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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vasuśruta Ātreya

Sukta 3


त्वम॑ग्ने॒ वरु॑णो॒ जाय॑से॒ यत्त्वं मि॒त्रो भ॑वसि॒ यत्समि॑द्धः ।

त्वे विश्वे॑ सहसस्पुत्र दे॒वास्त्वमिंद्रो॑ दा॒शुषे॒ मर्त्या॑य ॥

tvám agne váruṇaḥ jā́yase yát tvám mitráḥ bhavasi yát sám-iddhaḥ ǀ

tvé␣íti víśve sahasaḥ putra devā́ḥ tvám índraḥ dāśúṣe mártyāya ǁ

Thou art Varuna, O Fire, when thou art born, thou becomest Mitra when thou blazest high; in thee are all the gods, O son of Force, thou art Indra for the mortal giver.


त्वम॑र्य॒मा भ॑वसि॒ यत्क॒नीनां॒ नाम॑ स्वधाव॒न्गुह्यं॑ बिभर्षि ।

अं॒जंति॑ मि॒त्रं सुधि॑तं॒ न गोभि॒र्यद्दंप॑ती॒ सम॑नसा कृ॒णोषि॑ ॥

tvám aryamā́ bhavasi yát kanī́nām nā́ma svadhā-van gúhyam bibharṣi ǀ

añjánti mitrám sú-dhitam ná góbhiḥ yát dámpatī␣íti␣dám-patī sá-manasā kṛṇóṣi ǁ

O holder of the self-law, thou becomest Aryaman when thou bearest the secret name of the Virgins; they reveal thee with the Rays as Mitra firmly founded when thou makest of one mind the Lord of the house and the Spouse.


तव॑ श्रि॒ये म॒रुतो॑ मर्जयंत॒ रुद्र॒ यत्ते॒ जनि॑म॒ चारु॑ चि॒त्रं ।

प॒दं यद्विष्णो॑रुप॒मं नि॒धायि॒ तेन॑ पासि॒ गुह्यं॒ नाम॒ गोनां॑ ॥

táva śriyé marútaḥ marjayanta rúdra yát te jánima cā́ru citrám ǀ

padám yát víṣṇoḥ upa-mám ni-dhā́yi téna pāsi gúhyam nā́ma gónām ǁ

For the glory of thee, O Rudra, the life-powers make bright thy birth into a richly manifold beauty. When that highest step1 of Vishnu is founded within, thou guardest by it the secret name of the Ray-cows.


तव॑ श्रि॒या सु॒दृशो॑ देव दे॒वाः पु॒रू दधा॑ना अ॒मृतं॑ सपंत ।

होता॑रम॒ग्निं मनु॑षो॒ नि षे॑दुर्दश॒स्यंत॑ उ॒शिजः॒ शंस॑मा॒योः ॥

táva śriyā́ su-dṛ́śaḥ deva devā́ḥ purú dádhānāḥ amṛ́tam sapanta ǀ

hótāram agním mánuṣaḥ ní seduḥ daśasyántaḥ uśíjaḥ śáṃsam āyóḥ ǁ

By the glory of thee who hast the true seeing, the gods hold a multiple completeness and taste2 immortality; men take up their session with Fire, the Priest of the call, aspiring, making a gift of the self-expression of the human being.


न त्वद्धोता॒ पूर्वो॑ अग्ने॒ यजी॑या॒न्न काव्यैः॑ प॒रो अ॑स्ति स्वधावः ।

वि॒शश्च॒ यस्या॒ अति॑थि॒र्भवा॑सि॒ स य॒ज्ञेन॑ वनवद्देव॒ मर्ता॑न् ॥

ná tvát hótā pū́rvaḥ agne yájīyān ná kā́vyaiḥ paráḥ asti svadhā-vaḥ ǀ

viśáḥ ca yásyāḥ átithiḥ bhávāsi sáḥ yajñéna vanavat deva mártān ǁ

There is none who precedes thee as priest of the call, O Fire, none mightier for sacrifice, there is none supreme over thee in the seer-wisdoms, O master of the self-law, and of whatsoever man thou becomest the guest, he conquers by sacrifice, O godhead, those who are mortals.


व॒यम॑ग्ने वनुयाम॒ त्वोता॑ वसू॒यवो॑ ह॒विषा॒ बुध्य॑मानाः ।

व॒यं स॑म॒र्ये वि॒दथे॒ष्वह्नां॑ व॒यं रा॒या स॑हसस्पुत्र॒ मर्ता॑न् ॥

vayám agne vanuyāma tvā́-ūtāḥ vasu-yávaḥ havíṣā búdhyamānāḥ ǀ

vayám sa-maryé vidátheṣu áhnām vayám rāyā́ sahasaḥ putra mártān ǁ

May we who seek the Riches win them by the offering, we guarded by thee and awakened, O Fire, — we in the clash of the battle, in our discoveries of knowledge through days, we by the Treasure overcome mortal men, O son of Force.


यो न॒ आगो॑ अ॒भ्येनो॒ भरा॒त्यधीद॒घम॒घशं॑से दधात ।

ज॒ही चि॑कित्वो अ॒भिश॑स्तिमे॒तामग्ने॒ यो नो॑ म॒र्चय॑ति द्व॒येन॑ ॥

yáḥ naḥ ā́gaḥ abhí énaḥ bhárāti ádhi ít aghám aghá-śaṃse dadhāta ǀ

jahí cikitvaḥ abhí-śastim etā́m agne yáḥ naḥ marcáyati dvayéna ǁ

He who brings sin and transgression upon us, on him who gives expression to evil, on himself may there be put that evil; O thou who art conscious, slay this hostile assault, O Fire, even him who oppresses us with the duality3.


त्वाम॒स्या व्युषि॑ देव॒ पूर्वे॑ दू॒तं कृ॑ण्वा॒ना अ॑यजंत ह॒व्यैः ।

सं॒स्थे यद॑ग्न॒ ईय॑से रयी॒णां दे॒वो मर्तै॒र्वसु॑भिरि॒ध्यमा॑नः ॥

tvā́m asyā́ḥ vi-úṣi deva pū́rve dūtám kṛṇvānā́ḥ ayajanta havyáiḥ ǀ

sam-sthé yát agne ī́yase rayīṇā́m deváḥ mártaiḥ vásu-bhiḥ idhyámānaḥ ǁ

Thee in the dawning of this night, O godhead, the ancients made their messenger and gave sacrifice with their oblations; for thou art the godhead kindled by mortals who have the light4 and thou travellest to the House of the Treasures.


अव॑ स्पृधि पि॒तरं॒ योधि॑ वि॒द्वान्पु॒त्रो यस्ते॑ सहसः सून ऊ॒हे ।

क॒दा चि॑कित्वो अ॒भि च॑क्षसे॒ नोऽग्ने॑ क॒दाँ ऋ॑त॒चिद्या॑तयासे ॥

áva spṛdhi pitáram yódhi vidvā́n putráḥ yáḥ te sahasaḥ sūno␣íti ūhé ǀ

kadā́ cikitvaḥ abhí cakṣase naḥ agne kadā́ ṛta-cít yātayāse ǁ

Rescue thy father, in thy knowledge keep him safe, thy father who becomes thy son and bears thee, O son of Force. O conscious knower, when wilt thou look upon us? When with thy Truth-Consciousness wilt thou set us to our journey?


भूरि॒ नाम॒ वंद॑मानो दधाति पि॒ता व॑सो॒ यदि॒ तज्जो॒षया॑से ।

कु॒विद्दे॒वस्य॒ सह॑सा चका॒नः सु॒म्नम॒ग्निर्व॑नते वावृधा॒नः ॥

bhū́ri nā́ma vándamānaḥ dadhāti pitā́ vaso␣íti yádi tát joṣáyāse ǀ

kuvít devásya sáhasā cakānáḥ sumnám agníḥ vanate vavṛdhānáḥ ǁ

The father adores and establishes the mighty name because thou, O shining one, bringest him to accept and take pleasure in it; once and again, the Fire increases and desiring the bliss of the godhead he conquers it by force.


त्वमं॒ग ज॑रि॒तारं॑ यविष्ठ॒ विश्वा॑न्यग्ने दुरि॒ताति॑ पर्षि ।

स्ते॒ना अ॑दृश्रन्रि॒पवो॒ जना॒सोऽज्ञा॑तकेता वृजि॒ना अ॑भूवन् ॥

tvám aṅgá jaritā́ram yaviṣṭha víśvāni agne duḥ-itā́ áti parṣi ǀ

stenā́ḥ adṛśran ripávaḥ jánāsaḥ ájñāta-ketāḥ vṛjinā́ḥ abhūvan ǁ

O youthful god, thou, indeed, carriest safe thy adorer beyond all stumblings, O Fire; for the hostile beings are seen, the thieves, even they who know not the light of intuitive knowledge and turn to crookedness.


इ॒मे यामा॑सस्त्व॒द्रिग॑भूव॒न्वस॑वे वा॒ तदिदागो॑ अवाचि ।

नाहा॒यम॒ग्निर॒भिश॑स्तये नो॒ न रीष॑ते वावृधा॒नः परा॑ दात् ॥

imé yā́māsaḥ tvadrík abhūvan vásave vā tát ít ā́gaḥ avāci ǀ

ná áha ayám agníḥ abhí-śastaye naḥ ná ríṣate vavṛdhānáḥ párā dāt ǁ

These journeys have turned towards thee, that evil in us has been declared to the Shining One, O this Fire as he grows will not deliver us to the assailant and the hurter.


1 The supreme plane of the three.


2 Or, touch


3 The division or the twofoldness of the nature divided between good and evil.


4 Or, the riches
