Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Gāthina Viśvāmitra |
Sukta 12
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ आ ग॑तं सु॒तं गी॒र्भिर्नभो॒ वरे॑ण्यं ।
अ॒स्य पा॑तं धि॒येषि॒ता ॥
índrāgnī␣íti ā́ gatam sutám gīḥ-bhíḥ nábhaḥ váreṇyam ǀ
asyá pātam dhiyā́ iṣitā́ ǁ
O Indra, O Fire, come to the offering of the wine, by our words, your supreme desirable ether; drink of it you who are missioned by the Thought.
इंद्रा॑ग्नी जरि॒तुः सचा॑ य॒ज्ञो जि॑गाति॒ चेत॑नः ।
अ॒या पा॑तमि॒मं सु॒तं ॥
índrāgnī␣íti jaritúḥ sácā yajñáḥ jigāti cétanaḥ ǀ
ayā́ pātam imám sutám ǁ
O Indra, O Fire, the conscious sacrifice journeys taking with it the worshipper: by this word drink of this offered wine.
इंद्र॑म॒ग्निं क॑वि॒च्छदा॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॑ जू॒त्या वृ॑णे ।
ता सोम॑स्ये॒ह तृं॑पतां ॥
índram agním kavi-chádā yajñásya jūtyā́ vṛṇe ǀ
tā́ sómasya ihá tṛmpatām ǁ
I choose by the swift impulse of the sacrifice Indra and the Fire whose pleasure is in the seer; take here your content of the Soma-wine.
तो॒शा वृ॑त्र॒हणा॑ हुवे स॒जित्वा॒नाप॑राजिता ।
इं॒द्रा॒ग्नी वा॑ज॒सात॑मा ॥
tośā́ vṛtra-hánā huve sa-jítvānā áparā-jitā ǀ
indrāgnī́␣íti vāja-sā́tamā ǁ
The smiters, the slayers of the coverer I call, the unvanquished, the companions in victory, Indra and the Fire, most strong to win the plenitudes.
प्र वा॑मर्चंत्यु॒क्थिनो॑ नीथा॒विदो॑ जरि॒तारः॑ ।
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ इष॒ आ वृ॑णे ॥
prá vām arcanti ukthínaḥ nītha-vídaḥ jaritā́raḥ ǀ
índrāgnī␣íti íṣaḥ ā́ vṛṇe ǁ
Your adorers, speakers of the word, they who know the ways of the guidance hymn you: O Indra, O Fire, I accept your impulsions.
इंद्रा॑ग्नी नव॒तिं पुरो॑ दा॒सप॑त्नीरधूनुतं ।
सा॒कमेके॑न॒ कर्म॑णा ॥
índrāgnī␣íti navatím púraḥ dāsá-patnīḥ adhūnutam ǀ
sākám ékena kármaṇā ǁ
Indra and Fire shook down the ninety cities possessed by the destroyers, together by one deed.
इंद्रा॑ग्नी॒ अप॑स॒स्पर्युप॒ प्र यं॑ति धी॒तयः॑ ।
ऋ॒तस्य॑ प॒थ्या॒३่ अनु॑ ॥
índrāgnī␣íti ápasaḥ pári úpa prá yanti dhītáyaḥ ǀ
ṛtásya pathyā́ḥ ánu ǁ
O Indra, O Fire, all around our work our thoughts go forward towards you along the paths of the Truth.
इंद्रा॑ग्नी तवि॒षाणि॑ वां स॒धस्था॑नि॒ प्रयां॑सि च ।
यु॒वोर॒प्तूर्यं॑ हि॒तं ॥
índrāgnī␣íti taviṣā́ṇi vām sadhá-sthāni práyāṃsi ca ǀ
yuvóḥ ap-tū́ryam hitám ǁ
O Indra, O Fire, your mights are companions and your delights; in you is founded all swiftness in the work.
इंद्रा॑ग्नी रोच॒ना दि॒वः परि॒ वाजे॑षु भूषथः ।
तद्वां॑ चेति॒ प्र वी॒र्यं॑ ॥
índrāgnī␣íti rocanā́ diváḥ pári vā́jeṣu bhūṣathaḥ ǀ
tát vām ceti prá vīryám ǁ
O Indra, O Fire, you encompass the luminous kingdom of heaven in the plenitudes; it is your strength that is manifested there1.
1 Or, that is your strength which wakes to knowledge.