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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gāthina Viśvāmitra

Sukta 6


प्र का॑रवो मन॒ना व॒च्यमा॑ना देव॒द्रीचीं॑ नयत देव॒यंतः॑ ।

द॒क्षि॒णा॒वाड्वा॒जिनी॒ प्राच्ये॑ति ह॒विर्भरं॑त्य॒ग्नये॑ घृ॒ताची॑ ॥

prá kāravaḥ mananā́ vacyámānāḥ devadrī́cīn nayata deva-yántaḥ ǀ

dakṣiṇā-vā́ṭ vājínī prā́cī eti havíḥ bhárantī agnáye ghṛtā́cī ǁ

The Doers of the work, seekers of godhead, who find expression by the thought, lead it on turned godwards; full of the plenitude, luminous, carrying the Understanding, it journeys moving forwards, bringing the offering to the Fire.


आ रोद॑सी अपृणा॒ जाय॑मान उ॒त प्र रि॑क्था॒ अध॒ नु प्र॑यज्यो ।

दि॒वश्चि॑दग्ने महि॒ना पृ॑थि॒व्या व॒च्यंतां॑ ते॒ वह्न॑यः स॒प्तजि॑ह्वाः ॥

ā́ ródasī␣íti apṛṇāḥ jā́yamānaḥ utá prá rikthāḥ ádha nú prayajyo␣íti␣pra-yajyo ǀ

deváḥ cit agne mahinā́ pṛthivyā́ḥ vacyántām te váhnayaḥ saptá-jihvāḥ ǁ

Even in thy birth thou hast filled earth and heaven, and now thou hast exceeded them, O Flame that carriest on the sacrifice; by the greatness of earth and heaven may thy seven tongues find utterance, carriers of the word, O Fire.


द्यौश्च॑ त्वा पृथि॒वी य॒ज्ञिया॑सो॒ नि होता॑रं सादयंते॒ दमा॑य ।

यदी॒ विशो॒ मानु॑षीर्देव॒यंतीः॒ प्रय॑स्वती॒रीळ॑ते शु॒क्रम॒र्चिः ॥

dyáuḥ ca tvā pṛthivī́ yajñíyāsaḥ ní hótāram sādayante dámāya ǀ

yádi víśaḥ mā́nuṣīḥ deva-yántīḥ práyasvatīḥ ī́ḷate śukrám arcíḥ ǁ

Heaven and earth and the lords of sacrifice set thee within as the Priest of the call for the house when human beings, seeking godhead, having the delight, ask for the resplendent Ray.


म॒हान्त्स॒धस्थे॑ ध्रु॒व आ निष॑त्तो॒ऽ۟तर्द्यावा॒ माहि॑ने॒ हर्य॑माणः ।

आस्क्रे॑ स॒पत्नी॑ अ॒जरे॒ अमृ॑क्ते सब॒र्दुघे॑ उरुगा॒यस्य॑ धे॒नू ॥

mahā́n sadhá-sthe dhruváḥ ā́ ní-sattaḥ antáḥ dyā́vā mā́hine␣íti háryamāṇaḥ ǀ

ā́skre␣íti sapátnī␣íti␣sa-pátnī ajáre␣íti ámṛkte␣íti sabardúghe␣íti␣sabaḥ-dúghe uru-gāyásya dhenū́␣íti ǁ

Mighty, he is seated steadfast in the world of his session, rejoicing between the two mightinesses of earth and heaven, the united wives of one wide moving lord, ageless and inviolate, the two milch-cows giving their rich yield of milk.


व्र॒ता ते॑ अग्ने मह॒तो म॒हानि॒ तव॒ क्रत्वा॒ रोद॑सी॒ आ त॑तंथ ।

त्वं दू॒तो अ॑भवो॒ जाय॑मान॒स्त्वं ने॒ता वृ॑षभ चर्षणी॒नां ॥

vratā́ te agne mahatáḥ mahā́ni táva krátvā ródasī␣íti ā́ tatantha ǀ

tvám dūtáḥ abhavaḥ jā́yamānaḥ tvám netā́ vṛṣabha carṣaṇīnā́m ǁ

Great art thou, O Fire, and great the law of thy workings, by thy will thou hast built out earth and heaven; in thy very birth thou becamest the Messenger, O mighty lord, and, thou the leader of men that see.


ऋ॒तस्य॑ वा के॒शिना॑ यो॒ग्याभि॑र्घृत॒स्नुवा॒ रोहि॑ता धु॒रि धि॑ष्व ।

अथा व॑ह दे॒वांदे॑व॒ विश्वा॑न्त्स्वध्व॒रा कृ॑णुहि जातवेदः ॥

ṛtásya vā keśínā yogyā́bhiḥ ghṛta-snúvā róhitā dhurí dhiṣva ǀ

átha ā́ vaha devā́n deva víśvān su-adhvarā́ kṛṇuhi jāta-vedaḥ ǁ

Set under the yoke with the straps of the yoking the two maned steeds of the Truth red of hue, dripping Light: thou, O God, bring all the gods; O knower of the births, make perfect the ways of the pilgrim-sacrifice.


दि॒वश्चि॒दा ते॑ रुचयंत रो॒का उ॒षो वि॑भा॒तीरनु॑ भासि पू॒र्वीः ।

अ॒पो यद॑ग्न उ॒शध॒ग्वने॑षु॒ होतु॑र्मं॒द्रस्य॑ प॒नयं॑त दे॒वाः ॥

diváḥ cit ā́ te rucayanta rokā́ḥ uṣáḥ vi-bhātī́ḥ ánu bhāsi pūrvī́ḥ ǀ

apáḥ yát agne uśádhak váneṣu hótuḥ mandrásya panáyanta devā́ḥ ǁ

From heaven itself thy lights blazed forth, thou shinest in the wake of many outshinings of the Dawn1 when, O Fire, passionately burning2 in the woods, the gods set the waters3 to their work for the rapturous Priest of the call.


उ॒रौ वा॒ ये अं॒तरि॑क्षे॒ मदं॑ति दि॒वो वा॒ ये रो॑च॒ने संति॑ दे॒वाः ।

ऊमा॑ वा॒ ये सु॒हवा॑सो॒ यज॑त्रा आयेमि॒रे र॒थ्यो॑ अग्ने॒ अश्वाः॑ ॥

uráu vā yé antárikṣe mádanti diváḥ vā yé rocané sánti devā́ḥ ǀ

ū́māḥ vā yé su-hávāsaḥ yájatrāḥ ā-yemiré rathyáḥ agne áśvāḥ ǁ

The gods who take their rapture in the wide mid-world, or those who are in the luminous world of heaven, or those lords of sacrifice who are helpful and ready to the call, them thy chariot-horses have borne towards us.


ऐभि॑रग्ने स॒रथं॑ याह्य॒र्वाङ् ना॑नार॒थं वा॑ वि॒भवो॒ ह्यश्वाः॑ ।

पत्नी॑वतस्त्रिं॒शतं॒ त्रींश्च॑ दे॒वान॑नुष्व॒धमा व॑ह मा॒दय॑स्व ॥

ā́ ebhiḥ agne sa-rátham yāhi arvā́ṅ nānā-rathám vā vi-bhávaḥ hí áśvāḥ ǀ

pátnī-vataḥ triṃśátam trī́n ca devā́n anu-svadhám ā́ vaha mādáyasva ǁ

Come down to us with them in one chariot or in many chariots for thy horses pervade and are everywhere; according to thy self-law bring here with their wives the gods thirty and three and give them to drink of the rapture.


स होता॒ यस्य॒ रोद॑सी चिदु॒र्वी य॒ज्ञंय॑ज्ञम॒भि वृ॒धे गृ॑णी॒तः ।

प्राची॑ अध्व॒रेव॑ तस्थतुः सु॒मेके॑ ऋ॒ताव॑री ऋ॒तजा॑तस्य स॒त्ये ॥

sáḥ hótā yásya ródasī␣íti cit urvī́␣íti yajñám-yajñam abhí vṛdhé gṛṇītáḥ ǀ

prā́cī␣íti adhvarā́-iva tasthatuḥ suméke␣íti␣su-méke ṛtávarī␣ítyṛtá-varī ṛtá-jātasya satyé␣íti ǁ

He is the Priest of the call for whose growing even wide earth and heaven speak the word at sacrifice on sacrifice; facing each other, fixed like two ends of the pilgrim-way, the Truth they keep in his truth who from the Truth was born.


इळा॑मग्ने पुरु॒दंसं॑ स॒निं गोः श॑श्वत्त॒मं हव॑मानाय साध ।

स्यान्नः॑ सू॒नुस्तन॑यो वि॒जावाग्ने॒ सा ते॑ सुम॒तिर्भू॑त्व॒स्मे ॥

íḷām agne puru-dáṃsam saním góḥ śaśvat-tamám hávamānāya sādha ǀ

syā́t naḥ sūnúḥ tánayaḥ vijā́-vā agne sā́ te su-matíḥ bhūtu asmé␣íti ǁ

O Fire, achieve at my call the Revealing Speech the many-actioned, the lasting conquest of the Light. May there be for us a Son of our begetting pervading in his birth4; O Fire, may there be created in us that true thinking of thine.


1 Or, in the wake of many wide-shining Dawns


2 Or, flaming as dawn


3 Apas, work, would make a clearer sense; it would then mean “set in action the work of the rapturous Priest of the call”.


4 Or, himself a begetter
