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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vāmadeva Gautama

Sukta 12


यस्त्वाम॑ग्न इ॒नध॑ते य॒तस्रु॒क्त्रिस्ते॒ अन्नं॑ कृ॒णव॒त्सस्मि॒न्नह॑न् ।

स सु द्यु॒म्नैर॒भ्य॑स्तु प्र॒सक्ष॒त्तव॒ क्रत्वा॑ जातवेदश्चिकि॒त्वान् ॥

yáḥ tvā́m agne inádhate yatá-sruk tríḥ te ánnam kṛṇávat sásmin áhan ǀ

sáḥ sú dyumnáiḥ abhí astu pra-sákṣat táva krátvā jāta-vedaḥ cikitvā́n ǁ

He who kindles thee, O Fire, and with his ladle in action creates food for thee thrice in the day may he, awakened to knowledge, be ever with thy illuminations and wholly put forth his force and overcome by thy will, O knower of all things born.


इ॒ध्मं यस्ते॑ ज॒भर॑च्छश्रमा॒णो म॒हो अ॑ग्ने॒ अनी॑क॒मा स॑प॒र्यन् ।

स इ॑धा॒नः प्रति॑ दो॒षामु॒षासं॒ पुष्य॑न्र॒यिं स॑चते॒ घ्नन्न॒मित्रा॑न् ॥

idhmám yáḥ te jabhárat śaśramāṇáḥ maháḥ agne ánīkam ā́ saparyán ǀ

sáḥ idhānáḥ práti doṣā́m uṣásam púṣyan rayím sacate ghnán amítrān ǁ

He who labours and brings to thee thy fuel serving the flame-force of thy greatness, O Fire, he kindling thee every day and night ever grows and cleaves to the Treasure slaying the unfriendly Powers.


अ॒ग्निरी॑शे बृह॒तः क्ष॒त्रिय॑स्या॒ग्निर्वाज॑स्य पर॒मस्य॑ रा॒यः ।

दधा॑ति॒ रत्नं॑ विध॒ते यवि॑ष्ठो॒ व्या॑नु॒षङ्मर्त्या॑य स्व॒धावा॑न् ॥

agníḥ īśe bṛhatáḥ kṣatríyasya agníḥ vā́jasya paramásya rāyáḥ ǀ

dádhāti rátnam vidhaté yáviṣṭhaḥ ví ānuṣák mártyāya svadhā́-vān ǁ

The Fire is the master of the vast might, the Fire is master of the supreme plenitude and riches; ever young, faithful to his self-law, he founds wholly uninterruptedly the ecstasy for the mortal who worships him.


यच्चि॒द्धि ते॑ पुरुष॒त्रा य॑वि॒ष्ठाचि॑त्तिभिश्चकृ॒मा कच्चि॒दागः॑ ।

कृ॒धी ष्व१่स्माँ अदि॑ते॒रना॑गा॒न्व्येनां॑सि शिश्रथो॒ विष्व॑गग्ने ॥

yát cit hí te puruṣa-trā́ yaviṣṭha ácitti-bhiḥ cakṛmá kát cit ā́gaḥ ǀ

kṛdhí sú asmā́n áditeḥ ánāgān ví énāṃsi śiśrathaḥ víṣvak agne ǁ

If at all in our humanity by our movements of ignorance we have done any evil against thee, O Fire, make us wholly sinless before the mother indivisible; O Fire, mayst thou loosen from us the bonds of our sins to every side.


म॒हश्चि॑दग्न॒ एन॑सो अ॒भीक॑ ऊ॒र्वाद्दे॒वाना॑मु॒त मर्त्या॑नां ।

मा ते॒ सखा॑यः॒ सद॒मिद्रि॑षाम॒ यच्छा॑ तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय॒ शं योः ॥

maháḥ cit agne énasaḥ abhī́ke ūrvā́t devā́nām utá mártyānām ǀ

mā́ te sákhāyaḥ sádam ít riṣāma yáccha tokā́ya tánayāya śám yóḥ ǁ

Even though our sin be great before gods and men, even though it be wide, O Fire, may we not come ever to harm from it who are thy friends and comrades; give to our Son, our begotten, the peace and the well-doing.


यथा॑ ह॒ त्यद्व॑सवो गौ॒र्यं॑ चित्प॒दि षि॒ताममुं॑चता यजत्राः ।

ए॒वो ष्व१่स्मन्मुं॑चता॒ व्यंहः॒ प्र ता॑र्यग्ने प्रत॒रं न॒ आयुः॑ ॥

yáthā ha tyát vasavaḥ gauryám cit padí sitā́m ámuñcata yajatrāḥ ǀ

evó␣íti sú asmát muñcata ví áṃhaḥ prá tāri agne pra-tarám naḥ ā́yuḥ ǁ

Even as that was done when the Masters of Riches, the Lords of sacrifice released the bright cow tethered by her foot, so release us utterly from evil; mayst thou carry forward our life so that it crosses beyond, O Fire.