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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gāthina Viśvāmitra

Sukta 27


प्र वो॒ वाजा॑ अ॒भिद्य॑वो ह॒विष्मं॑तो घृ॒ताच्या॑ ।

दे॒वांजि॑गाति सुम्न॒युः ॥

prá vaḥ vā́jāḥ abhí-dyavaḥ havíṣmantaḥ ghṛtā́cyā ǀ

devā́n jigāti sumnayúḥ ǁ

Forward move the luminous plenitudes bearing the offering with the ladle of light; the seeker of bliss travels to the gods.


ईळे॑ अ॒ग्निं वि॑प॒श्चितं॑ गि॒रा य॒ज्ञस्य॒ साध॑नं ।

श्रु॒ष्टी॒वानं॑ धि॒तावा॑नं ॥

ī́ḷe agním vipaḥ-cítam girā́ yajñásya sā́dhanam ǀ

śruṣṭī-vā́nam dhitá-vānam ǁ

I pray by the word the Fire with its illumined consciousness, who accomplishes the sacrifice, who has the inspiration, who has the firm holding.


अग्ने॑ श॒केम॑ ते व॒यं यमं॑ दे॒वस्य॑ वा॒जिनः॑ ।

अति॒ द्वेषां॑सि तरेम ॥

ágne śakéma te vayám yámam devásya vājínaḥ ǀ

áti dvéṣāṃsi tarema ǁ

O Fire, may we have the power to rein thee, the divine steed of swiftness, may we cross through the hostile forces.


स॒मि॒ध्यमा॑नो अध्व॒रे॒३่ऽग्निः पा॑व॒क ईड्यः॑ ।

शो॒चिष्के॑श॒स्तमी॑महे ॥

sam-idhyámānaḥ adhvaré agníḥ pāvakáḥ ī́ḍyaḥ ǀ

śocíḥ-keśaḥ tám īmahe ǁ

Fire high-blazing in the rite of the path, Fire whom we must pray, who purifies, with his tresses of flame — him we desire.


पृ॒थु॒पाजा॒ अम॑र्त्यो घृ॒तनि॑र्णि॒क्स्वा॑हुतः ।

अ॒ग्निर्य॒ज्ञस्य॑ हव्य॒वाट् ॥

pṛthu-pā́jāḥ ámartyaḥ ghṛtá-nirnik sú-āhutaḥ ǀ

agníḥ yajñásya havya-vā́ṭ ǁ

He is the immortal, wide in might, clothed in raiment of light; well-fed with the oblation, Fire is the carrier of the offerings in the sacrifice.


तं स॒बाधो॑ य॒तस्रु॑च इ॒त्था धि॒या य॒ज्ञवं॑तः ।

आ च॑क्रुर॒ग्निमू॒तये॑ ॥

tám sa-bā́dhaḥ yatá-srucaḥ itthā́ dhiyā́ yajñá-vantaḥ ǀ

ā́ cakruḥ agním ūtáye ǁ

Assailed by the opponent the doers of sacrifice, setting to work the ladle, keeping the true thought, have made the Fire to guard them.


होता॑ दे॒वो अम॑र्त्यः पु॒रस्ता॑देति मा॒यया॑ ।

वि॒दथा॑नि प्रचो॒दय॑न् ॥

hótā deváḥ ámartyaḥ purástāt eti māyáyā ǀ

vidáthāni pra-codáyan ǁ

The immortal, the godhead, the Priest of the call goes in our front with his mage-wisdom, impelling the discoveries of knowledge.


वा॒जी वाजे॑षु धीयतेऽध्व॒रेषु॒ प्र णी॑यते ।

विप्रो॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॒ साध॑नः ॥

vājī́ vā́jeṣu dhīyate adhvaréṣu prá nīyate ǀ

vípraḥ yajñásya sā́dhanaḥ ǁ

He is held as the Horse in the plenitudes, he is led along in the rites of the path, he is the illumined Seer who accomplishes the sacrifice.


धि॒या च॑क्रे॒ वरे॑ण्यो भू॒तानां॒ गर्भ॒मा द॑धे ।

दक्ष॑स्य पि॒तरं॒ तना॑ ॥

dhiyā́ cakre váreṇyaḥ bhūtā́nām gárbham ā́ dadhe ǀ

dákṣasya pitáram tánā ǁ

He was made by the Thought, one Supreme1; it held the child of beings, the father of the Understanding in the body2.


नि त्वा॑ दधे॒ वरे॑ण्यं॒ दक्ष॑स्ये॒ळा स॑हस्कृत ।

अग्ने॑ सुदी॒तिमु॒शिजं॑ ॥

ní tvā dadhe váreṇyam dákṣasya iḷā́ sahaḥ-kṛta ǀ

ágne su-dītím uśíjam ǁ

The word of revelation born from the understanding sets thee within, one supreme, O thou forcefully created, O Fire, the perfect thinker and the aspirant.


अ॒ग्निं यं॒तुर॑म॒प्तुर॑मृ॒तस्य॒ योगे॑ व॒नुषः॑ ।

विप्रा॒ वाजैः॒ समिं॑धते ॥

agním yantúram ap-túram ṛtásya yóge vanúṣaḥ ǀ

víprāḥ vā́jaiḥ sám indhate ǁ

Fire the swift in motion, who crosses through the waters, the illumined seers desiring to conquer in the union with the Truth set ablaze by the plenitudes.


ऊ॒र्जो नपा॑तमध्व॒रे दी॑दि॒वांस॒मुप॒ द्यवि॑ ।

अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे क॒विक्र॑तुं ॥

ūrjáḥ nápātam adhvaré dīdi-vā́ṃsam úpa dyávi ǀ

agním īḷe kaví-kratum ǁ

I pray Fire, the Seer-Will, the Son of Energy flaming out in heaven in the rite of the path.


ई॒ळेन्यो॑ नम॒स्य॑स्ति॒रस्तमां॑सि दर्श॒तः ।

सम॒ग्निरि॑ध्यते॒ वृषा॑ ॥

īḷényaḥ namasyáḥ tiráḥ támāṃsi darśatáḥ ǀ

sám agníḥ idhyate vṛ́ṣā ǁ

One to be prayed, to be worshipped with obeisance, one who sees3 through the darkness, the Fire is kindled high, the male of the herd.


वृषो॑ अ॒ग्निः समि॑ध्य॒तेऽश्वो॒ न दे॑व॒वाह॑नः ।

तं ह॒विष्मं॑त ईळते ॥

vṛ́ṣo␣íti agníḥ sám idhyate áśvaḥ ná deva-vā́hanaḥ ǀ

tám havíṣmantaḥ īḷate ǁ

Mighty and male the Fire is kindled high, he is like a horse that carries the gods, him they pray who bring the offerings.


वृष॑णं त्वा व॒यं वृ॑ष॒न्वृष॑णः॒ समि॑धीमहि ।

अग्ने॒ दीद्य॑तं बृ॒हत् ॥

vṛ́ṣaṇam tvā vayám vṛṣan vṛ́ṣaṇaḥ sám idhīmahi ǀ

ágne dī́dyatam bṛhát ǁ

Thee, mighty and male, we male and mighty kindle high, O Bull of the herds, O Fire, and thou illuminest the Vast.


1 Or, the desirable one;


2 Or, the daughter of the Understanding set him in us the child born from creatures and their father.


3 Or, is seen
