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Hymns to the Mystic Fire

Mandala Five



Budha Ātreya and Gaviṣṭhira Ātreya

Sukta 1


अबो॑ध्य॒ग्निः स॒मिधा॒ जना॑नां॒ प्रति॑ धे॒नुमि॑वाय॒तीमु॒षासं॑ ।

य॒ह्वा इ॑व॒ प्र व॒यामु॒ज्जिहा॑नाः॒ प्र भा॒नवः॑ सिस्रते॒ नाक॒मच्छ॑ ॥

ábodhi agníḥ sam-ídhā jánānām práti dhenúm-iva ā-yatī́m uṣásam ǀ

yahvā́ḥ-iva prá vayā́m ut-jíhānāḥ prá bhānávaḥ sisrate nā́kam áccha ǁ

Fire is awake by the kindling of the peoples, he fronts the dawn that comes to him like a fostering milch-cow; like the mighty ones casting upward their branching his lustres spread towards heaven.


अबो॑धि॒ होता॑ य॒जथा॑य दे॒वानू॒र्ध्वो अ॒ग्निः सु॒मनाः॑ प्रा॒तर॑स्थात् ।

समि॑द्धस्य॒ रुश॑ददर्शि॒ पाजो॑ म॒हांदे॒वस्तम॑सो॒ निर॑मोचि ॥

ábodhi hótā yajáthāya devā́n ūrdhváḥ agníḥ su-mánāḥ prātáḥ asthāt ǀ

sám-iddhasya rúśat adarśi pā́jaḥ mahā́n deváḥ támasaḥ níḥ amoci ǁ

The Priest of the call is awake for sacrifice to the gods, Fire with his right thinking has stood up high ablaze. The red-glowing mass of him is seen: a great god has been delivered out of the darkness.


यदीं॑ ग॒णस्य॑ रश॒नामजी॑गः॒ शुचि॑रंक्ते॒ शुचि॑भि॒र्गोभि॑र॒ग्निः ।

आद्दक्षि॑णा युज्यते वाज॒यंत्यु॑त्ता॒नामू॒र्ध्वो अ॑धयज्जु॒हूभिः॑ ॥

yát īm gaṇásya raśanā́m ájīgaríti śúciḥ aṅkte śúci-bhiḥ góbhiḥ agníḥ ǀ

ā́t dákṣiṇā yujyate vāja-yántī uttānā́m ūrdhváḥ adhayat juhū́bhiḥ ǁ

When he put out the long cord of his troop, Fire in his purity reveals all by the pure herds of his rays; the goddess of understanding is yoked to her works, she supine he standing high, he has drunk from her breasts with his tongues of flame.


अ॒ग्निमच्छा॑ देवय॒तां मनां॑सि॒ चक्षूं॑षीव॒ सूर्ये॒ सं च॑रंति ।

यदीं॒ सुवा॑ते उ॒षसा॒ विरू॑पे श्वे॒तो वा॒जी जा॑यते॒ अग्रे॒ अह्नां॑ ॥

agním áccha deva-yatā́m mánāṃsi cákṣūṃṣi-iva sū́rye sám caranti ǀ

yát īm súvāte␣íti uṣásā vírūpe␣íti␣ví-rūpe śvetáḥ vājī́ jāyate ágre áhnām ǁ

The minds of men who seek the godhead converge towards the flame even as their seeings converge in the sun; when two dawns of different forms give birth to this Fire the white Horse is born in front of the days.


जनि॑ष्ट॒ हि जेन्यो॒ अग्रे॒ अह्नां॑ हि॒तो हि॒तेष्व॑रु॒षो वने॑षु ।

दमे॑दमे स॒प्त रत्ना॒ दधा॑नो॒ऽग्निर्होता॒ नि ष॑सादा॒ यजी॑यान् ॥

jániṣṭa hí jényaḥ ágre áhnām hitáḥ hitéṣu aruṣáḥ váneṣu ǀ

dáme-dame saptá rátnā dádhānaḥ agníḥ hótā ní sasāda yájīyān ǁ

He was born victorious in front of the days, established in established things, ruddy-bright in the woodlands of our pleasure; in house and house founding the seven ecstasies the Fire took up his session as a Priest of the call strong for sacrifice.


अ॒ग्निर्होता॒ न्य॑सीद॒द्यजी॑यानु॒पस्थे॑ मा॒तुः सु॑र॒भा उ॑ लो॒के ।

युवा॑ क॒विः पु॑रुनि॒ष्ठ ऋ॒तावा॑ ध॒र्ता कृ॑ष्टी॒नामु॒त मध्य॑ इ॒द्धः ॥

agníḥ hótā ní asīdat yájīyān upá-sthe mātúḥ surabháu ūṃ␣íti loké ǀ

yúvā kavíḥ puruniḥ-stháḥ ṛtá-vā dhartā́ kṛṣṭīnā́m utá mádhye iddháḥ ǁ

Strength has taken his seat as the Priest of the offering mighty for sacrifice in the lap of the Mother, in that rapturous other world, the youth, the seer, manifold in his fixed knowledge, possessed of the Truth, the upholder of the peoples; in between too, is he kindled.


प्र णु त्यं विप्र॑मध्व॒रेषु॑ सा॒धुम॒ग्निं होता॑रमीळते॒ नमो॑भिः ।

आ यस्त॒तान॒ रोद॑सी ऋ॒तेन॒ नित्यं॑ मृजंति वा॒जिनं॑ घृ॒तेन॑ ॥

prá nú tyám vípram adhvaréṣu sādhúm agním hótāram īḷate námaḥ-bhiḥ ǀ

ā́ yáḥ tatā́na ródasī␣íti ṛténa nítyam mṛjanti vājínam ghṛténa ǁ

Men pray with their prostrations of surrender that illumined seer, who achieves perfection in the pilgrim-sacrifices, Fire, the Priest of the call, for he has extended earth and heaven by the Truth, they rub bright with the Light the eternal Horse of power.


मा॒र्जा॒ल्यो॑ मृज्यते॒ स्वे दमू॑नाः कविप्रश॒स्तो अति॑थिः शि॒वो नः॑ ।

स॒हस्र॑शृंगो वृष॒भस्तदो॑जा॒ विश्वाँ॑ अग्ने॒ सह॑सा॒ प्रास्य॒न्यान् ॥

mārjālyáḥ mṛjyate své dámūnāḥ kavi-praśastáḥ átithiḥ śiváḥ naḥ ǀ

sahásra-śṛṅgaḥ vṛṣabháḥ tát-ojāḥ víśvān agne sáhasā prá asi anyā́n ǁ

The purifier he is rubbed bright and pure, he who is proclaimed by the seers, one who is the dweller in his own house, and is our benignant guest; the bull of the thousand horns because thou hast the strength of That, O Fire, thou precedest in puissance all others.


प्र स॒द्यो अ॑ग्ने॒ अत्ये॑ष्य॒न्याना॒विर्यस्मै॒ चारु॑तमो ब॒भूथ॑ ।

ई॒ळेन्यो॑ वपु॒ष्यो॑ वि॒भावा॑ प्रि॒यो वि॒शामति॑थि॒र्मानु॑षीणां ॥

prá sadyáḥ agne áti eṣi anyā́n āvíḥ yásmai cā́ru-tamaḥ babhū́tha ǀ

īḷényaḥ vapuṣyáḥ vibhā́-vā priyáḥ viśā́m átithiḥ mā́nuṣīṇām ǁ

At once thou goest forward, O Fire, and overpassest all others in whomsoever thou hast become manifest in all the glory of thy beauty; adorable, great of body, wide of light thou art the beloved guest of human beings.


तुभ्यं॑ भरंति क्षि॒तयो॑ यविष्ठ ब॒लिम॑ग्ने॒ अंति॑त॒ ओत दू॒रात् ।

आ भंदि॑ष्ठस्य सुम॒तिं चि॑किद्धि बृ॒हत्ते॑ अग्ने॒ महि॒ शर्म॑ भ॒द्रं ॥

túbhyam bharanti kṣitáyaḥ yaviṣṭha balím agne ántitaḥ ā́ utá dūrā́t ǀ

ā́ bhándiṣṭhasya su-matím cikiddhi bṛhát te agne máhi śárma bhadrám ǁ

To thee, O ever youthful Fire, all the worlds and their peoples bring the offering from near and from far; awake to that right-mindedness of man’s happiest state: vast and great and happy is that peace of thee1, O Fire.


आद्य रथं॑ भानुमो भानु॒मंत॒मग्ने॒ तिष्ठ॑ यज॒तेभिः॒ समं॑तं ।

वि॒द्वान्प॑थी॒नामु॒र्वं१่तरि॑क्ष॒मेह दे॒वान्ह॑वि॒रद्या॑य वक्षि ॥

ā́ adyá rátham bhānu-maḥ bhānu-mántam ágne tíṣṭha yajatébhiḥ sám-antam ǀ

vidvā́n pathīnā́m urú antárikṣam ā́ ihá devā́n haviḥ-ádyāya vakṣi ǁ

Today, O luminous one, mount the luminous wholeness of thy car with the lords of sacrifice, thou knowest the wide mid-world with all its paths, bring here the gods to partake of our sacrifice.


अवो॑चाम क॒वये॒ मेध्या॑य॒ वचो॑ वं॒दारु॑ वृष॒भाय॒ वृष्णे॑ ।

गवि॑ष्ठिरो॒ नम॑सा॒ स्तोम॑म॒ग्नौ दि॒वी॑व रु॒क्ममु॑रु॒व्यंच॑मश्रेत् ॥

ávocāma kaváye médhyāya vácaḥ vandā́ru vṛṣabhā́ya vṛ́ṣṇe ǀ

gáviṣṭhiraḥ námasā stómam agnáu diví-iva rukmám uru-vyáñcam aśret ǁ

To the seer, the understanding one, we have uttered the word of our adoration, to the Bull, the male; the Steadfast in Light has taken refuge in his laud as in a far-reaching mass of gold.


1 Or, is thy house of refuge,
