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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vāmadeva Gautama

Sukta 13


प्रत्य॒ग्निरु॒षसा॒मग्र॑मख्यद्विभाती॒नां सु॒मना॑ रत्न॒धेयं॑ ।

या॒तम॑श्विना सु॒कृतो॑ दुरो॒णमुत्सूर्यो॒ ज्योति॑षा दे॒व ए॑ति ॥

práti agníḥ uṣásām ágram akhyat vi-bhātīnā́m su-mánāḥ ratna-dhéyam ǀ

yātám aśvinā su-kṛ́taḥ duroṇám út sū́ryaḥ jyótiṣā deváḥ eti ǁ

The Fire facing the front of the dawns as they shine out has revealed the founding of ecstasy; the two Riders of the horse are coming to the gated house of the doer of good works; the divine Sun is rising up with its light.


ऊ॒र्ध्वं भा॒नुं स॑वि॒ता दे॒वो अ॑श्रेद्द्र॒प्सं दवि॑ध्वद्गवि॒षो न सत्वा॑ ।

अनु॑ व्र॒तं वरु॑णो यंति मि॒त्रो यत्सूर्यं॑ दि॒व्या॑रो॒हयं॑ति ॥

ūrdhvám bhānúm savitā́ deváḥ aśret drapsám dávidhvat go-iṣáḥ ná sátvā ǀ

ánu vratám váruṇaḥ yanti mitráḥ yát sū́ryam diví ā-roháyanti ǁ

The divine creator Sun has reached his high shining, he is like a warrior seeker of the Light brandishing his flag. There is Varuna, there is Mitra, all follow the working of the Law when they make the Sun to rise up in heaven.


यं सी॒मकृ॑ण्वं॒तम॑से वि॒पृचे॑ ध्रु॒वक्षे॑मा॒ अन॑वस्यंतो॒ अर्थं॑ ।

तं सूर्यं॑ ह॒रितः॑ स॒प्त य॒ह्वीः स्पशं॒ विश्व॑स्य॒ जग॑तो वहंति ॥

yám sīm ákṛṇvan támase vi-pṛ́ce dhruvá-kṣemāḥ ánava-syantaḥ ártham ǀ

tám sū́ryam harítaḥ saptá yahvī́ḥ spáśam víśvasya jágataḥ vahanti ǁ

Him whom, firm in their foundation, never ceasing from their aim they have made for the removing of the darkness, this Sun seven mighty brilliant mares bear as the scouts of the whole world.


वहि॑ष्ठेभिर्वि॒हर॑न्यासि॒ तंतु॑मव॒व्यय॒न्नसि॑तं देव॒ वस्म॑ ।

दवि॑ध्वतो र॒श्मयः॒ सूर्य॑स्य॒ चर्मे॒वावा॑धु॒स्तमो॑ अ॒प्स्वं१่तः ॥

váhiṣṭhebhiḥ vi-háran yāsi tántum ava-vyáyan ásitam deva vásma ǀ

dávidhvataḥ raśmáyaḥ sū́ryasya cárma-iva áva adhuḥ támaḥ ap-sú antáríti ǁ

O God, thou goest with steeds most strong to bear separating the weft woven, unweaving the black garment; the streaming rays of the Sun cast the darkness like a covering skin down within the waters.


अना॑यतो॒ अनि॑बद्धः क॒थायं न्य॑ङ्ङुत्ता॒नोऽव॑ पद्यते॒ न ।

कया॑ याति स्व॒धया॒ को द॑दर्श दि॒वः स्कं॒भः समृ॑तः पाति॒ नाकं॑ ॥

ánāyataḥ áni-baddhaḥ kathā́ ayám nyáṅ uttānáḥ áva padyate ná ǀ

káyā yāti svadháyā káḥ dadarśa diváḥ skambháḥ sám-ṛtaḥ pāti nā́kam ǁ

Unextended, unbound, facing downwards, facing upwards, how does he not sink? By what self-law does he go on his journey? Who has seen when he joins heaven and is its pillar and guards the firmament?