A Vedic Hymn
अश्वि॑ना॒ यज्व॑री॒रिषो॒ द्रव॑त्पाणी॒ शुभ॑स्पती ।
पुरु॑भुजा चन॒स्यत॑म् ॥
aśvinā yajvarīḥ iṣaḥ dravatpāṇī iti dravat-pāṇī śubhaḥ patī iti
puru-bhujā canasyatam
O Ashwins, to him who striveth1 towards Yajna2 swift-footed lords of bliss,3 O much-enjoying Ashwins, become4 delight.
अश्वि॑ना॒ पुरु॑दंससा॒ नरा॒ शवी॑रया धि॒या ।
धिष्ण्या॒ वन॑तं॒ गिरः॑ ॥
aśvinā puru-daṃsasā narā śavīrayā dhiyā
dhiṣṇyā vanatam giraḥ
O strong, much-destroying5 Ashwins, with the firm and brilliant6 understanding take7 joy in my words.
दस्रा॑ यु॒वाक॑वः सु॒ता नास॑त्या वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः ।
आ या॑तं रुद्रवर्तनी ॥
dasrā yuvākavaḥ sutāḥ nāsatyā vṛkta-barhiṣaḥ
ā yātam rudravartanī iti rudra-vartanī
O wasters,8 O sons of Nasata, arrive, ye fierce of deed, for I have put myself in Yoga,9 I have manifested the flame.10
इन्द्रा या॑हि चित्रभानो सु॒ता इ॒मे त्वा॒यवः॑ ।
अण्वी॑भि॒स्तना॑ पू॒तासः॑ ॥
indra ā yāhi citrabhāno iti citra-bhāno sutāḥ ime tvā-yavaḥ
aṇvībhiḥ tanā pūtāsaḥ
Come, O Indra, of manifold brilliance, here are these vital juices11 put forth, extend them with the Powers of being, O thou of purified strength.12
इन्द्रा या॑हि धि॒येषि॒तो विप्र॑जूतः सु॒ताव॑तः ।
उप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि वा॒घतः॑ ॥
indra ā yāhi dhiyā iṣitaḥ vipra-jūtaḥ suta-vataḥ
upa brahmāṇi vāghataḥ
O Indra, commanded by the understanding and forcibly impelled to the
soul-movements of the full of substantial strength,13 the joyously expanding in soul.14
इन्द्रा या॑हि॒ तूतु॑जान॒ उप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि हरिवः ।
सु॒ते द॑धिष्व न॒श्चनः॑ ॥
indra ā yāhi tūtujānaḥ upa brahmāṇi hari-vaḥ
sute dadhiṣva naḥ canaḥ
Come, O Indra, with force of impulsion15 to the soul movements, O dweller in the brilliance,16 uphold our delight in the outpouring of the Soma.
ओमा॑सश्चर्षणीधृतो॒ विश्वे॑ देवास॒ आ ग॑त ।
दा॒श्वांसो॑ दा॒शुषः॑ सु॒तम् ॥
omāsaḥ carṣaṇi-dhṛtaḥ viśve devāsaḥ ā gata
dāśvāṃsaḥ dāśuṣaḥ sutam
O loving17 ones, O upholders of our activities,18 ye general gods, approach, divide the giver’s outpoured Soma.
विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॑ अ॒प्तुरः॑ सु॒तमा ग॑न्त॒ तूर्ण॑यः ।
उ॒स्रा इ॑व॒ स्वस॑राणि ॥
viśve devāsaḥ ap-turaḥ sutam ā ganta tūrṇayaḥ
usrāḥ-iva svasarāṇi
O general gods, ye active ones,19 full of substance,20 come with speed like lovers to their stalls.
विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॑ अ॒स्रिध॒ एहि॑मायासो अ॒द्रुहः॑ ।
मेधं॑ जुषन्त॒ वह्न॑यः ॥
viśve devāsaḥ asridhaḥ ehi-māyāsaḥ adruhaḥ
medham juṣanta vahnayaḥ
O general gods, mighty in force,21 who stumble22 not, neither to hurt, cleave to the fullness of my capacity,23 O ye who support.
पा॒व॒का न॒: सर॑स्वती॒ वाजे॑भिर्वा॒जिनी॑वती ।
य॒ज्ञं व॑ष्टु धि॒याव॑सुः ॥
pāvakā naḥ sarasvatī vājebhiḥ vājinī-vatī
yajñam vaṣṭu dhiyā-vasuḥ
Let purifying Saraswati plentiful with florescence of being dwell in Yajna,24 rich with the understanding.
चो॒द॒यि॒त्री सू॒नृता॑नां॒ चेत॑न्ती सुमती॒नाम् ।
य॒ज्ञं द॑धे॒ सर॑स्वती ॥
codayitrī sūnṛtānām cetantī su-matīnām
yajñam dadhe sarasvatī
Inspirer of true intuitions, awakener of right thoughts, Saraswati supporteth the Yajna.
म॒हो अर्ण॒: सर॑स्वती॒ प्र चे॑तयति के॒तुना॑ ।
धियो॒ विश्वा॒ वि रा॑जति ॥
mahaḥ arṇaḥ sarasvatī pra cetayati ketunā
dhiyaḥ viśvāḥ vi rājati
Saraswati awakeneth to consciousness by force of will25 Mahas the ocean and shineth out this way and that in all the movements of the understanding.
1 Riṣ is either to strive, to injure, to speed or to thrill, quiver or writhe with ecstasy.
2 Yajna may mean (I) Lord (2) Yoga (3) action (4) sacrifice.
3 Or, good.
4 Or, take
5 Puru, Gr. polus, much – or, freely giving.
6 Savlraya – hailos (Gr.).
7 Or, accept
8 Or, givers
9 Yuvaku: yu+aku like yuvan: yu+an
10 Vrktabarhifah: vrkla, spread or opened and barhis, light, force, fire.
11 Ayavafi: a clear proof that the Soma of the Veda is not primarily the Soma-juice, but Amrita.
12 Or, come with Powers of being and with material Force.
13 Sutavalah: Either suta + van or m+tavan (cf. revan); I take the latter.
14 Vaghaiah – a doubtful word. The rendering given is provisional, deduced from the original force of id.
15 Or, force of excitation or, confirmative, protecting force.
16 For harivab cf. adrivah.
17 Omasah: umah from urn to love, foster (cf. Uma), u to be in width between imperfection + completive or fulfilling m or, kindly.
18 Carfani: either (1) vision (2) movement (3) action.
19 Ap to act and tur expressing the agent or else meaning swift.
20 Or, most blissful or auspicious. Sutamd cf. tamisra (dense), lanfi, tanva etc.
21 Mayasah: Lat. majores but not in comparative sense.
22 Stumble for sridh is provisional.
23 Medham: either (1) sap (2) brain (3) capacity, (cf. medha).
24 Yajna: either (1) the Lord (2) action.
25 Or, by thought keiu, keta will, intuition, intellect.