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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gāthina Viśvāmitra

Sukta 4


स॒मित्स॑मित्सु॒मना॑ बोध्य॒स्मे शु॒चाशु॑चा सुम॒तिं रा॑सि॒ वस्वः॑ ।

आ दे॑व दे॒वान्य॒जथा॑य वक्षि॒ सखा॒ सखी॑न्त्सु॒मना॑ यक्ष्यग्ने ॥

samít-samit su-mánāḥ bodhi asmé␣íti śucā́-śucā su-matím rāsi vásvaḥ ǀ

ā́ deva devā́n yajáthāya vakṣi sákhā sákhīn su-mánāḥ yakṣi agne ǁ

Aflame and again aflame in us awake with thy truth of mind, with light upon light grant us right understanding from the shining One. A god, bring the gods for the sacrifice; right-minded, a friend do sacrifice to the friends, O Fire.


यं दे॒वास॒स्त्रिरह॑न्ना॒यजं॑ते दि॒वेदि॑वे॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निः ।

सेमं य॒ज्ञं मधु॑मंतं कृधी न॒स्तनू॑नपाद्घृ॒तयो॑निं वि॒धंतं॑ ॥

yám devā́saḥ tríḥ áhan ā-yájante divé-dive váruṇaḥ mitráḥ agníḥ ǀ

sáḥ imám yajñám mádhu-mantam kṛdhi naḥ tánū-napāt ghṛtá-yonim vidhántam ǁ

O thou whom the gods, even Varuna, Mitra and the Fire, thrice in the day worship with sacrifice from day to day, O Son of the body, make this sacrifice of ours full of the sweetness, so that it may create the native seat of the light.


प्र दीधि॑तिर्वि॒श्ववा॑रा जिगाति॒ होता॑रमि॒ळः प्र॑थ॒मं यज॑ध्यै ।

अच्छा॒ नमो॑भिर्वृष॒भं वं॒दध्यै॒ स दे॒वान्य॑क्षदिषि॒तो यजी॑यान् ॥

prá dī́dhitiḥ viśvá-vārā jigāti hótāram iḷáḥ prathamám yájadhyai ǀ

áccha námaḥ-bhiḥ vṛṣabhám vandádhyai sáḥ devā́n yakṣat iṣitáḥ yájīyān ǁ

The Thought in which are all desirable things comes to this first and supreme Priest of the call to offer our aspirations as a sacrifice, towards the mighty one to adore him with our prostrations; missioned, strong to sacrifice, may he do worship to the gods.


ऊ॒र्ध्वो वां॑ गा॒तुर॑ध्व॒रे अ॑कार्यू॒र्ध्वा शो॒चींषि॒ प्रस्थि॑ता॒ रजां॑सि ।

दि॒वो वा॒ नाभा॒ न्य॑सादि॒ होता॑ स्तृणी॒महि॑ दे॒वव्य॑चा॒ वि ब॒र्हिः ॥

ūrdhváḥ vām gātúḥ adhvaré akāri ūrdhvā́ śocī́ṃṣi prá-sthitā rájāṃsi ǀ

diváḥ vā nā́bhā ní asādi hótā stṛṇīmáhi devá-vyacāḥ ví barhíḥ ǁ

In the pilgrim-sacrifice a high path for you both has been made which departs to the high lustres, the mid-worlds; the Priest of the call has taken his seat in the navel-centre of heaven. We spread wide the sacred grass, a space of wideness of the gods.


स॒प्त हो॒त्राणि॒ मन॑सा वृणा॒ना इन्वं॑तो॒ विश्वं॒ प्रति॑ यन्नृ॒तेन॑ ।

नृ॒पेश॑सो वि॒दथे॑षु॒ प्र जा॒ता अ॒भी॒३่मं य॒ज्ञं वि च॑रंत पू॒र्वीः ॥

saptá hotrā́ṇi mánasā vṛṇānā́ḥ ínvantaḥ víśvam práti yan ṛténa ǀ

nṛ-péśasaḥ vidátheṣu prá jātā́ḥ abhí imám yajñám ví caranta pūrvī́ḥ ǁ

Accepting with the mind the seven invocations, taking possession of all that is by the Truth, they went towards their goal. Many powers born in the finding of knowledge and wearing the forms of gods move abroad to this sacrifice.


आ भंद॑माने उ॒षसा॒ उपा॑के उ॒त स्म॑येते त॒न्वा॒३่ विरू॑पे ।

यथा॑ नो मि॒त्रो वरु॑णो॒ जुजो॑ष॒दिंद्रो॑ म॒रुत्वाँ॑ उ॒त वा॒ महो॑भिः ॥

ā́ bhándamāne␣íti uṣásau úpāke␣íti utá smayete␣íti tanvā́ vírūpe␣íti␣ví-rūpe ǀ

yáthā naḥ mitráḥ váruṇaḥ jújoṣat índraḥ marútvān utá vā máhaḥ-bhiḥ ǁ

May night and dawn differently formed in their body be joined close and smile upon us in their gladness, so that Mitra may take pleasure in us and Varuna or with his greatness Indra too with the life-gods1.


दैव्या॒ होता॑रा प्रथ॒मा न्यृं॑जे स॒प्त पृ॒क्षासः॑ स्व॒धया॑ मदंति ।

ऋ॒तं शंसं॑त ऋ॒तमित्त आ॑हु॒रनु॑ व्र॒तं व्र॑त॒पा दीध्या॑नाः ॥

dáivyā hótārā prathamā́ ní ṛñje saptá pṛkṣā́saḥ svadháyā madanti ǀ

ṛtám śáṃsantaḥ ṛtám ít té āhuḥ ánu vratám vrata-pā́ḥ dī́dhyānāḥ ǁ

I crown the two supreme Priests of the invocation. The seven pleasures take their rapture by the self-law of their nature; the Truth they express, the Truth only they speak, guardians of the law of its action according to that law they shine.


आ भार॑ती॒ भार॑तीभिः स॒जोषा॒ इळा॑ दे॒वैर्म॑नु॒ष्ये॑भिर॒ग्निः ।

सर॑स्वती सारस्व॒तेभि॑र॒र्वाक् ति॒स्रो दे॒वीर्ब॒र्हिरेदं स॑दंतु ॥

ā́ bhā́ratī bhā́ratībhiḥ sa-jóṣāḥ íḷā deváiḥ manuṣyébhiḥ agníḥ ǀ

sárasvatī sārasvatébhiḥ arvā́k tisráḥ devī́ḥ barhíḥ ā́ idám sadantu ǁ

In unison may Bharati with her Muses of invocation, Ila with gods and men and Fire, Saraswati with her powers of inspiration come down to us, the three goddesses sit upon this seat of sacrifice.


तन्न॑स्तु॒रीप॒मध॑ पोषयि॒त्नु देव॑ त्वष्ट॒र्वि र॑रा॒णः स्य॑स्व ।

यतो॑ वी॒रः क॑र्म॒ण्यः॑ सु॒दक्षो॑ यु॒क्तग्रा॑वा॒ जाय॑ते दे॒वका॑मः ॥

tát naḥ turī́pam ádha poṣayitnú déva tvaṣṭaḥ ví rarāṇáḥ syasvéti␣syasva ǀ

yátaḥ vīráḥ karmaṇyáḥ su-dákṣaḥ yuktá-grāvā jā́yate devá-kāmaḥ ǁ

O divine maker of forms who hast the utter rapture, cast upon us that supreme transcendence cause of our growth, from which is born in us the hero ever active with wise discernment, the seeker of the gods who sets to work the stone of the wine-pressing.


वन॑स्प॒तेऽव॑ सृ॒जोप॑ दे॒वान॒ग्निर्ह॒विः श॑मि॒ता सू॑दयाति ।

सेदु॒ होता॑ स॒त्यत॑रो यजाति॒ यथा॑ दे॒वानां॒ जनि॑मानि॒ वेद॑ ॥

vánaspate áva sṛja úpa devā́n agníḥ havíḥ śamitā́ sūdayāti ǀ

sáḥ ít ūṃ␣íti hótā satyá-taraḥ yajāti yáthā devā́nām jánimāni véda ǁ

O tree, release thy yield to the gods; Fire the achiever of the work speeds the offering on its way. It is he who does worship as the Priest of the call, the more true in his act because he knows the birth of the gods.


आ या॑ह्यग्ने समिधा॒नो अ॒र्वाङिंद्रे॑ण दे॒वैः स॒रथं॑ तु॒रेभिः॑ ।

ब॒र्हिर्न॑ आस्ता॒मदि॑तिः सुपु॒त्रा स्वाहा॑ दे॒वा अ॒मृता॑ मादयंतां ॥

ā́ yāhi agne sam-idhānáḥ arvā́ṅ índreṇa deváiḥ sa-rátham turébhiḥ ǀ

barhíḥ naḥ āstām áditiḥ su-putrā́ svā́hā devā́ḥ amṛ́tāḥ mādayantām ǁ

Come down to us, O Fire, high-kindled, in one chariot with Indra and swiftly journeying gods; let Aditi, mother of mighty sons, sit on the sacred grass, let the gods, the immortals, take rapture in svāhā.


1 Or, may they so shine with their lights that Mitra may take pleasure in us and Varuna and Indra with the life-gods.
