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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gāthin Kauśika

Sukta 19


अ॒ग्निं होता॑रं॒ प्र वृ॑णे मि॒येधे॒ गृत्सं॑ क॒विं वि॑श्व॒विद॒ममू॑रं ।

स नो॑ यक्षद्दे॒वता॑ता॒ यजी॑यान्रा॒ये वाजा॑य वनते म॒घानि॑ ॥

agním hótāram prá vṛṇe miyédhe gṛ́tsam kavím viśva-vídam ámūram ǀ

sáḥ naḥ yakṣat devá-tātā yájīyān rāyé vā́jāya vanate maghā́ni ǁ

Fire I choose the Priest of the call in the sacrifice, the wise, the seer, the omniscient, free from ignorance: he shall do worship for us strong for sacrifice, in the formation of the godheads; for the wealth, for the plenitude he wins all kinds of amassings.


प्र ते॑ अग्ने ह॒विष्म॑तीमिय॒र्म्यच्छा॑ सुद्यु॒म्नां रा॒तिनीं॑ घृ॒ताचीं॑ ।

प्र॒द॒क्षि॒णिद्दे॒वता॑तिमुरा॒णः सं रा॒तिभि॒र्वसु॑भिर्य॒ज्ञम॑श्रेत् ॥

prá te agne havíṣmatīm iyarmi áccha su-dyumnā́m rātínīm ghṛtā́cīm ǀ

pra-dakṣiṇít devá-tātim urāṇáḥ sám rātí-bhiḥ vásu-bhiḥ yajñám aśret ǁ

O Fire, I mission towards thee a power of giving bearing my oblation, luminous, full of lustres. May he come to the sacrifice with his givings, with his treasures turning round it and widening the formation of the godheads.


स तेजी॑यसा॒ मन॑सा॒ त्वोत॑ उ॒त शि॑क्ष स्वप॒त्यस्य॑ शि॒क्षोः ।

अग्ने॑ रा॒यो नृत॑मस्य॒ प्रभू॑तौ भू॒याम॑ ते सुष्टु॒तय॑श्च॒ वस्वः॑ ॥

sáḥ téjīyasā mánasā tvā́-ūtaḥ utá śikṣa su-apatyásya śikṣóḥ ǀ

ágne rāyáḥ nṛ́-tamasya prá-bhūtau bhūyā́ma te su-stutáyaḥ ca vásvaḥ ǁ

So, am I guarded by thee with a mind of shining energy; then do thou teach us of the riches that teach and that give us good children of our works. O Fire, may we become affirmers of thee by our lauds and rich in the power of a wealth most full of the strength of the gods.


भूरी॑णि॒ हि त्वे द॑धि॒रे अनी॒काग्ने॑ दे॒वस्य॒ यज्य॑वो॒ जना॑सः ।

स आ व॑ह दे॒वता॑तिं यविष्ठ॒ शर्धो॒ यद॒द्य दि॒व्यं यजा॑सि ॥

bhū́rīṇi hí tvé␣íti dadhiré ánīkā ágne devásya yájyavaḥ jánāsaḥ ǀ

sáḥ ā́ vaha devá-tātim yaviṣṭha śárdhaḥ yát adyá divyám yájāsi ǁ

For, many flame-forces they have founded in thee, O Fire, men who have the will to sacrifice to the godhead. So, bring to us the formation of the godhead, O youthful god, when thou worshippest with sacrifice the divine host today.


यत्त्वा॒ होता॑रम॒नज॑न्मि॒येधे॑ निषा॒दयं॑तो य॒जथा॑य दे॒वाः ।

स त्वं नो॑ अग्नेऽवि॒तेह बो॒ध्यधि॒ श्रवां॑सि धेहि नस्त॒नूषु॑ ॥

yát tvā hótāram anájan miyédhe ni-sādáyantaḥ yajáthāya devā́ḥ ǀ

sáḥ tvám naḥ agne avitā́ ihá bodhi ádhi śrávāṃsi dhehi naḥ tanū́ṣu ǁ

Since the gods seating thee for sacrifice have anointed thee as Priest of the call in the rite, so do thou, O Fire, awake here as our protector and found thy inspirations in our bodies.