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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya

Sukta 4


यथा॑ होत॒र्मनु॑षो दे॒वता॑ता य॒ज्ञेभिः॑ सूनो सहसो॒ यजा॑सि ।

ए॒वा नो॑ अ॒द्य स॑म॒ना स॑मा॒नानु॒शन्न॑ग्न उश॒तो य॑क्षि दे॒वान् ॥

yáthā hotaḥ mánuṣaḥ devá-tātā yajñébhiḥ sūno␣íti sahasaḥ yájāsi ǀ

evá naḥ adyá samanā́ samānā́n uśán agne uśatáḥ yakṣi devā́n ǁ

O Son of Force, O Priest of the call, even as always in man’s forming of the godhead thou sacrificest with his sacrifices, sacrifice so for us to the Gods today, O Fire, an equal power to equal powers, one who desires to the Gods who desire.


स नो॑ वि॒भावा॑ च॒क्षणि॒र्न वस्तो॑र॒ग्निर्वं॒दारु॒ वेद्य॒श्चनो॑ धात् ।

वि॒श्वायु॒र्यो अ॒मृतो॒ मर्त्ये॑षूष॒र्भुद्भूदति॑थिर्जा॒तवे॑दाः ॥

sáḥ naḥ vibhā́-vā cakṣáṇiḥ ná vástoḥ agníḥ vandā́ru védyaḥ cánaḥ dhāt ǀ

viśvá-āyuḥ yáḥ amṛ́taḥ mártyeṣu uṣaḥ-bhút bhū́t átithiḥ jātá-vedāḥ ǁ

He is wide in his light like a seer of the Day; he is the one we must know and founds an adorable joy. In him is universal life, he is the Immortal in mortals; he is the Waker in the Dawn, our Guest, the Godhead who knows all births that are.


द्यावो॒ न यस्य॑ प॒नयं॒त्यभ्वं॒ भासां॑सि वस्ते॒ सूर्यो॒ न शु॒क्रः ।

वि य इ॒नोत्य॒जरः॑ पाव॒कोऽश्न॑स्य चिच्छिश्नथत्पू॒र्व्याणि॑ ॥

dyā́vaḥ ná yásya panáyanti ábhvam bhā́sāṃsi vaste sū́ryaḥ ná śukráḥ ǀ

ví yáḥ inóti ajáraḥ pāvakáḥ áśnasya cit śiśnathat pūrvyā́ṇi ǁ

The heavens seem to praise his giant might; he is robed in lustre and brilliant like the Sun. Ageless the purifying Fire moves abroad and cuts down even the ancient things of the Devourer1.


व॒द्मा हि सू॑नो॒ अस्य॑द्म॒सद्वा॑ च॒क्रे अ॒ग्निर्ज॒नुषाज्मान्नं॑ ।

स त्वं न॑ ऊर्जसन॒ ऊर्जं॑ धा॒ राजे॑व जेरवृ॒के क्षे॑ष्यं॒तः ॥

vadmā́ hí sūno␣íti ási adma-sádvā cakré agníḥ janúṣā ájma ánnam ǀ

sáḥ tvám naḥ ūrja-sane ū́rjam dhāḥ rā́jā-iva jeḥ avṛké kṣeṣi antáríti ǁ

O Son, thou art the speaker, thy food is thy seat; Fire from his very birth has made his food the field of his race. O Strength-getter, found strength in us! Thou conquerest like a king and thy dwelling is within, there where there comes not any render.


निति॑क्ति॒ यो वा॑र॒णमन्न॒मत्ति॑ वा॒युर्न राष्ट्र्यत्ये॑त्य॒क्तून् ।

तु॒र्याम॒ यस्त॑ आ॒दिशा॒मरा॑ती॒रत्यो॒ न ह्रुतः॒ पत॑तः परि॒ह्रुत् ॥

ní-tikti yáḥ vāraṇám ánnam átti vāyúḥ ná rā́ṣṭrī áti eti aktū́n ǀ

turyā́ma yáḥ te ā-díśām árātīḥ átyaḥ ná hrútaḥ pátataḥ pari-hrút ǁ

He eats his food and sharpens his sword of defence; he is like the Life-God a master of kingdoms and passes beyond the nights. O Fire, may we pierce through the foe, O thou who breakest like a galloping steed all that battle against thy appointings, hurting around thee our hurters as they fall upon us.


आ सूर्यो॒ न भा॑नु॒मद्भि॑र॒र्कैरग्ने॑ त॒तंथ॒ रोद॑सी॒ वि भा॒सा ।

चि॒त्रो न॑य॒त्परि॒ तमां॑स्य॒क्तः शो॒चिषा॒ पत्म॑न्नौशि॒जो न दीय॑न् ॥

ā́ sū́ryaḥ ná bhānumát-bhiḥ arkáiḥ ágne tatántha ródasī␣íti ví bhāsā́ ǀ

citráḥ nayat pári támāṃsi aktáḥ śocíṣā pátman auśijáḥ ná dī́yan ǁ

O Fire, thou art like the Sun with thy splendid illuminations and hast wide extended Earth and Heaven with thy light. Smeared with lustre2, rich in brilliance he shepherds away the darkness and like a son of the desire of the Gods rushes onward in his march.


त्वां हि मं॒द्रत॑ममर्कशो॒कैर्व॑वृ॒महे॒ महि॑ नः॒ श्रोष्य॑ग्ने ।

इंद्रं॒ न त्वा॒ शव॑सा दे॒वता॑ वा॒युं पृ॑णंति॒ राध॑सा॒ नृत॑माः ॥

tvā́m hí mandrá-tamam arka-śokáiḥ vavṛmáhe máhi naḥ śróṣi agne ǀ

índram ná tvā śávasā devátā vāyúm pṛṇanti rā́dhasā nṛ́-tamāḥ ǁ

We have chosen thee most rapturous with the flaming lights of thy illuminations; O Fire, hear for us that which is great. O Godhead of Fire, the most strong Gods fill thee like Indra with might and like the Life-God with riches.


नू नो॑ अग्नेऽवृ॒केभिः॑ स्व॒स्ति वेषि॑ रा॒यः प॒थिभिः॒ पर्ष्यंहः॑ ।

ता सू॒रिभ्यो॑ गृण॒ते रा॑सि सु॒म्नं मदे॑म श॒तहि॑माः सु॒वीराः॑ ॥

nú naḥ agne avṛkébhiḥ svastí véṣi rāyáḥ pathí-bhiḥ párṣi áṃhaḥ ǀ

tā́ sūrí-bhyaḥ gṛṇaté rāsi sumnám mádema śatá-himāḥ su-vī́rāḥ ǁ

O Fire, thou journeyest happily to the treasures by paths where the wolf rends not, and carriest us beyond all evils. These high things thou givest to the luminous wise; thou lavishest the bliss on him who voices thee with the word. May we revel in rapture, strong with the strength of the Heroes, living a hundred winters.


1 Or, the enjoyer.


2 Or, anointed with light,
