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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gāthina Viśvāmitra

Sukta 3


वै॒श्वा॒न॒राय॑ पृथु॒पाज॑से॒ विपो॒ रत्ना॑ विधंत ध॒रुणे॑षु॒ गात॑वे ।

अ॒ग्निर्हि दे॒वाँ अ॒मृतो॑ दुव॒स्यत्यथा॒ धर्मा॑णि स॒नता॒ न दू॑दुषत् ॥

vaiśvānarā́ya pṛthu-pā́jase vípaḥ rátnā vidhanta dharúṇeṣu gā́tave ǀ

agníḥ hí devā́n amṛ́taḥ duvasyáti átha dhármāṇi sanátā ná dūduṣat ǁ

For the universal godhead, wide in his might, his illuminations1 create the ecstasies to make a path on the foundations of things: because the immortal Fire sets the gods to their work none can corrupt the eternal Laws.


अं॒तर्दू॒तो रोद॑सी द॒स्म ई॑यते॒ होता॒ निष॑त्तो॒ मनु॑षः पु॒रोहि॑तः ।

क्षयं॑ बृ॒हंतं॒ परि॑ भूषति॒ द्युभि॑र्दे॒वेभि॑र॒ग्निरि॑षि॒तो धि॒याव॑सुः ॥

antáḥ dūtáḥ ródasī␣íti dasmáḥ īyate hótā ní-sattaḥ mánuṣaḥ puráḥ-hitaḥ ǀ

kṣáyam bṛhántam pári bhūṣati dyú-bhiḥ devébhiḥ agníḥ iṣitáḥ dhiyā́-vasuḥ ǁ

He travels as the Messenger between earth and heaven, the doer of works, man’s Priest of the call, seated within him, the vicar set in his front; with his light he envelops the Vast Home, the Fire missioned by the gods, rich with the Thought.


के॒तुं य॒ज्ञानां॑ वि॒दथ॑स्य॒ साध॑नं॒ विप्रा॑सो अ॒ग्निं म॑हयंत॒ चित्ति॑भिः ।

अपां॑सि॒ यस्मि॒न्नधि॑ संद॒धुर्गिर॒स्तस्मि॑न्त्सु॒म्नानि॒ यज॑मान॒ आ च॑के ॥

ketúm yajñā́nām vidáthasya sā́dhanam víprāsaḥ agním mahayanta cítti-bhiḥ ǀ

ápāṃsi yásmin ádhi sam-dadhúḥ gíraḥ tásmin sumnā́ni yájamānaḥ ā́ cake ǁ

Ray of intuition of their sacrifices, effective means of the finding of knowledge, the illumined seers greatened the Fire by their awakenings to Wisdom; the Fire in whom his words have built into a harmony his works, in him the doer of sacrifice desires the things of his happiness.


पि॒ता य॒ज्ञाना॒मसु॑रो विप॒श्चितां॑ वि॒मान॑म॒ग्निर्व॒युनं॑ च वा॒घतां॑ ।

आ वि॑वेश॒ रोद॑सी॒ भूरि॑वर्पसा पुरुप्रि॒यो भं॑दते॒ धाम॑भिः क॒विः ॥

pitā́ yajñā́nām ásuraḥ vipaḥ-cítām vi-mā́nam agníḥ vayúnam ca vāghátām ǀ

ā́ viveśa ródasī␣íti bhū́ri-varpasā puru-priyáḥ bhandate dhā́ma-bhiḥ kavíḥ ǁ

The Fire is the father of sacrifice, the Mighty Lord of the wise, he is the measure and the manifestation of knowledge for the priests of the word: he enters into earth and heaven with his manifold shape, many delightful things are in him, he is the seer who has gladness of all the planes.


चं॒द्रम॒ग्निं चं॒द्रर॑थं॒ हरि॑व्रतं वैश्वान॒रम॑प्सु॒षदं॑ स्व॒र्विदं॑ ।

वि॒गा॒हं तूर्णिं॒ तवि॑षीभि॒रावृ॑तं॒ भूर्णिं॑ दे॒वास॑ इ॒ह सु॒श्रियं॑ दधुः ॥

candrám agním candrá-ratham hári-vratam vaiśvānarám apsu-sádam svaḥ-vídam ǀ

vi-gāhám tū́rṇim táviṣībhiḥ ā́-vṛtam bhū́rṇim devā́saḥ ihá su-śríyam dadhuḥ ǁ

The gods have set in this world in his beauty and glory the delightful Fire, with his chariot of delight, luminous in the way of his workings, the universal godhead, who is seated in the waters, who is the discoverer of the sun-world, who enters into the depths and is swift to cross beyond, who is rapt in his mights, who bears in himself all things.


अ॒ग्निर्दे॒वेभि॒र्मनु॑षश्च जं॒तुभि॑स्तन्वा॒नो य॒ज्ञं पु॑रु॒पेश॑सं धि॒या ।

र॒थीरं॒तरी॑यते॒ साध॑दिष्टिभिर्जी॒रो दमू॑ना अभिशस्ति॒चात॑नः ॥

agníḥ devébhiḥ mánuṣaḥ ca jantú-bhiḥ tanvānáḥ yajñám puru-péśasam dhiyā́ ǀ

rathī́ḥ antáḥ īyate sā́dhadiṣṭi-bhiḥ jīráḥ dámūnāḥ abhiśasti-cā́tanaḥ ǁ

The Fire with the gods and creatures born builds by the thought of man the sacrifice in its many forms, he moves between earth and heaven as their charioteer bearing them to the achievement of their desires; he is the swift in motion and he is a dweller in the house who drives off every assailant.


अग्ने॒ जर॑स्व स्वप॒त्य आयु॑न्यू॒र्जा पि॑न्वस्व॒ समिषो॑ दिदीहि नः ।

वयां॑सि जिन्व बृह॒तश्च॑ जागृव उ॒शिग्दे॒वाना॒मसि॑ सु॒क्रतु॑र्वि॒पां ॥

ágne járasva su-apatyé ā́yuni ūrjā́ pinvasva sám íṣaḥ didīhi naḥ ǀ

váyāṃsi jinva bṛhatáḥ ca jāgṛve uśík devā́nām ási su-krátuḥ vipā́m ǁ

O Fire, come near to us in a life rich with offspring, nourish us with energy, illumine our impulsions, animate in us the expanding powers of the Vast, O wakeful Flame; thou art the aspirant strong in will for the gods and the illumined seers.


वि॒श्पतिं॑ य॒ह्वमति॑थिं॒ नरः॒ सदा॑ यं॒तारं॑ धी॒नामु॒शिजं॑ च वा॒घतां॑ ।

अ॒ध्व॒राणां॒ चेत॑नं जा॒तवे॑दसं॒ प्र शं॑संति॒ नम॑सा जू॒तिभि॑र्वृ॒धे ॥

viśpátim yahvám átithim náraḥ sádā yantā́ram dhīnā́m uśíjam ca vāghátām ǀ

adhvarā́ṇām cétanam jātá-vedasam prá śaṃsanti námasā jūtí-bhiḥ vṛdhé ǁ

Men ever with obeisance, with swift urgings, give expression for their growth, to the knower of all births, the mighty one, the lord of the peoples, the Guest, the driver of our thoughts, the aspirant in those who speak the word, the wakener to consciousness in the pilgrim-sacrifice.


वि॒भावा॑ दे॒वः सु॒रणः॒ परि॑ क्षि॒तीर॒ग्निर्ब॑भूव॒ शव॑सा सु॒मद्र॑थः ।

तस्य॑ व्र॒तानि॑ भूरिपो॒षिणो॑ व॒यमुप॑ भूषेम॒ दम॒ आ सु॑वृ॒क्तिभिः॑ ॥

vibhā́-vā deváḥ su-ráṇaḥ pári kṣitī́ḥ agníḥ babhūva śávasā sumát-rathaḥ ǀ

tásya vratā́ni bhūri-poṣíṇaḥ vayám úpa bhūṣema dáme ā́ suvṛktí-bhiḥ ǁ

Fire, the wide-shining godhead, joyful in his happy chariot, has enveloped in his might our abodes2; with complete purification may we obey3 in the house the laws of work of this giver of our manifold increase.


वैश्वा॑नर॒ तव॒ धामा॒न्या च॑के॒ येभिः॑ स्व॒र्विदभ॑वो विचक्षण ।

जा॒त आपृ॑णो॒ भुव॑नानि॒ रोद॑सी॒ अग्ने॒ ता विश्वा॑ परि॒भूर॑सि॒ त्मना॑ ॥

váiśvānara táva dhā́māni ā́ cakre yébhiḥ svaḥ-vít ábhavaḥ vi-cakṣaṇa ǀ

jātáḥ ā́ apṛṇaḥ bhúvanāni ródasī␣íti ágne tā́ víśvā pari-bhū́ḥ asi tmánā ǁ

O universal godhead, I desire thy lights4 by which thou becomest, O all-seeing5, the knower of the sun-world: born, thou hast filled the worlds and earth and heaven, thou art there enveloping them all with thyself, O Fire.


वै॒श्वा॒न॒रस्य॑ दं॒सना॑भ्यो बृ॒हदरि॑णा॒देकः॑ स्वप॒स्यया॑ क॒विः ।

उ॒भा पि॒तरा॑ म॒हय॑न्नजायता॒ग्निर्द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी भूरि॑रेतसा ॥

vaiśvānarásya daṃsánābhyaḥ bṛhát áriṇāt ékaḥ su-apasyáyā kavíḥ ǀ

ubhā́ pitárā maháyan ajāyata agníḥ dyā́vāpṛthivī́␣íti bhū́ri-retasā ǁ

Fire the One Seer by his seeking for perfect works6 released out of the actions7 of the universal godhead, the Vast: the Fire greatening both the parents, earth and heaven, was born from a mighty seed8.


1 Or, the illumined Ones


2 Or, the worlds of our habitation;


3 Or, may we approach with reverence


4 Or, seats or planes


5 Or, clear-seeing,


6 Or, by his skill in works


7 Or, detached from the actions


8 Or, the Fire was born greatening both the parents, earth and heaven, with his mighty steam.
