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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Pūru Ātreya

Sukta 16


बृ॒हद्वयो॒ हि भा॒नवेऽर्चा॑ दे॒वाया॒ग्नये॑ ।

यं मि॒त्रं न प्रश॑स्तिभि॒र्मर्ता॑सो दधि॒रे पु॒रः ॥

bṛhát váyaḥ hí bhānáve árca devā́ya agnáye ǀ

yám mitrám ná práśasti-bhiḥ mártāsaḥ dadhiré puráḥ ǁ

Create by the illumining word a wide expansion for the Light, for the divine Fire, whom mortals by their proclaimings of him set in their front as Mitra the friend.


स हि द्युभि॒र्जना॑नां॒ होता॒ दक्ष॑स्य बा॒ह्वोः ।

वि ह॒व्यम॒ग्निरा॑नु॒षग्भगो॒ न वार॑मृण्वति ॥

sáḥ hí dyú-bhiḥ jánānām hótā dákṣasya bāhvóḥ ǀ

ví havyám agníḥ ānuṣák bhágaḥ ná vā́ram ṛṇvati ǁ

He is men’s priest of the call who by his illuminations carries in his two arms of the Understanding the offerings wholly in a continuous order; as Bhaga, the enjoyer, he reaches our desirable good.


अ॒स्य स्तोमे॑ म॒घोनः॑ स॒ख्ये वृ॒द्धशो॑चिषः ।

विश्वा॒ यस्मिं॑तुवि॒ष्वणि॒ सम॒र्ये शुष्म॑माद॒धुः ॥

asyá stóme maghónaḥ sakhyé vṛddhá-śociṣaḥ ǀ

víśvā yásmin tuvi-sváni sám aryé śúṣmam ā-dadhúḥ ǁ

In the lauding of this master of plenty, in his friendship as his light grows, for all things are in this Fire of the many voices, men have founded their strength in him, the Noble One.


अधा॒ ह्य॑ग्न एषां सु॒वीर्य॑स्य मं॒हना॑ ।

तमिद्य॒ह्वं न रोद॑सी॒ परि॒ श्रवो॑ बभूवतुः ॥

ádha hí agne eṣām su-vī́ryasya maṃhánā ǀ

tám ít yahvám ná ródasī␣íti pári śrávaḥ babhūvatuḥ ǁ

Now, indeed, O Fire, these have reached a plenitude of heroic strength, around him as around one mighty, earth and heaven have become an inspired knowledge.


नू न॒ एहि॒ वार्य॒मग्ने॑ गृणा॒न आ भ॑र ।

ये व॒यं ये च॑ सू॒रयः॑ स्व॒स्ति धाम॑हे॒ सचो॒तैधि॑ पृ॒त्सु नो॑ वृ॒धे ॥

nú naḥ ā́ ihi vā́ryam ágne gṛṇānáḥ ā́ bhara ǀ

yé vayám yé ca sūráyaḥ svastí dhā́mahe sácā utá edhi pṛt-sú naḥ vṛdhé ǁ

Now, voiced by our word, come to us and bring to us our desirable good; we here and the illumined seers, let us together found our blissful state. And do thou be with us in our battles that we may grow.