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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vāmadeva Gautama

Sukta 40


द॒धि॒क्राव्ण॒ इदु॒ नु च॑र्किराम॒ विश्वा॒ इन्मामु॒षसः॑ सूदयंतु ।

अ॒पाम॒ग्नेरु॒षसः॒ सूर्य॑स्य॒ बृह॒स्पते॑रांगिर॒सस्य॑ जि॒ष्णोः ॥

dadhi-krā́vṇaḥ ít ūṃ␣íti nú carkirāma víśvā ít mā́m uṣásaḥ sūdayantu ǀ

apā́m agnéḥ uṣásaḥ sū́ryasya bṛ́haspáteḥ āṅgirasásya jiṣṇóḥ ǁ

Dadhikravan is he of whom now we must do the work; may all the Dawns speed me on the path! For the Waters and for the Dawn and the Sun and Brihaspati, he of the puissance, the Victor.


सत्वा॑ भरि॒षो ग॑वि॒षो दु॑वन्य॒सच्छ्र॑व॒स्यादि॒ष उ॒षस॑स्तुरण्य॒सत् ।

स॒त्यो द्र॒वो द्र॑व॒रः प॑तंग॒रो द॑धि॒क्रावेष॒मूर्जं॒ स्व॑र्जनत् ॥

sátvā bhariṣáḥ go-iṣáḥ duvanya-sát śravasyā́t iṣáḥ uṣásaḥ turaṇya-sát ǀ

satyáḥ draváḥ dravaráḥ pataṅgaráḥ dadhi-krā́vā íṣam ū́rjam sváḥ janat ǁ

May this Power of being who seeks the full-bringing and seeks the Light and who abides in all activity turn into inspiration the impulsions of the Dawn, may he abide in their speed that carries us beyond. Dadhikravan who is the truth in his running, — yea, he gallops and he flies, — brings into being the impulsion, the abundant force, the heavenly light.


उ॒त स्मा॑स्य॒ द्रव॑तस्तुरण्य॒तः प॒र्णं न वेरनु॑ वाति प्रग॒र्धिनः॑ ।

श्ये॒नस्ये॑व॒ ध्रज॑तो अंक॒सं परि॑ दधि॒क्राव्णः॑ स॒होर्जा तरि॑त्रतः ॥

utá sma asya drávataḥ turaṇyatáḥ parṇám ná véḥ ánu vāti pra-gardhínaḥ ǀ

śyenásya-iva dhrájataḥ aṅkasám pári dadhi-krā́vṇaḥ sahá ūrjā́ táritrataḥ ǁ

When he runs, when he speeds in his passage, as the wing of the Bird is a wind that blows about him in his greed of the gallop; as the wing that beats about the breast of the rushing Eagle, so about the breast of Dadhikravan when with the Force he carries us beyond.


उ॒त स्य वा॒जी क्षि॑प॒णिं तु॑रण्यति ग्री॒वायां॑ ब॒द्धो अ॑पिक॒क्ष आ॒सनि॑ ।

क्रतुं॑ दधि॒क्रा अनु॑ सं॒तवी॑त्वत्प॒थामंकां॒स्यन्वा॒पनी॑फणत् ॥

utá syáḥ vājī́ kṣipaṇím turaṇyati grīvā́yām baddháḥ api-kakṣé āsáni ǀ

krátum dadhi-krā́ḥ ánu sam-távītvat pathā́m áṅkāṃsi ánu ā-pánīphaṇat ǁ

For the abundance of his strength he carries his impeller beyond, a rein binds his neck and a rein holds him about the chest and a rein is in his mouth. Dadhikravan puts forth his energy according to the will in the mind and gallops along the turning of the path.


हं॒सः शु॑चि॒षद्वसु॑रंतरिक्ष॒सद्धोता॑ वेदि॒षदति॑थिर्दुरोण॒सत् ।

नृ॒षद्व॑र॒सदृ॑त॒सद्व्यो॑म॒सद॒ब्जा गो॒जा ऋ॑त॒जा अ॑द्रि॒जा ऋ॒तं ॥

haṃsáḥ śuci-sát vásuḥ antarikṣa-sát hótā vedi-sát átithiḥ duroṇa-sát ǀ

nṛ-sát vara-sát ṛta-sát vyoma-sát ap-jā́ḥ go-jā́ḥ ṛta-jā́ḥ adri-jā́ḥ ṛtám ǁ

This is the swan that dwells in the purity, the lord of substance in the middle world, the Priest of the offering whose seat is upon the altar, the guest in the gated house. He dwells in the Man, he dwells in the Truth, he dwells in the wide Ether; he is born of the Waters, he is born of the Light, he is born of the Law, he is born of the Hill of Substance, he is the Law of the Truth.