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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vāmadeva Gautama

Sukta 3


आ वो॒ राजा॑नमध्व॒रस्य॑ रु॒द्रं होता॑रं सत्य॒यजं॒ रोद॑स्योः ।

अ॒ग्निं पु॒रा त॑नयि॒त्नोर॒चित्ता॒द्धिर॑ण्यरूप॒मव॑से कृणुध्वं ॥

ā́ vaḥ rā́jānam adhvarásya rudrám hótāram satya-yájam ródasyoḥ ǀ

agním purā́ tanayitnóḥ acíttāt híraṇya-rūpam ávase kṛṇudhvam ǁ

Create for yourselves the King of the pilgrim-rite, the Terrible, the Priest of the invocation who wins by sacrifice the Truth in earth and heaven1 create Fire golden in his form for your protection before the outspreading of the Ignorance2.


अ॒यं योनि॑श्चकृ॒मा यं व॒यं ते॑ जा॒येव॒ पत्य॑ उश॒ती सु॒वासाः॑ ।

अ॒र्वा॒ची॒नः परि॑वीतो॒ नि षी॑दे॒मा उ॑ ते स्वपाक प्रती॒चीः ॥

ayám yóniḥ cakṛmá yám vayám te jāyā́-iva pátye uśatī́ su-vā́sāḥ ǀ

arvācīnáḥ pári-vītaḥ ní sīda imā́ḥ ūṃ␣íti te su-apāka pratīcī́ḥ ǁ

This is thy seat which we have made for thee, even as, desiring, a wife richly robed for her lord; thou art turned towards us and wide-extended around, sit here within: O once far distant Fire, these are fronting thee, O Fire, perfect in wisdom.


आ॒शृ॒ण्व॒ते अदृ॑पिताय॒ मन्म॑ नृ॒चक्ष॑से सुमृळी॒काय॑ वेधः ।

दे॒वाय॑ श॒स्तिम॒मृता॑य शंस॒ ग्रावे॑व॒ सोता॑ मधु॒षुद्यमी॒ळे ॥

āśṛṇvaté ádṛpitāya mánma nṛ-cákṣase su-mṛḷīkā́ya vedhaḥ ǀ

devā́ya śastím amṛ́tāya śaṃsa grā́vā-iva sótā madhu-sút yám īḷé ǁ

O ordinant of sacrifice, to Fire that hears, inviolate, the strong in vision, the happy, the immortal Godhead speak the Thought, the word expressing him, whom I pray as with the voice of the stone of the pressing when it presses out the honey-wine.


त्वं चि॑न्नः॒ शम्या॑ अग्ने अ॒स्या ऋ॒तस्य॑ बोध्यृतचित्स्वा॒धीः ।

क॒दा त॑ उ॒क्था स॑ध॒माद्या॑नि क॒दा भ॑वंति स॒ख्या गृ॒हे ते॑ ॥

tvám cit naḥ śámyai agne asyā́ḥ ṛtásya bodhi ṛta-cit su-ādhī́ḥ ǀ

kadā́ te ukthā́ sadha-mā́dyāni kadā́ bhavanti sakhyā́ gṛhé te ǁ

Thou, too, O Fire, turn towards our labour, become aware of this word, in perfect answer of thy thought, Truth-Conscious, become aware of the Truth. When shall there be thy utterances that share in our ecstasy, when thy acts of companionship in the house?


क॒था ह॒ तद्वरु॑णाय॒ त्वम॑ग्ने क॒था दि॒वे ग॑र्हसे॒ कन्न॒ आगः॑ ।

क॒था मि॒त्राय॑ मी॒ळ्हुषे॑ पृथि॒व्यै ब्रवः॒ कद॑र्य॒म्णे कद्भगा॑य ॥

kathā́ ha tát váruṇāya tvám agne kathā́ divé garhase kát naḥ ā́gaḥ ǀ

kathā́ mitrā́ya mīḷhúṣe pṛthivyái brávaḥ kát aryamṇé kát bhágāya ǁ

How dost thou blame it, O Fire, to Varuna, to Heaven, what is that sin we have done? How wouldst thou speak of us to Mitra, the bountiful, how to earth? What wilt thou say to Aryaman, what to Bhaga?


कद्धिष्ण्या॑सु वृधसा॒नो अ॑ग्ने॒ कद्वाता॑य॒ प्रत॑वसे शुभं॒ये ।

परि॑ज्मने॒ नास॑त्याय॒ क्षे ब्रवः॒ कद॑ग्ने रु॒द्राय॑ नृ॒घ्ने ॥

kát dhíṣṇyāsu vṛdhasānáḥ agne kát vā́tāya prá-tavase śubham-yé ǀ

pári-jmane nā́satyāya kṣé brávaḥ kát agne rudrā́ya nṛ-ghné ǁ

What, O Fire, growing in thy abodes, wouldst thou say for us, what to the wind most forceful, to the seeker of the Good, the all-pervading, to the lord of the journey, to the earth? What, O Fire, to Rudra the slayer of men?


क॒था म॒हे पु॑ष्टिंभ॒राय॑ पू॒ष्णे कद्रु॒द्राय॒ सुम॑खाय हवि॒र्दे ।

कद्विष्ण॑व उरुगा॒याय॒ रेतो॒ ब्रवः॒ कद॑ग्ने॒ शर॑वे बृह॒त्यै ॥

kathā́ mahé puṣṭim-bharā́ya pūṣṇé kát rudrā́ya sú-makhāya haviḥ-dé ǀ

kát víṣṇave uru-gāyā́ya rétaḥ brávaḥ kát agne śárave bṛhatyái ǁ

How wilt thou speak of us to Pushan, the mighty bringer of increase, what to Rudra great in sacrifice, giver of the offering? What seed of things to wide-striding Vishnu, or what, O Fire, to vast doom?


क॒था शर्धा॑य म॒रुता॑मृ॒ताय॑ क॒था सू॒रे बृ॑ह॒ते पृ॒च्छ्यमा॑नः ।

प्रति॑ ब्र॒वोऽदि॑तये तु॒राय॒ साधा॑ दि॒वो जा॑तवेदश्चिकि॒त्वान् ॥

kathā́ śárdhāya marútām ṛtā́ya kathā́ sūré bṛhaté pṛcchyámānaḥ ǀ

práti bravaḥ áditaye turā́ya sā́dha diváḥ jāta-vedaḥ cikitvā́n ǁ

How when they question thee wouldst thou answer to the host of the Life-Gods in their Truth, or to the Sun in his vastness, to the mother indivisible, to the swift traveller? O knower of all things born, thou knowest the Heaven, for us accomplish.


ऋ॒तेन॑ ऋ॒तं निय॑तमीळ॒ आ गोरा॒मा सचा॒ मधु॑मत्प॒क्वम॑ग्ने ।

कृ॒ष्णा स॒ती रुश॑ता धा॒सिनै॒षा जाम॑र्येण॒ पय॑सा पीपाय ॥

ṛténa ṛtám ní-yatam īḷe ā́ góḥ āmā́ sácā mádhu-mat pakvám agne ǀ

kṛṣṇā́ satī́ rúśatā dhāsínā eṣā́ jā́maryeṇa páyasā pīpāya ǁ

I ask for the truth governed by the Truth, together the unripe things of the Cow of light and that of her which is sweet and ripe, O Fire. Even black of hue, she nourishes with a luminous supporting, with a kindred milk3.


ऋ॒तेन॒ हि ष्मा॑ वृष॒भश्चि॑द॒क्तः पुमाँ॑ अ॒ग्निः पय॑सा पृ॒ष्ठ्ये॑न ।

अस्पं॑दमानो अचरद्वयो॒धा वृषा॑ शु॒क्रं दु॑दुहे॒ पृश्नि॒रूधः॑ ॥

ṛténa hí sma vṛṣabháḥ cit aktáḥ púmān agníḥ páyasā pṛṣṭhyéna ǀ

áspandamānaḥ acarat vayaḥ-dhā́ḥ vṛ́ṣā śukrám duduhe pṛ́śniḥ ū́dhaḥ ǁ

For the Fire the Bull, the Male, is inundated with the Truth, with milk of the heights: unstirred he ranges abroad establishing the wideness, the dappled Bull has milked out the bright udder.


ऋ॒तेनाद्रिं॒ व्य॑सन्भि॒दंतः॒ समंगि॑रसो नवंत॒ गोभिः॑ ।

शु॒नं नरः॒ परि॑ षदन्नु॒षास॑मा॒विः स्व॑रभवज्जा॒ते अ॒ग्नौ ॥

ṛténa ádrim ví asan bhidántaḥ sám áṅgirasaḥ navanta góbhiḥ ǀ

śunám náraḥ pári sadan uṣásam āvíḥ sváḥ abhavat jāté agnáu ǁ

By the Truth the Angiras-seers broke the hill, they parted it asunder, they moved4 together with the Ray-Cows; men sat happily around Dawn, the Sun-world5 was manifested when the Fire was born.


ऋ॒तेन॑ दे॒वीर॒मृता॒ अमृ॑क्ता॒ अर्णो॑भि॒रापो॒ मधु॑मद्भिरग्ने ।

वा॒जी न सर्गे॑षु प्रस्तुभा॒नः प्र सद॒मित्स्रवि॑तवे दधन्युः ॥

ṛténa devī́ḥ amṛ́tāḥ ámṛktāḥ árṇaḥ-bhiḥ ā́paḥ mádhumat-bhiḥ agne ǀ

vājī́ ná sárgeṣu pra-stubhānáḥ prá sádam ít srávitave dadhanyuḥ ǁ

By the Truth, divine, immortal and inviolate, the Waters with their honied floods, Fire, like a steed of swiftness pressing forward6 in its gallopings, raced ever on to their flow.


मा कस्य॑ य॒क्षं सद॒मिद्धु॒रो गा॒ मा वे॒शस्य॑ प्रमिन॒तो मापेः ।

मा भ्रातु॑रग्ने॒ अनृ॑जोर्ऋ॒णं वे॒र्मा सख्यु॒र्दक्षं॑ रि॒पोर्भु॑जेम ॥

mā́ kásya yakṣám sádam ít huráḥ gāḥ mā́ veśásya pra-minatáḥ mā́ āpéḥ ǀ

mā́ bhrā́tuḥ agne ánṛjoḥ ṛṇám veḥ mā́ sákhyuḥ dákṣam ripóḥ bhujema ǁ

Mayst thou never pass over to the Power7 of one who is a thief, or of a neighbour or one intimate who would do us injury8, mayst thou not incur the debt of a brother who is crooked, may we not suffer by evil thought from9 friend or foe.


रक्षा॑ णो अग्ने॒ तव॒ रक्ष॑णेभी रारक्षा॒णः सु॑मख प्रीणा॒नः ।

प्रति॑ ष्फुर॒ वि रु॑ज वी॒ड्वंहो॑ ज॒हि रक्षो॒ महि॑ चिद्वावृधा॒नं ॥

rákṣa naḥ agne táva rákṣaṇebhiḥ rarakṣāṇáḥ su-makha prīṇānáḥ ǀ

práti sphura ví ruja vīḷú áṃhaḥ jahí rákṣaḥ máhi cit vavṛdhānám ǁ

O Fire, strong in sacrifice, protect us ever guarding us with thy keepings, taking pleasure in us; burst out in flame, break the strong evil, slay the (Rakshasa) demon even when he is increasing into greatness.


ए॒भिर्भ॑व सु॒मना॑ अग्ने अ॒र्कैरि॒मान्त्स्पृ॑श॒ मन्म॑भिः शूर॒ वाजा॑न् ।

उ॒त ब्रह्मा॑ण्यंगिरो जुषस्व॒ सं ते॑ श॒स्तिर्दे॒ववा॑ता जरेत ॥

ebhíḥ bhava su-mánāḥ agne arkáiḥ imā́n spṛśa mánma-bhiḥ śūra vā́jān ǀ

utá bráhmāṇi aṅgiraḥ juṣasva sám te śastíḥ devá-vātā jareta ǁ

O Fire, become great of mind by these hymns of illumination, by our thinkings touch these plenitudes, O heroic Flame, so take joy in the words of knowledge, O Angiras, let our speech expressing thee come close to thee, enjoyed by the gods.


ए॒ता विश्वा॑ वि॒दुषे॒ तुभ्यं॑ वेधो नी॒थान्य॑ग्ने नि॒ण्या वचां॑सि ।

नि॒वच॑ना क॒वये॒ काव्या॒न्यशं॑सिषं म॒तिभि॒र्विप्र॑ उ॒क्थैः ॥

etā́ víśvā vidúṣe túbhyam vedhaḥ nīthā́ni agne niṇyā́ vácāṃsi ǀ

ni-vácanā kaváye kā́vyāni áśaṃsiṣam matí-bhiḥ vípraḥ uktháiḥ ǁ

Thus have I, an illumined sage, by my thoughts and utterances spoken to thee, who knowest, O Fire, O creator, secret words of guidance, seer-wisdoms that speak out their sense to the seer10.


1 Or, who worships with sacrifice the Truth for earth and heaven,


2 Or, before the thunder-crash from the unknown.


3 The Cow (the Vedic symbol of knowledge) even in the Ignorance where it is black still nourishes us with a truth which is still luminous and governed by the Greater Truth which is hers on higher levels where she is the radiant Cow of Light.


4 Or, came


5 Or, the Sun


6 Or, urged forward


7 The word means supernatural or occult Power which captures the force of Agni, the lord of Tapasya, to use it for harm.


8 Or, diminishes us,


9 Or, by the skill of; here, again, it is skill in an occult working, or an occult and hostile direction of thought that is feared.


10 Or, all these in my thoughts and utterances I have spoken to thee, I, an illumined sage, to thee the knower, O Fire, O creator, words of guidance, secret words, seer-wisdoms that speak out their meaning to the seer.
