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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gāthina Viśvāmitra

Sukta 5


प्रत्य॒ग्निरु॒षस॒श्चेकि॑ता॒नोऽबो॑धि॒ विप्रः॑ पद॒वीः क॑वी॒नां ।

पृ॒थु॒पाजा॑ देव॒यद्भिः॒ समि॒द्धोऽप॒ द्वारा॒ तम॑सो॒ वह्नि॑रावः ॥

práti agníḥ uṣásaḥ cékitānaḥ ábodhi vípraḥ pada-vī́ḥ kavīnā́m ǀ

pṛthu-pā́jāḥ devayát-bhiḥ sám-iddhaḥ ápa dvā́rā támasaḥ váhniḥ āvarítyāvaḥ ǁ

The Fire is awake fronting the dawns; one illumined, he becomes aware of the paths of the seers: kindled into a wide might by the seekers of godhead, the upbearing flame opens the gates of the Darkness.


प्रेद्व॒ग्निर्वा॑वृधे॒ स्तोमे॑भिर्गी॒र्भिः स्तो॑तॄ॒णां न॑म॒स्य॑ उ॒क्थैः ।

पू॒र्वीर्ऋ॒तस्य॑ सं॒दृश॑श्चका॒नः सं दू॒तो अ॑द्यौदु॒षसो॑ विरो॒के ॥

prá ít ūṃ␣íti agníḥ vavṛdhe stómebhiḥ gīḥ-bhíḥ stotṝṇā́m namasyáḥ uktháiḥ ǀ

pūrvī́ḥ ṛtásya sam-dṛ́śaḥ cakānáḥ sám dūtáḥ adyaut uṣásaḥ vi-roké ǁ

Ever the Fire increases by the lauds, the words of those who hymn him by their utterances, one to be adored with prostrations; the Messenger who desires the many seeings of the Truth has shone out in the wide flaming of the Dawn.


अधा॑य्य॒ग्निर्मानु॑षीषु वि॒क्ष्व१่पां गर्भो॑ मि॒त्र ऋ॒तेन॒ साध॑न् ।

आ ह॑र्य॒तो य॑ज॒तः सान्व॑स्था॒दभू॑दु॒ विप्रो॒ हव्यो॑ मती॒नां ॥

ádhāyi agníḥ mā́nuṣīṣu vikṣú apā́m gárbhaḥ mitráḥ ṛténa sā́dhan ǀ

ā́ haryatáḥ yajatáḥ sā́nu asthāt ábhūt ūṃ␣íti vípraḥ hávyaḥ matīnā́m ǁ

The Fire has been set in the human peoples, child of the Waters, the Friend who achieves by the Truth; luminous1, a power for sacrifice, he has risen to the summits; he has become the illumined seer who must be called by our thoughts.


मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निर्भ॑वति॒ यत्समि॑द्धो मि॒त्रो होता॒ वरु॑णो जा॒तवे॑दाः ।

मि॒त्रो अ॑ध्व॒र्युरि॑षि॒रो दमू॑ना मि॒त्रः सिंधू॑नामु॒त पर्व॑तानां ॥

mitráḥ agníḥ bhavati yát sám-iddhaḥ mitráḥ hótā váruṇaḥ jātá-vedāḥ ǀ

mitráḥ adhvaryúḥ iṣiráḥ dámūnāḥ mitráḥ síndhūnām utá párvatānām ǁ

The Fire when he has been kindled high becomes Mitra, the Friend — Mitra the Priest of the call, Varuna, the knower of the births, Mitra, the Friend, the Priest of the pilgrim-sacrifice, one rapid in his impulsions, the dweller in the house, the friend of the Rivers, the friend of the Mountains.


पाति॑ प्रि॒यं रि॒पो अग्रं॑ प॒दं वेः पाति॑ य॒ह्वश्चर॑णं॒ सूर्य॑स्य ।

पाति॒ नाभा॑ स॒प्तशी॑र्षाणम॒ग्निः पाति॑ दे॒वाना॑मुप॒माद॑मृ॒ष्वः ॥

pā́ti priyám ripáḥ ágram padám véḥ pā́ti yahváḥ cáraṇam sū́ryasya ǀ

pā́ti nā́bhā saptá-śīrṣāṇam agníḥ pā́ti devā́nām upa-mā́dam ṛṣváḥ ǁ

He guards from hurt the beloved2 summit-seat of the being, mighty, he guards the course3 of the Sun; Fire guards in the navel-centre the seven-headed thought, sublime, he guards the ecstasy of the gods.


ऋ॒भुश्च॑क्र॒ ईड्यं॒ चारु॒ नाम॒ विश्वा॑नि दे॒वो व॒युना॑नि वि॒द्वान् ।

स॒सस्य॒ चर्म॑ घृ॒तव॑त्प॒दं वेस्तदिद॒ग्नी र॑क्ष॒त्यप्र॑युच्छन् ॥

ṛbhúḥ cakre ī́ḍyam cā́ru nā́ma víśvāni deváḥ vayúnāni vidvā́n ǀ

sasásya cárma ghṛtá-vat padám véḥ tát ít agníḥ rakṣati ápra-yucchan ǁ

A skilful craftsman, a god knowing all the manifestations of knowledge, he forms the beautiful and desirable Name, the luminous seat of the being in the movement of the peace; that the Fire guards, not deviating from his work.


आ योनि॑म॒ग्निर्घृ॒तवं॑तमस्थात्पृ॒थुप्र॑गाणमु॒शंत॑मुशा॒नः ।

दीद्या॑नः॒ शुचि॑र्ऋ॒ष्वः पा॑व॒कः पुनः॑पुनर्मा॒तरा॒ नव्य॑सी कः ॥

ā́ yónim agníḥ ghṛtá-vantam asthāt pṛthú-pragānam uśántam uśānáḥ ǀ

dī́dyānaḥ śúciḥ ṛṣváḥ pāvakáḥ púnaḥ-punaḥ mātárā návyasī␣íti karíti␣kaḥ ǁ

Desiring it as it desired him, the Fire entered into that luminous native abode wide in its approach; shining forth, pure, purifying, sublime, again and again he makes new the father and the mother.


स॒द्यो जा॒त ओष॑धीभिर्ववक्षे॒ यदी॒ वर्धं॑ति प्र॒स्वो॑ घृ॒तेन॑ ।

आप॑ इव प्र॒वता॒ शुंभ॑माना उरु॒ष्यद॒ग्निः पि॒त्रोरु॒पस्थे॑ ॥

sadyáḥ jātáḥ óṣadhībhiḥ vavakṣe yádi várdhanti pra-sváḥ ghṛténa ǀ

ā́paḥ-iva pra-vátā śúmbhamānāḥ uruṣyát agníḥ pitróḥ upá-sthe ǁ

Suddenly born he is carried by the growths of the earth when the mothers who bore him make him grow by the light. The Fire in the lap of the father and the mother is as one who defends the waters gliding happily4 down a slope.


उदु॑ ष्टु॒तः स॒मिधा॑ य॒ह्वो अ॑द्यौ॒द्वर्ष्मं॑दि॒वो अधि॒ नाभा॑ पृथि॒व्याः ।

मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निरीड्यो॑ मात॒रिश्वा दू॒तो व॑क्षद्य॒जथा॑य दे॒वान् ॥

út ūṃ␣íti stutáḥ sam-ídhā yahváḥ adyaut várṣman diváḥ ádhi nā́bhā pṛthivyā́ḥ ǀ

mitráḥ agníḥ ī́ḍyaḥ mātaríśvā ā́ dūtáḥ vakṣat yajáthāya devā́n ǁ

Lauded by us mighty he shone with his high flaming in the largeness5 of heaven, in the navel-centre of earth. The Fire is Mitra the Friend, the desirable one, he is life growing in the mother6; may he as our messenger bring the gods for the sacrifice.


उद॑स्तंभीत्स॒मिधा॒ नाक॑मृ॒ष्वो॒३่ऽग्निर्भव॑न्नुत्त॒मो रो॑च॒नानां॑ ।

यदी॒ भृगु॑भ्यः॒ परि॑ मात॒रिश्वा॒ गुहा॒ संतं॑ हव्य॒वाहं॑ समी॒धे ॥

út astambhīt sam-ídhā nā́kam ṛṣváḥ agníḥ bhávan ut-tamáḥ rocanā́nām ǀ

yádi bhṛ́gu-bhyaḥ pári mātaríśvā gúhā sántam havya-vā́ham sam-īdhé ǁ

The Fire with his high flaming up-pillared, sublime, the firmament and became the highest of the luminous kingdoms7, when for the flame-seers life, that grows in the mother, kindled all around the carrier of the offerings who was hidden in the Secrecy.


इळा॑मग्ने पुरु॒दंसं॑ स॒निं गोः श॑श्वत्त॒मं हव॑मानाय साध ।

स्यान्नः॑ सू॒नुस्तन॑यो वि॒जावाग्ने॒ सा ते॑ सुम॒तिर्भू॑त्व॒स्मे ॥

íḷām agne puru-dáṃsam saním góḥ śaśvat-tamám hávamānāya sādha ǀ

syā́t naḥ sūnúḥ tánayaḥ vijā́-vā agne sā́ te su-matíḥ bhūtu asmé␣íti ǁ

O Fire, achieve at my call the Revealing Speech the many-actioned, the lasting conquest of the Light. May there be for us a Son of our begetting pervading in his birth8; O Fire, may there be created in us that true thinking of thine.


1 Or, beloved and adorable,


2 Or, delightful


3 Or, movement


4 Or, gliding brightly


5 Or, height


6 Or, life that breathes in the mother;


7 Or, highest of all lights,


8 Or, himself a begetter;
