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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gṛtsamada Bhārgava Śaunaka

Sukta 10


जो॒हूत्रो॑ अ॒ग्निः प्र॑थ॒मः पि॒तेवे॒ळस्प॒दे मनु॑षा॒ यत्समि॑द्धः ।

श्रियं॒ वसा॑नो अ॒मृतो॒ विचे॑ता मर्मृ॒जेन्यः॑ श्रव॒स्यः१่ स वा॒जी ॥

johū́traḥ agníḥ prathamáḥ pitā́-iva iḷáḥ padé mánuṣā yát sám-iddhaḥ ǀ

śríyam vásānaḥ amṛ́taḥ ví-cetāḥ marmṛjényaḥ śravasyáḥ sáḥ vājī́ ǁ

Fire is to us as our first father and to him must rise our call when he is kindled by man in the seat of his aspiration. He puts on glory and beauty like a robe; he is our Horse of swiftness full of inspiration to be groomed by us, he is the immortal wide in knowledge.


श्रू॒या अ॒ग्निश्चि॒त्रभा॑नु॒र्हवं॑ मे॒ विश्वा॑भिर्गी॒र्भिर॒मृतो॒ विचे॑ताः ।

श्या॒वा रथं॑ वहतो॒ रोहि॑ता वो॒तारु॒षाह॑ चक्रे॒ विभृ॑त्रः ॥

śruyā́ḥ agníḥ citrá-bhānuḥ hávam me víśvābhiḥ gīḥ-bhíḥ amṛ́taḥ ví-cetāḥ ǀ

śyāvā́ rátham vahataḥ róhitā vā utá aruṣā́ áha cakre ví-bhṛtraḥ ǁ

May Fire in the rich diversity of his lights, the immortal wide in knowledge, hearken to my cry in all its words. Two tawny horses bear him or two that are red or ruddy in glow: Oh, one widely borne has been created.


उ॒त्ता॒नाया॑मजनय॒न्त्सुषू॑तं॒ भुव॑द॒ग्निः पु॑रु॒पेशा॑सु॒ गर्भः॑ ।

शिरि॑णायां चिद॒क्तुना॒ महो॑भि॒रप॑रीवृतो वसति॒ प्रचे॑ताः ॥

uttānā́yām ajanayan sú-sūtam bhúvat agníḥ puru-péśāsu gárbhaḥ ǀ

śíriṇāyām cit aktúnā máhaḥ-bhiḥ ápari-vṛtaḥ vasati prá-cetāḥ ǁ

They have given him birth in one laid supine who with happy delivery bore him; the Fire became a child in mothers of many forms. This thinker and knower by the greatness of his lights dwells1 even in the destroying Night unenveloped by the darkness.


जिघ॑र्म्य॒ग्निं ह॒विषा॑ घृ॒तेन॑ प्रतिक्षि॒यंतं॒ भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ ।

पृ॒थुं ति॑र॒श्चा वय॑सा बृ॒हंतं॒ व्यचि॑ष्ठ॒मन्नै॑ रभ॒सं दृशा॑नं ॥

jígharmi agním havíṣā ghṛténa prati-kṣiyántam bhúvanāni víśvā ǀ

pṛthúm tiraścā́ váyasā bṛhántam vyáciṣṭham ánnaiḥ rabhasám dṛ́śānam ǁ

I anoint the Fire with my oblation of light, where he dwells fronting all the worlds; wide in his horizontal expansion and vast, he is most open and manifest by all he has fed on, seen in the impetuosity of his force2.


आ वि॒श्वतः॑ प्र॒त्यंचं॑ जिघर्म्यर॒क्षसा॒ मन॑सा॒ तज्जु॑षेत ।

मर्य॑श्रीः स्पृह॒यद्व॑र्णो अ॒ग्निर्नाभि॒मृशे॑ त॒न्वा॒३่ जर्भु॑राणः ॥

ā́ viśvátaḥ pratyáñcam jigharmi arakṣásā mánasā tát juṣeta ǀ

márya-śrīḥ spṛhayát-varṇaḥ agníḥ ná abhi-mṛ́śe tanvā́ járbhurāṇaḥ ǁ

I anoint him where he moves fronting all things on every side; let him rejoice in That with a mind that withholds not the riches3. None can touch the body of the Fire where he plays in his desire of the hues of light4, in his strong and glorious beauty.


ज्ञे॒या भा॒गं स॑हसा॒नो वरे॑ण॒ त्वादू॑तासो मनु॒वद्व॑देम ।

अनू॑नम॒ग्निं जु॒ह्वा॑ वच॒स्या म॑धु॒पृचं॑ धन॒सा जो॑हवीमि ॥

jñeyā́ḥ bhāgám sahasānáḥ váreṇa tvā́-dūtāsaḥ manu-vát vadema ǀ

ánūnam agním juhvā́ vacasyā́ madhu-pṛ́cam dhana-sā́ḥ johavīmi ǁ

Mayst thou take knowledge of thy portion putting forth thy force with thy supreme flame; may we speak as the thinking human being with thee for Messenger. I am one who would conquer the Treasure and I call to the Fire with my power of speech and my flame of offering, Fire in whom is no insufficiency, and he brings to us the touch of the sweetness5.


1 Or, shines


2 Or, in the violence of his rapture.


3 Or, with a mind without the will to injure.


4 Or, with his desire-waking hue,


5 Or, he fills us with the wine of sweetness.
