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Hymns to the Mystic Fire

Mandala Six



Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya

Bharadwaja Barhaspatya

Sukta 1


त्वं ह्य॑ग्ने प्रथ॒मो म॒नोता॒स्या धि॒यो अभ॑वो दस्म॒ होता॑ ।

त्वं सीं॑ वृषन्नकृणोर्दु॒ष्टरी॑तु॒ सहो॒ विश्व॑स्मै॒ सह॑से॒ सह॑ध्यै ॥

tvám hí agne prathamáḥ manótā asyā́ḥ dhiyáḥ ábhavaḥ dasma hótā ǀ

tvám sīm vṛṣan akṛṇoḥ dustárītu sáhaḥ víśvasmai sáhase sáhadhyai ǁ

O potent Fire, thou wert the first thinker of this thought and the Priest of the call. O Male, thou hast created everywhere around thee a force invulnerable to overpower every force.


अधा॒ होता॒ न्य॑सीदो॒ यजी॑यानि॒ळस्प॒द इ॒षय॒न्नीड्यः॒ सन् ।

तं त्वा॒ नरः॑ प्रथ॒मं दे॑व॒यंतो॑ म॒हो रा॒ये चि॒तयं॑तो॒ अनु॑ ग्मन् ॥

ádha hótā ní asīdaḥ yájīyān iḷáḥ padé iṣáyan ī́ḍyaḥ sán ǀ

tám tvā náraḥ prathamám deva-yántaḥ maháḥ rāyé citáyantaḥ ánu gman ǁ

And now strong for sacrifice, thou hast taken thy session in the seat of aspiration, one aspired to, a flame of the call, an imparter of the impulse. Men, building the godheads, have grown conscious of thee, the chief and first, and followed to a mighty treasure.


वृ॒तेव॒ यंतं॑ ब॒हुभि॑र्वस॒व्यै॒३่स्त्वे र॒यिं जा॑गृ॒वांसो॒ अनु॑ ग्मन् ।

रुशं॑तम॒ग्निं द॑र्श॒तं बृ॒हंतं॑ व॒पावं॑तं वि॒श्वहा॑ दीदि॒वांसं॑ ॥

vṛtā́-iva yántam bahú-bhiḥ vasavyáiḥ tvé␣íti rayím jāgṛ-vā́ṃsaḥ ánu gman ǀ

rúśantam agním darśatám bṛhántam vapā́-vantam viśváhā dīdi-vā́ṃsam ǁ

In thee awake, they followed after the Treasure as in the wake of one who walks on a path with many possessions, in the wake of the vast glowing-visioned embodied Fire that casts its light always and for ever.


प॒दं दे॒वस्य॒ नम॑सा॒ व्यंतः॑ श्रव॒स्यवः॒ श्रव॑ आप॒न्नमृ॑क्तं ।

नामा॑नि चिद्दधिरे य॒ज्ञिया॑नि भ॒द्रायां॑ ते रणयंत॒ संदृ॑ष्टौ ॥

padám devásya námasā vyántaḥ śravasyávaḥ śrávaḥ āpan ámṛktam ǀ

nā́māni cit dadhire yajñíyāni bhadrā́yām te raṇayanta sám-dṛṣṭau ǁ

Travellers with surrender to the plane of the godhead, seekers of inspired knowledge, they won an inviolate inspiration, they held the sacrificial Names and had delight in thy happy vision.


त्वां व॑र्धंति क्षि॒तयः॑ पृथि॒व्यां त्वां राय॑ उ॒भया॑सो॒ जना॑नां ।

त्वं त्रा॒ता त॑रणे॒ चेत्यो॑ भूः पि॒ता मा॒ता सद॒मिन्मानु॑षाणां ॥

tvā́m vardhanti kṣitáyaḥ pṛthivyā́m tvā́m rā́yaḥ ubháyāsaḥ jánānām ǀ

tvám trātā́ taraṇe cétyaḥ bhūḥ pitā́ mātā́ sádam ít mā́nuṣāṇām ǁ

The peoples increase thee on the earth; both kinds of riches of men increase thee. O Fire, our pilot through the battle, thou art the deliverer of whom we must know, ever a father and mother to human beings.


स॒प॒र्येण्यः॒ स प्रि॒यो वि॒क्ष्व१่ग्निर्होता॑ मं॒द्रो नि ष॑सादा॒ यजी॑यान् ।

तं त्वा॑ व॒यं दम॒ आ दी॑दि॒वांस॒मुप॑ ज्ञु॒बाधो॒ नम॑सा सदेम ॥

saparyéṇyaḥ sáḥ priyáḥ vikṣú agníḥ hótā mandráḥ ní sasāda yájīyān ǀ

tám tvā vayám dáme ā́ dīdi-vā́ṃsam úpa jñu-bā́dhaḥ námasā sadema ǁ

Dear and servable is this Fire in men; a rapturous Priest of the call has taken up his session, strong for sacrifice. Pressing the knee may we come to thee with obeisance of surrender when thou flamest alight in the house.


तं त्वा॑ व॒यं सु॒ध्यो॒३่ नव्य॑मग्ने सुम्ना॒यव॑ ईमहे देव॒यंतः॑ ।

त्वं विशो॑ अनयो॒ दीद्या॑नो दि॒वो अ॑ग्ने बृह॒ता रो॑च॒नेन॑ ॥

tvám tvā vayám su-dhyáḥ návyam agne sumna-yávaḥ īmahe deva-yántaḥ ǀ

tvám víśaḥ anayaḥ dī́dyānaḥ diváḥ agne bṛhatā́ rocanéna ǁ

O Fire, we desire thee, the god to whom must rise our cry, we the right thinkers, the seekers of bliss, the builders of the godheads. O Fire, shining with light thou leadest men through the vast luminous world of heaven.


वि॒शां क॒विं वि॒श्पतिं॒ शश्व॑तीनां नि॒तोश॑नं वृष॒भं च॑र्षणी॒नां ।

प्रेती॑षणिमि॒षयं॑तं पाव॒कं राजं॑तम॒ग्निं य॑ज॒तं र॑यी॒णां ॥

viśā́m kavím viśpátim śáśvatīnām ni-tóśanam vṛṣabhám carṣaṇīnā́m ǀ

préti-iṣaṇim iṣáyantam pāvakám rā́jantam agním yajatám rayīṇā́m ǁ

To the seer, the Master of creatures who rules over the eternal generations of peoples, the Smiter, the Bull of those that see, the mover to the journey beyond who drives us, the purifying Flame, the Power in the sacrifice, Fire the Regent of the Treasures!


सो अ॑ग्न ईजे शश॒मे च॒ मर्तो॒ यस्त॒ आन॑ट् स॒मिधा॑ ह॒व्यदा॑तिं ।

य आहु॑तिं॒ परि॒ वेदा॒ नमो॑भि॒र्विश्वेत्स वा॒मा द॑धते॒ त्वोतः॑ ॥

sáḥ agne īje śaśamé ca mártaḥ yáḥ te ā́naṭ sam-ídhā havyá-dātim ǀ

yáḥ ā́-hutim pári veda námaḥ-bhiḥ víśvā ít sáḥ vāmā́ dadhate tvā́-ūtaḥ ǁ

O Fire, the mortal has done his sacrifice and achieved his labour who has worked out the gift of the oblation with the fuel of thy flame and wholly learned the way of the offering by his prostrations of surrender; he lives in thy guard and holds in himself all desirable things.


अ॒स्मा उ॑ ते॒ महि॑ म॒हे वि॑धेम॒ नमो॑भिरग्ने स॒मिधो॒त ह॒व्यैः ।

वेदी॑ सूनो सहसो गी॒र्भिरु॒क्थैरा ते॑ भ॒द्रायां॑ सुम॒तौ य॑तेम ॥

asmái ūṃ␣íti te máhi mahé vidhema námaḥ-bhiḥ agne sam-ídhā utá havyáiḥ ǀ

védī sūno␣íti sahasaḥ gīḥ-bhíḥ uktháiḥ ā́ te bhadrā́yām su-matáu yatema ǁ

O Fire, O son of Force, may we offer to thy greatness that which is great, worshipping thee with the obeisance and the fuel and the offering, the altar and the word and the utterance. For we would work and strive in thy happy right thinking, O Fire.


आ यस्त॒तंथ॒ रोद॑सी॒ वि भा॒सा श्रवो॑भिश्च श्रव॒स्य१่स्तरु॑त्रः ।

बृ॒हद्भि॒र्वाजैः॒ स्थवि॑रेभिर॒स्मे रे॒वद्भि॑रग्ने वित॒रं वि भा॑हि ॥

ā́ yáḥ tatántha ródasī␣íti ví bhāsā́ śrávaḥ-bhiḥ ca śravasyáḥ tárutraḥ ǀ

bṛhát-bhiḥ vā́jaiḥ sthávirebhiḥ asmé␣íti revát-bhiḥ agne vi-tarám ví bhāhi ǁ

O thou who art filled with inspiration and a passer of barriers, O thou who has extended earth and heaven by the wideness of thy light and thy inspired discoveries of knowledge, shine wider yet in us with thy large and solid and opulent amassings, O Fire.


नृ॒वद्व॑सो॒ सद॒मिद्धे॑ह्य॒स्मे भूरि॑ तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय प॒श्वः ।

पू॒र्वीरिषो॑ बृह॒तीरा॒रेअ॑घा अ॒स्मे भ॒द्रा सौ॑श्रव॒सानि॑ संतु ॥

nṛ-vát vaso␣íti sádam ít dhehi asmé␣íti bhū́ri tokā́ya tánayāya paśváḥ ǀ

pūrvī́ḥ íṣaḥ bṛhatī́ḥ āré-aghāḥ asmé␣íti bhadrā́ sauśravasā́ni santu ǁ

O Prince of Riches, fix always in us that in which are the Gods, settle here many herds for the begotten son. In us may there be the happy things of true inspiration and the multitude of the large impulsions from which evil is far.


पु॒रूण्य॑ग्ने पुरु॒धा त्वा॒या वसू॑नि राजन्व॒सुता॑ ते अश्यां ।

पु॒रूणि॒ हि त्वे पु॑रुवार॒ संत्यग्ने॒ वसु॑ विध॒ते राज॑नि॒ त्वे ॥

purū́ṇi agne purudhā́ tvā-yā́ vásūni rājan vasútā te aśyām ǀ

purū́ṇi hí tvé␣íti puru-vāra sánti ágne vásu vidhaté rā́jani tvé␣íti ǁ

O King, O Fire, let me enjoy by thee and thy princehood of the riches many riches in many ways; for, O Fire of many blessings, there are many treasures for thy worshipper in thee, the King.