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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gāthina Viśvāmitra

Sukta 29


अस्ती॒दम॑धि॒मंथ॑न॒मस्ति॑ प्र॒जन॑नं कृ॒तं ।

ए॒तां वि॒श्पत्नी॒मा भ॑रा॒ग्निं मं॑थाम पू॒र्वथा॑ ॥

ásti idám adhi-mánthanam ásti pra-jánanam kṛtám ǀ

etā́m viśpátnīm ā́ bhara agním manthāma pūrvá-thā ǁ

This is the churning out, this the bringing to birth that is done; bring the Queen of the peoples, let us churn out the Fire as of old.


अ॒रण्यो॒र्निहि॑तो जा॒तवे॑दा॒ गर्भ॑ इव॒ सुधि॑तो ग॒र्भिणी॑षु ।

दि॒वेदि॑व॒ ईड्यो॑ जागृ॒वद्भि॑र्ह॒विष्म॑द्भिर्मनु॒ष्ये॑भिर॒ग्निः ॥

aráṇyoḥ ní-hitaḥ jātá-vedāḥ gárbhaḥ-iva sú-dhitaḥ garbhíṇīṣu ǀ

divé-dive ī́ḍyaḥ jāgṛvát-bhiḥ havíṣmat-bhiḥ manuṣyébhiḥ agníḥ ǁ

The knower of all births is set in the two tinders, like an unborn child well-placed in the womb of the mothers, Fire who is to be prayed from day to day by men wakeful and bearing their offering.


उ॒त्ता॒नाया॒मव॑ भरा चिकि॒त्वान्त्स॒द्यः प्रवी॑ता॒ वृष॑णं जजान ।

अ॒रु॒षस्तू॑पो॒ रुश॑दस्य॒ पाज॒ इळा॑यास्पु॒त्रो व॒युने॑ऽजनिष्ट ॥

uttānā́yām áva bhara cikitvā́n sadyáḥ prá-vītā vṛ́ṣaṇam jajāna ǀ

aruṣá-stūpaḥ rúśat asya pā́jaḥ íḷāyāḥ putráḥ vayúne ajaniṣṭa ǁ

Waking to knowledge bring him down in her lying supine; at once penetrated she has brought to birth the male of the herd: a ruddy pile of strength his might shines forth, the son of the Word of revelation is born in the manifestation of knowledge.


इळा॑यास्त्वा प॒दे व॒यं नाभा॑ पृथि॒व्या अधि॑ ।

जात॑वेदो॒ नि धी॑म॒ह्यग्ने॑ ह॒व्याय॒ वोळ्ह॑वे ॥

íḷāyāḥ tvā padé vayám nā́bhā pṛthivyā́ḥ ádhi ǀ

jā́ta-vedaḥ ní dhīmahi ágne havyā́ya vóḷhave ǁ

We in the seat of the Word of revelation, on the navel-centre of the earth, set thee within, O knower of all things born, for the carrying of the oblations.


मंथ॑ता नरः क॒विमद्व॑यंतं॒ प्रचे॑तसम॒मृतं॑ सु॒प्रती॑कं ।

य॒ज्ञस्य॑ के॒तुं प्र॑थ॒मं पु॒रस्ता॑द॒ग्निं न॑रो जनयता सु॒शेवं॑ ॥

mánthata naraḥ kavím ádvayantam prá-cetasam amṛ́tam su-prátīkam ǀ

yajñásya ketúm prathamám purástāt agním naraḥ janayata su-śévam ǁ

Churn out, O men, the seer who creates no duality, the immortal thinker and knower with his fair front; Fire who is the supreme intuition in the sacrifice, the blissful one, bring to birth in your front, O men.


यदी॒ मंथं॑ति बा॒हुभि॒र्वि रो॑च॒तेऽश्वो॒ न वा॒ज्य॑रु॒षो वने॒ष्वा ।

चि॒त्रो न याम॑न्न॒श्विनो॒रनि॑वृतः॒ परि॑ वृण॒क्त्यश्म॑न॒स्तृणा॒ दह॑न् ॥

yádi mánthanti bāhú-bhiḥ ví rocate áśvaḥ ná vājī́ aruṣáḥ váneṣu ā́ ǀ

citráḥ ná yā́man aśvínoḥ áni-vṛtaḥ pári vṛṇakti áśmanaḥ tṛ́ṇā dáhan ǁ

When they churn him out by the strength of their arms wide he shines, he is like a horse of swiftness, he is luminous in the woodlands; he is like a richly hued chariot in the journeying of the two riders, none can impede him; burning around the rocks he tears the grasses.


जा॒तो अ॒ग्नी रो॑चते॒ चेकि॑तानो वा॒जी विप्रः॑ कविश॒स्तः सु॒दानुः॑ ।

यं दे॒वास॒ ईड्यं॑ विश्व॒विदं॑ हव्य॒वाह॒मद॑धुरध्व॒रेषु॑ ॥

jātáḥ agníḥ rocate cékitānaḥ vājī́ vípraḥ kavi-śastáḥ su-dā́nuḥ ǀ

yám devā́saḥ ī́ḍyam viśva-vídam havya-vā́ham ádadhuḥ adhvaréṣu ǁ

Agni when he is born shines waking to knowledge, he is the Horse, the illumined who is declared by the seers, the great giver, whom the gods have set in the pilgrim-sacrifices as the carrier of the offerings, the one to be prayed, the omniscient.


सीद॑ होतः॒ स्व उ॑ लो॒के चि॑कि॒त्वान्त्सा॒दया॑ य॒ज्ञं सु॑कृ॒तस्य॒ योनौ॑ ।

दे॒वा॒वीर्दे॒वान्ह॒विषा॑ यजा॒स्यग्ने॑ बृ॒हद्यज॑माने॒ वयो॑ धाः ॥

sī́da hotaríti své ūṃ␣íti loké cikitvā́n sādáya yajñám su-kṛtásya yónau ǀ

deva-avī́ḥ devā́n havíṣā yajāsi ágne bṛhát yájamāne váyaḥ dhāḥ ǁ

Sit, O Priest of the call, in that world which is thy own waking to knowledge, accomplish the sacrifice in the native seat of deeds well done; manifesting the godheads1 thou sacrificest to the gods with the offering, — O Fire, found in the sacrificer the vast expansion.


कृ॒णोत॑ धू॒मं वृष॑णं सखा॒योऽस्रे॑धंत इतन॒ वाज॒मच्छ॑ ।

अ॒यम॒ग्निः पृ॑तना॒षाट् सु॒वीरो॒ येन॑ दे॒वासो॒ अस॑हंत॒ दस्यू॑न् ॥

kṛṇóta dhūmám vṛ́ṣaṇam sakhāyaḥ ásredhantaḥ itana vā́jam áccha ǀ

ayám agníḥ pṛtanāṣā́ṭ su-vī́raḥ yéna devā́saḥ ásahanta dásyūn ǁ

O Friends, create his mighty smoke, go with unerring steps towards the plenitude; this is the Fire conqueror in the battle, by whom the gods overcame the destroyers.


अ॒यं ते॒ योनि॑र्ऋ॒त्वियो॒ यतो॑ जा॒तो अरो॑चथाः ।

तं जा॒नन्न॑ग्न॒ आ सी॒दाथा॑ नो वर्धया॒ गिरः॑ ॥

ayám te yóniḥ ṛtvíyaḥ yátaḥ jātáḥ árocathāḥ ǀ

tám jānán agne ā́ sīda átha naḥ vardhaya gíraḥ ǁ

This is thy native seat where is the order of the Truth whence born thou shonest forth, know it and take there thy session, then give increase to our words.


तनू॒नपा॑दुच्यते॒ गर्भ॑ आसु॒रो नरा॒शंसो॑ भवति॒ यद्वि॒जाय॑ते ।

मा॒त॒रिश्वा॒ यदमि॑मीत मा॒तरि॒ वात॑स्य॒ सर्गो॑ अभव॒त्सरी॑मणि ॥

tanū́-nápāt ucyate gárbhaḥ āsuráḥ nárāśáṃsaḥ bhavati yát vi-jā́yate ǀ

mātaríśvā yát ámimīta mātári vā́tasya sárgaḥ abhavat sárīmaṇi ǁ

A mighty child in the womb he is called the son of the body; when he is born he becomes one who voices the godhead: when as life who grows in the mother he has been fashioned in the mother he becomes a gallop of wind in his movement.


सु॒नि॒र्मथा॒ निर्म॑थितः सुनि॒धा निहि॑तः क॒विः ।

अग्ने॑ स्वध्व॒रा कृ॑णु दे॒वांदे॑वय॒ते य॑ज ॥

suniḥ-máthā níḥ-mathitaḥ su-nidhā́ ní-hitaḥ kavíḥ ǀ

ágne su-adhvarā́ kṛṇu devā́n deva-yaté yaja ǁ

Churned out with the good churning the seer set within with a perfect placing, — O Fire, make easy the paths of the sacrifice, offer sacrifice to the gods for the seeker of godhead.


अजी॑जनन्न॒मृतं॒ मर्त्या॑सोऽस्रे॒माणं॑ त॒रणिं॑ वी॒ळुजं॑भं ।

दश॒ स्वसा॑रो अ॒ग्रुवः॑ समी॒चीः पुमां॑सं जा॒तम॒भि सं र॑भंते ॥

ájījanan amṛ́tam mártyāsaḥ asremā́ṇam taráṇim vīḷú-jambham ǀ

dáśa svásāraḥ agrúvaḥ sam-īcī́ḥ púmāṃsam jātám abhí sám rabhante ǁ

Mortals have brought to birth the Immortal, Fire with his strong tusk, the unfailing deliverer2. The ten sisters who move as companions passion over the male that is born.


प्र स॒प्तहो॑ता सन॒काद॑रोचत मा॒तुरु॒पस्थे॒ यदशो॑च॒दूध॑नि ।

न नि मि॑षति सु॒रणो॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे॒ यदसु॑रस्य ज॒ठरा॒दजा॑यत ॥

prá saptá-hotā sanakā́t arocata mātúḥ upá-sthe yát áśocat ū́dhani ǀ

ná ní miṣati su-ráṇaḥ divé-dive yát ásurasya jaṭhárāt ájāyata ǁ

He shone out from the eternal with his seven priests of the call when he blazed on the lap of the mother, in her bosom of plenty. He is full of joy and closes not his eyes from day to day, once he has been born from the belly of the Almighty One.


अ॒मि॒त्रा॒युधो॑ म॒रुता॑मिव प्र॒याः प्र॑थम॒जा ब्रह्म॑णो॒ विश्व॒मिद्वि॑दुः ।

द्यु॒म्नव॒द्ब्रह्म॑ कुशि॒कास॒ एरि॑र॒ एक॑एको॒ दमे॑ अ॒ग्निं समी॑धिरे ॥

amitra-yúdhaḥ marútām-iva pra-yā́ḥ prathama-jā́ḥ bráhmaṇaḥ víśvam ít viduḥ ǀ

dyumná-vat bráhma kuśikā́saḥ ā́ īrire ékaḥ-ekaḥ dáme agním sám īdhire ǁ

Fighting down the unfriendly powers like the marching hosts of the life-gods the first-born of the Word come to know all that is: the Kushikas have sent forth the luminous word, one by one they have kindled the Fire in the house.


यद॒द्य त्वा॑ प्रय॒ति य॒ज्ञे अ॒स्मिन्होत॑श्चिकि॒त्वोऽवृ॑णीमही॒ह ।

ध्रु॒वम॑या ध्रु॒वमु॒ताश॑मिष्ठाः प्रजा॒नन्वि॒द्वाँ उप॑ याहि॒ सोमं॑ ॥

yát adyá tvā pra-yatí yajñé asmín hótaríti cikitvaḥ ávṛṇīmahi ihá ǀ

dhruvám ayāḥ dhruvám utá aśamiṣṭhāḥ pra-jānán vidvā́n úpa yāhi sómam ǁ

Because here today in the going forward of this sacrifice we have chosen thee, O Priest of the call, O thou who wakest to knowledge, thou hast moved to the Permanent, thou hast achieved by thy toil the Permanent; knowing, come as one possessed of knowledge to the Soma-wine.


1 Or, bringing the gods


2 Or, one who unfailing crosses through all.
