒वमी॑ळते ॥
draviṇaḥ-dāḥ draviṇasaḥ grāva-hastāsaḥ adhvare
yajñeṣu devam īḷate
The lord of substance laden-handed in the sacrifice propi-tiateth the god in the Yajnas.
द्र॒वि॒णो॒दा द॑दातु नो॒ वसू॑नि॒ यानि॑ शृण्वि॒रे ।
दे॒वेषु॒ ता व॑नामहे ॥
draviṇaḥ-dāḥ dadātu naḥ vasūni yāni śṛṇvire
deveṣu tā vanāmahe
May the lord of substance give to us the riches of which ‘tis told; for these we pray the gods.1
द्र॒वि॒णो॒दाः पि॑पीषति जु॒होत॒ प्र च॑ तिष्ठत ।
ने॒ष्ट्रादृ॒तुभि॑रिष्यत ॥
draviṇaḥ-dāḥ pipīṣati juhota pra ca tiṣṭhata
neṣṭrāt ṛtu-bhiḥ iṣyata
The lord of substance would drink, make the offering and stand forward ye subject to the laws of truth by the process of...
यत्त्वा॑ तु॒रीय॑मृ॒तुभि॒र्द्रवि॑णोदो॒ यजा॑महे ।
अध॑ स्मा नो द॒दिर्भ॑व ॥
yat tvā turīyam ṛtu-bhiḥ draviṇaḥ-daḥ yajāmahe
adha sma naḥ dadiḥ bhava
अश्वि॑ना॒ पिब॑तं॒ मधु॒ दीद्य॑ग्नी शुचिव्रता ।
ऋ॒तुना॑ यज्ञवाहसा ॥
aśvinā pibatam madhu dīdyagnī iti dīdi-agnī śuci-vratā
ṛtunā yajña-vāhasā
गार्ह॑पत्येन सन्त्य ऋ॒तुना॑ यज्ञ॒नीर॑सि ।
दे॒वान्दे॑वय॒ते य॑ज ॥
gārhapatyena santya ṛtunā yajña-nīḥ asi
devān devayate yaja
1 Or, desire in the gods.