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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gāthina Viśvāmitra

Sukta 26


वै॒श्वा॒न॒रं मन॑सा॒ग्निं नि॒चाय्या॑ ह॒विष्मं॑तो अनुष॒त्यं स्व॒र्विदं॑ ।

सु॒दानुं॑ दे॒वं र॑थि॒रं व॑सू॒यवो॑ गी॒र्भी र॒ण्वं कु॑शि॒कासो॑ हवामहे ॥

vaiśvānarám mánasā agním ni-cā́yya havíṣmantaḥ anu-satyám svaḥ-vídam ǀ

su-dā́num devám rathirám vasu-yávaḥ gīḥ-bhíḥ raṇvám kuśikā́saḥ havāmahe ǁ

We the Kushikas, bringing the offering, desiring the Treasure, call by our words Fire, the universal godhead, discerning him by the mind, as the follower of the truth, who finds the world of the sun, the great giver, the divine and rapturous charioteer.


तं शु॒भ्रम॒ग्निमव॑से हवामहे वैश्वान॒रं मा॑त॒रिश्वा॑नमु॒क्थ्यं॑ ।

बृह॒स्पतिं॒ मनु॑षो दे॒वता॑तये॒ विप्रं॒ श्रोता॑र॒मति॑थिं रघु॒ष्यदं॑ ॥

tám śubhrám agním ávase havāmahe vaiśvānarám mātaríśvānam ukthyám ǀ

bṛ́haspátim mánuṣaḥ devá-tātaye vípram śrótāram átithim raghu-syádam ǁ

We call to guard us that brilliant Fire, the universal godhead, who grows in the mother, the master of the word, the speaker and the hearer, for the human being’s forming of the godhead, the illumined Seer, the Guest, the swift Traveller.


अश्वो॒ न क्रंदं॒जनि॑भिः॒ समि॑ध्यते वैश्वान॒रः कु॑शि॒केभि॑र्यु॒गेयु॑गे ।

स नो॑ अ॒ग्निः सु॒वीर्यं॒ स्वश्व्यं॒ दधा॑तु॒ रत्न॑म॒मृते॑षु॒ जागृ॑विः ॥

áśvaḥ ná krándan jáni-bhiḥ sám idhyate vaiśvānaráḥ kuśikébhiḥ yugé-yuge ǀ

sáḥ naḥ agníḥ su-vī́ryam su-áśvyam dádhātu rátnam amṛ́teṣu jā́gṛviḥ ǁ

As if the neighing Horse by the mothers, the universal godhead is kindled high by the Kushikas from generation to generation; may that Fire wakeful in the Immortals give to us the hero-strength and good power of the Horse and the ecstasy.


प्र यं॑तु॒ वाजा॒स्तवि॑षीभिर॒ग्नयः॑ शु॒भे सम्मि॑श्लाः॒ पृष॑तीरयुक्षत ।

बृ॒ह॒दुक्षो॑ म॒रुतो॑ वि॒श्ववे॑दसः॒ प्र वे॑पयंति॒ पर्व॑ताँ॒ अदा॑भ्याः ॥

prá yantu vā́jāḥ táviṣībhiḥ agnáyaḥ śubhé sám-miślāḥ pṛ́ṣatīḥ ayukṣata ǀ

bṛhat-úkṣaḥ marútaḥ viśvá-vedasaḥ prá vepayanti párvatān ádābhyāḥ ǁ

Let them go forward, the plenitudes with the strengths, thy Fires; they have yoked the dappled mares mingled together to reach bliss and make the mountains tremble, before them the life-gods, omniscient, pouring the Vast, inviolable.


अ॒ग्नि॒श्रियो॑ म॒रुतो॑ वि॒श्वकृ॑ष्टय॒ आ त्वे॒षमु॒ग्रमव॑ ईमहे व॒यं ।

ते स्वा॒निनो॑ रु॒द्रिया॑ व॒र्षनि॑र्णिजः सिं॒हा न हे॒षक्र॑तवः सु॒दान॑वः ॥

agni-śríyaḥ marútaḥ viśvá-kṛṣṭayaḥ ā́ tveṣám ugrám ávaḥ īmahe vayám ǀ

té svānínaḥ rudríyāḥ varṣá-nirnijaḥ siṃhā́ḥ ná heṣá-kratavaḥ su-dā́navaḥ ǁ

The life-gods with their glory of fire, universal in the peoples1, we desire as our brilliant and forceful guard; great givers are they, thunderous and terrible, clothed as if in raiment of rain, they are like roaring lions.


व्रातं॑व्रातं ग॒णंग॑णं सुश॒स्तिभि॑र॒ग्नेर्भामं॑ म॒रुता॒मोज॑ ईमहे ।

पृष॑दश्वासो अनव॒भ्ररा॑धसो॒ गंता॑रो य॒ज्ञं वि॒दथे॑षु॒ धीराः॑ ॥

vrā́tam-vrātam gaṇám-gaṇam suśastí-bhiḥ agnéḥ bhā́mam marútām ójaḥ īmahe ǀ

pṛ́ṣat-aśvāsaḥ anavabhrá-rādhasaḥ gántāraḥ yajñám vidátheṣu dhī́rāḥ ǁ

Host upon host, troop upon troop with their proclaimings of the Fire we desire the luminous energy of the life-gods; they come to the sacrifice driving their dappled horses, their achievement cannot be taken from them, they are wise thinkers in the discoveries of knowledge.


अ॒ग्निर॑स्मि॒ जन्म॑ना जा॒तवे॑दा घृ॒तं मे॒ चक्षु॑र॒मृतं॑ म आ॒सन् ।

अ॒र्कस्त्रि॒धातू॒ रज॑सो वि॒मानोऽज॑स्रो घ॒र्मो ह॒विर॑स्मि॒ नाम॑ ॥

agníḥ asmi jánmanā jātá-vedāḥ ghṛtám me cákṣuḥ amṛ́tam me āsán ǀ

arkáḥ tri-dhā́tuḥ rájasaḥ vi-mā́naḥ ájasraḥ gharmáḥ havíḥ asmi nā́ma ǁ

I am the Fire, I am from my birth the knower of all things born; light is my eye, in my mouth is immortality; I am the triple Ray, I am the measurer of the mid-world, I am the unceasing illumination, I am the offering.


त्रि॒भिः प॒वित्रै॒रपु॑पो॒द्ध्य१่र्कं हृ॒दा म॒तिं ज्योति॒रनु॑ प्रजा॒नन् ।

वर्षि॑ष्ठं॒ रत्न॑मकृत स्व॒धाभि॒रादिद्द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी पर्य॑पश्यत् ॥

tri-bhíḥ pavítraiḥ ápupot hí arkám hṛdā́ matím jyótiḥ ánu pra-jānán ǀ

várṣiṣṭham rátnam akṛta svadhā́bhiḥ ā́t ít dyā́vāpṛthivī́␣íti pári apaśyat ǁ

He has purified through the three filters the Ray, following the thought with the heart he has reached knowledge of the light; he has created by the self-laws of his nature the supreme ecstasy and his sight has embraced earth and heaven.


श॒तधा॑र॒मुत्स॒मक्षी॑यमाणं विप॒श्चितं॑ पि॒तरं॒ वक्त्वा॑नां ।

मे॒ळिं मदं॑तं पि॒त्रोरु॒पस्थे॒ तं रो॑दसी पिपृतं सत्य॒वाचं॑ ॥

śatá-dhāram útsam ákṣīyamāṇam vipaḥ-cítam pitáram váktvānām ǀ

meḷím mádantam pitróḥ upá-sthe tám rodasī␣íti pipṛtam satya-vā́cam ǁ

He is a fountain with a hundred streams that is never exhausted, with his illumined consciousness he is the father and accorder of all that must be spoken; he takes his rapture in the lap of the Father and Mother and earth and heaven fill him full, the speaker of truth.


1 Or, dragging all with them,
