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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya

Sukta 3


अग्ने॒ स क्षे॑षदृत॒पा ऋ॑ते॒जा उ॒रु ज्योति॑र्नशते देव॒युष्टे॑ ।

यं त्वं मि॒त्रेण॒ वरु॑णः स॒जोषा॒ देव॒ पासि॒ त्यज॑सा॒ मर्त॒मंहः॑ ॥

ágne sáḥ kṣeṣat ṛta-pā́ḥ ṛte-jā́ḥ urú jyótiḥ naśate deva-yúḥ te ǀ

yám tvám mitréṇa váruṇaḥ sa-jóṣāḥ déva pā́si tyájasā mártam áṃhaḥ ǁ

The mortal who longs for the Godhead shall take up his home with thee, O Fire, he is born into the Truth and a guardian of the Truth and comes to thy wide Light, — he in whom thou being Varuna takest with Mitra a common delight and thou guardest that mortal, O God, by thy casting away from him of evil.


ई॒जे य॒ज्ञेभिः॑ शश॒मे शमी॑भिर्ऋ॒धद्वा॑राया॒ग्नये॑ ददाश ।

ए॒वा च॒न तं य॒शसा॒मजु॑ष्टि॒र्नांहो॒ मर्तं॑ नशते॒ न प्रदृ॑प्तिः ॥

ījé yajñébhiḥ śaśamé śámībhiḥ ṛdhát-vārāya agnáye dadāśa ǀ

evá caná tám yaśásām ájuṣṭiḥ ná áṃhaḥ mártam naśate ná prá-dṛptiḥ ǁ

He has sacrificed with sacrifices, he has achieved his labour by his works, he has given to the Fire whose boons grew ever in opulence. And so there befalls him not the turning away of the Glorious Ones; evil comes not to him nor the insolence of the adversary.


सूरो॒ न यस्य॑ दृश॒तिर॑रे॒पा भी॒मा यदेति॑ शुच॒तस्त॒ आ धीः ।

हेष॑स्वतः शु॒रुधो॒ नायम॒क्तोः कुत्रा॑ चिद्र॒ण्वो व॑स॒तिर्व॑ने॒जाः ॥

sū́raḥ ná yásya dṛśatíḥ arepā́ḥ bhīmā́ yát éti śucatáḥ te ā́ dhī́ḥ ǀ

héṣasvataḥ śurúdhaḥ ná ayám aktóḥ kútra cit raṇváḥ vasatíḥ vane-jā́ḥ ǁ

Faultless is thy seeing like the sun’s; terrible marches thy thought when blazing with light thou neighest aloud like a force of battle. This Fire was born in the pleasant woodland and is a rapturous dweller somewhere in the night.


ति॒ग्मं चि॒देम॒ महि॒ वर्पो॑ अस्य॒ भस॒दश्वो॒ न य॑मसा॒न आ॒सा ।

वि॒जेह॑मानः पर॒शुर्न जि॒ह्वां द्र॒विर्न द्रा॑वयति॒ दारु॒ धक्ष॑त् ॥

tigmám cit éma máhi várpaḥ asya bhásat áśvaḥ ná yamasānáḥ āsā́ ǀ

vi-jéhamānaḥ paraśúḥ ná jihvā́m dravíḥ ná dravayati dā́ru dhákṣat ǁ

Fiery-sharp is his march and great his body, — he is like a horse that eats and champs with his mouth: he casts his tongue like an axe to every side, like a smelter he melts the log that he burns.


स इदस्ते॑व॒ प्रति॑ धादसि॒ष्यंछिशी॑त॒ तेजोऽय॑सो॒ न धारां॑ ।

चि॒त्रध्र॑जतिरर॒तिर्यो अ॒क्तोर्वेर्न द्रु॒षद्वा॑ रघु॒पत्म॑जंहाः ॥

sáḥ ít ástā-iva práti dhāt asiṣyán śíśīta téjaḥ áyasaḥ ná dhā́rām ǀ

citrá-dhrajatiḥ aratíḥ yáḥ aktóḥ véḥ ná dru-sádvā raghupátma-jaṃhāḥ ǁ

He sets like an archer his shaft for the shooting, he sharpens his powers of light like an edge of steel. He is the traveller of the night with rich rapid movements; he has thighs of swift motion and is like a bird that settles on a tree.


स ईं॑ रे॒भो न प्रति॑ वस्त उ॒स्राः शो॒चिषा॑ रारपीति मि॒त्रम॑हाः ।

नक्तं॒ य ई॑मरु॒षो यो दिवा॒ नॄनम॑र्त्यो अरु॒षो यो दिवा॒ नॄन् ॥

sáḥ īm rebháḥ ná práti vaste usrā́ḥ śocíṣā rarapīti mitrá-mahāḥ ǀ

náktam yáḥ īm aruṣáḥ yáḥ dívā nṝ́n ámartyaḥ aruṣáḥ yáḥ dívā nṝ́n ǁ

This friendly Light is like a singer of the word and clothes himself with the Rays, he rhapsodises with his flame. This is the shining One who journeys by night and by day to the Gods, the shining Immortal who journeys through the day to the Gods.


दि॒वो न यस्य॑ विध॒तो नवी॑नो॒द्वृषा॑ रु॒क्ष ओष॑धीषु नूनोत् ।

घृणा॒ न यो ध्रज॑सा॒ पत्म॑ना॒ यन्ना रोद॑सी॒ वसु॑ना॒ दं सु॒पत्नी॑ ॥

diváḥ ná yásya vidhatáḥ návīnot vṛ́ṣā rukṣáḥ óṣadhīṣu nūnot ǀ

ghṛ́ṇā ná yáḥ dhrájasā pátmanā yán ā́ ródasī␣íti vásunā dám supátnī␣íti␣su-pátnī ǁ

The cry of him is like the voice of ordaining Heaven1; he is the shining Bull that bellows aloud in the growths of the forest. He goes with his light and his race and his running and fills Earth and Heaven with his riches; they are like wives happy in their spouse.


धायो॑भिर्वा॒ यो युज्ये॑भिर॒र्कैर्वि॒द्युन्न द॑विद्यो॒त्स्वेभिः॒ शुष्मैः॑ ।

शर्धो॑ वा॒ यो म॒रुतां॑ त॒तक्ष॑ ऋ॒भुर्न त्वे॒षो र॑भसा॒नो अ॑द्यौत् ॥

dhā́yaḥ-bhiḥ vā yáḥ yújyebhiḥ arkáiḥ vi-dyút ná davidyot svébhiḥ śúṣmaiḥ ǀ

śárdhaḥ vā yáḥ marútām tatákṣa ṛbhúḥ ná tveṣáḥ rabhasānáḥ adyaut ǁ

He flashes like the lightning with his own proper strength, his own founding and helpful illuminations. As if heaven’s craftsman he has fashioned the army of the Life-Gods and lightens ablaze in his exultant speed.


1 Or, the cry of him in his worship of sacrifice is like the voice of Heaven;
