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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya

Sukta 2


त्वं हि क्षैत॑व॒द्यशोऽग्ने॑ मि॒त्रो न पत्य॑से ।

त्वं वि॑चर्षणे॒ श्रवो॒ वसो॑ पु॒ष्टिं न पु॑ष्यसि ॥

tvám hí kṣáita-vat yáśaḥ ágne mitráḥ ná pátyase ǀ

tvám vi-carṣaṇe śrávaḥ váso␣íti puṣṭím ná puṣyasi ǁ

O Fire, thou travellest like a friend to the glory where is our home. O wide-seeing Prince of the Treasure, thou nurturest our inspiration and our growth.


त्वां हि ष्मा॑ चर्ष॒णयो॑ य॒ज्ञेभि॑र्गी॒र्भिरीळ॑ते ।

त्वां वा॒जी या॑त्यवृ॒को र॑ज॒स्तूर्वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिः ॥

tvā́m hí sma carṣaṇáyaḥ yajñébhiḥ gīḥ-bhíḥ ī́ḷate ǀ

tvā́m vājī́ yāti avṛkáḥ rajaḥ-tū́ḥ viśvá-carṣaṇiḥ ǁ

Men who see aspire to thee with the word and the sacrifice. To thee comes the all-seeing Horse that crosses the mid-world, the Horse that no wolf tears.


स॒जोष॑स्त्वा दि॒वो नरो॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॑ के॒तुमिं॑धते ।

यद्ध॒ स्य मानु॑षो॒ जनः॑ सुम्ना॒युर्जु॒ह्वे अ॑ध्व॒रे ॥

sa-jóṣaḥ tvā diváḥ náraḥ yajñásya ketúm indhate ǀ

yát ha syáḥ mā́nuṣaḥ jánaḥ sumna-yúḥ juhvé adhvaré ǁ

The Men of Heaven with a single joy set thee alight to be the eye of intuition of the sacrifice when this human being, this seeker of bliss, casts his offering in the pilgrim-rite.


ऋध॒द्यस्ते॑ सु॒दान॑वे धि॒या मर्तः॑ श॒शम॑ते ।

ऊ॒ती ष बृ॑ह॒तो दि॒वो द्वि॒षो अंहो॒ न त॑रति ॥

ṛ́dhat yáḥ te su-dā́nave dhiyā́ mártaḥ śaśámate ǀ

ūtī́ sáḥ bṛhatáḥ diváḥ dviṣáḥ áṃhaḥ ná tarati ǁ

The mortal should grow in riches who achieves the work by the Thought for thee, the great giver; he is in the keeping of the Vast Heaven and crosses beyond the hostile powers and their evil.


स॒मिधा॒ यस्त॒ आहु॑तिं॒ निशि॑तिं॒ मर्त्यो॒ नश॑त् ।

व॒यावं॑तं॒ स पु॑ष्यति॒ क्षय॑मग्ने श॒तायु॑षं ॥

sam-ídhā yáḥ te ā́-hutim ní-śitim mártyaḥ náśat ǀ

vayā́-vantam sáḥ puṣyati kṣáyam agne śatá-āyuṣam ǁ

O Fire, when mortal man arrives by the fuel of thy flame to the way of the oblation and the sharpening of thy intensities, he increases his branching house, his house of the hundred of life.


त्वे॒षस्ते॑ धू॒म ऋ॑ण्वति दि॒वि षंछु॒क्र आत॑तः ।

सूरो॒ न हि द्यु॒ता त्वं कृ॒पा पा॑वक॒ रोच॑से ॥

tveṣáḥ te dhūmáḥ ṛṇvati diví sán śukráḥ ā́-tataḥ ǀ

sū́raḥ ná hí dyutā́ tvám kṛpā́ pāvaka rócase ǁ

The smoke from thy blaze journeys and in heaven is outstretched brilliant-white. O purifying Fire, thou shinest with a flame like the light of the sun.


अधा॒ हि वि॒क्ष्वीड्योऽसि॑ प्रि॒यो नो॒ अति॑थिः ।

र॒ण्वः पु॒री॑व॒ जूर्यः॑ सू॒नुर्न त्र॑य॒याय्यः॑ ॥

ádha hí vikṣú ī́ḍyaḥ ási priyáḥ naḥ átithiḥ ǀ

raṇváḥ purí-iva jū́ryaḥ sūnúḥ ná trayayā́yyaḥ ǁ

Now art thou here in men, one to be aspired to and a beloved guest; for thou art like one delightful and adorable in the city and as if our son and a traveller of the triple world.


क्रत्वा॒ हि द्रोणे॑ अ॒ज्यसेऽग्ने॑ वा॒जी न कृत्व्यः॑ ।

परि॑ज्मेव स्व॒धा गयोऽत्यो॒ न ह्वा॒र्यः शिशुः॑ ॥

krátvā hí dróṇe ajyáse ágne vājī́ ná kṛ́tvyaḥ ǀ

párijmā-iva svadhā́ gáyaḥ átyaḥ ná hvāryáḥ śíśuḥ ǁ

O Fire, thou art driven by the will in our gated house like a horse apt for our work; thou art by thy nature like a far-spreading mansion and like a galloper of winding ways and a little child.


त्वं त्या चि॒दच्यु॒ताग्ने॑ प॒शुर्न यव॑से ।

धामा॑ ह॒ यत्ते॑ अजर॒ वना॑ वृ॒श्चंति॒ शिक्व॑सः ॥

tvám tyā́ cit ácyutā ágne paśúḥ ná yávase ǀ

dhā́ma ha yát te ajara vánā vṛścánti śíkvasaḥ ǁ

O Fire, thou art like a beast in thy pasture and devourest even the unfallen things; the lustres of thy blaze tear to pieces the woodlands, O ageless Flame.


वेषि॒ ह्य॑ध्वरीय॒तामग्ने॒ होता॒ दमे॑ वि॒शां ।

स॒मृधो॑ विश्पते कृणु जु॒षस्व॑ ह॒व्यमं॑गिरः ॥

véṣi hí adhvari-yatā́m ágne hótā dáme viśā́m ǀ

sam-ṛ́dhaḥ viśpate kṛṇu juṣásva havyám aṅgiraḥ ǁ

O Fire, thou comest a Priest of the call into the house of men that do the Rite of the Path. Make us complete in the treasure, O Master of men! O Angiras flame-seer, rejoice in our oblation.


अच्छा॑ नो मित्रमहो देव दे॒वानग्ने॒ वोचः॑ सुम॒तिं रोद॑स्योः ।

वी॒हि स्व॒स्तिं सु॑क्षि॒तिं दि॒वो नॄंद्वि॒षो अंहां॑सि दुरि॒ता त॑रेम॒ ता त॑रेम॒ तवाव॑सा तरेम ॥

áccha naḥ mitra-mahaḥ deva devā́n ágne vócaḥ su-matím ródasyoḥ ǀ

vīhí svastím su-kṣitím diváḥ nṝ́n dviṣáḥ áṃhāṃsi duḥ-itā́ tarema tā́ tarema táva ávasā tarema ǁ

O Fire, O friendly Light, O Godhead, turn to the Godheads, mayst thou speak for us the true thought of Earth and Heaven; move to the peace and the happy abode and the men of Heaven. Let us pass beyond the foe and the sin and the stumbling; let us pass beyond these things, pass in thy keeping through them safe.