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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya

Sukta 6


प्र नव्य॑सा॒ सह॑सः सू॒नुमच्छा॑ य॒ज्ञेन॑ गा॒तुमव॑ इ॒च्छमा॑नः ।

वृ॒श्चद्व॑नं कृ॒ष्णया॑मं॒ रुशं॑तं वी॒ती होता॑रं दि॒व्यं जि॑गाति ॥

prá návyasā sáhasaḥ sūnúm áccha yajñéna gātúm ávaḥ icchámānaḥ ǀ

vṛścát-vanam kṛṣṇáyāmam rúśantam vītī́ hótāram divyám jigāti ǁ

Man turns with a new sacrifice to the Son of Force when he desires the Way and the guard. He arrives in his journeyings to the heavenly Priest of the call, the Priest shining with light, but black is his march through the forests he tears.


स श्वि॑ता॒नस्त॑न्य॒तू रो॑चन॒स्था अ॒जरे॑भि॒र्नान॑दद्भि॒र्यवि॑ष्ठः ।

यः पा॑व॒कः पु॑रु॒तमः॑ पु॒रूणि॑ पृ॒थून्य॒ग्निर॑नु॒याति॒ भर्व॑न् ॥

sáḥ śvitānáḥ tanyatúḥ rocana-sthā́ḥ ajárebhiḥ nā́nadat-bhiḥ yáviṣṭhaḥ ǀ

yáḥ pāvakáḥ puru-támaḥ purū́ṇi pṛthū́ni agníḥ anu-yā́ti bhárvan ǁ

He grows white and thunderous, he stands in a luminous world; he is most young with his imperishable clamouring fires. This is he that makes pure and is full of his multitudes and, even as he devours, goes after the things that are many, the things that are wide.


वि ते॒ विष्व॒ग्वात॑जूतासो अग्ने॒ भामा॑सः शुचे॒ शुच॑यश्चरंति ।

तु॒वि॒म्र॒क्षासो॑ दि॒व्या नव॑ग्वा॒ वना॑ वनंति धृष॒ता रु॒जंतः॑ ॥

ví te víṣvak vā́ta-jūtāsaḥ agne bhā́māsaḥ śuce śúcayaḥ caranti ǀ

tuvi-mrakṣā́saḥ divyā́ḥ náva-gvāḥ vánā vananti dhṛṣatā́ rujántaḥ ǁ

O Fire, thy lights range wind-impelled on every side, pure as thou art pure. Many things they violate and break in their rashness and enjoy the forests of their pleasure, heavenly lights, seers of the ninefold-ray.


ये ते॑ शु॒क्रासः॒ शुच॑यः शुचिष्मः॒ क्षां वपं॑ति॒ विषि॑तासो॒ अश्वाः॑ ।

अध॑ भ्र॒मस्त॑ उर्वि॒या वि भा॑ति या॒तय॑मानो॒ अधि॒ सानु॒ पृश्नेः॑ ॥

yé te śukrā́saḥ śúcayaḥ śuciṣmaḥ kṣā́m vápanti ví-sitāsaḥ áśvāḥ ǀ

ádha bhramáḥ te urviyā́ ví bhāti yātáyamānaḥ ádhi sā́nu pṛ́śneḥ ǁ

O Fire of the burning purities, pure and flaming-bright are these thy horses that loosed to the gallop raze the earth. Then wide is thy wandering and its light shines far as it drives them up to the dappled Mother’s heights.


अध॑ जि॒ह्वा पा॑पतीति॒ प्र वृष्णो॑ गोषु॒युधो॒ नाशनिः॑ सृजा॒ना ।

शूर॑स्येव॒ प्रसि॑तिः क्षा॒तिर॒ग्नेर्दु॒र्वर्तु॑र्भी॒मो द॑यते॒ वना॑नि ॥

ádha jihvā́ pāpatīti prá vṛ́ṣṇaḥ goṣu-yúdhaḥ ná aśániḥ sṛjānā́ ǀ

śū́rasya-iva prá-sitiḥ kṣātíḥ agnéḥ duḥ-vártuḥ bhīmáḥ dayate vánāni ǁ

Then the tongue of the Bull leaps constantly like the thunderbolt loosed of the God who fights for the herds of the Light. The destruction of Fire is like the charge of a hero; he is terrible and irresistible, he hews the forests asunder.


आ भा॒नुना॒ पार्थि॑वानि॒ ज्रयां॑सि म॒हस्तो॒दस्य॑ धृष॒ता त॑तंथ ।

स बा॑ध॒स्वाप॑ भ॒या सहो॑भिः॒ स्पृधो॑ वनु॒ष्यन्व॒नुषो॒ नि जू॑र्व ॥

ā́ bhānúnā pā́rthivāni jráyāṃsi maháḥ todásya dhṛṣatā́ tatantha ǀ

sáḥ bādhasva ápa bhayā́ sáhaḥ-bhiḥ spṛ́dhaḥ vanuṣyán vanúṣaḥ ní jūrva ǁ

Thou hast spread out the earthly speed-ranges by thy light and the violence of thy mighty scourge. Repel by thy forceful powers all dangerous things; turn to conquer those who would conquer us, shatter our confronters.


स चि॑त्र चि॒त्रं चि॒तयं॑तम॒स्मे चित्र॑क्षत्र चि॒त्रत॑मं वयो॒धां ।

चं॒द्रं र॒यिं पु॑रु॒वीरं॑ बृ॒हंतं॒ चंद्र॑ चं॒द्राभि॑र्गृण॒ते यु॑वस्व ॥

sáḥ citra citrám citáyantam asmé␣íti cítra-kṣatra citrá-tamam vayaḥ-dhā́m ǀ

candrám rayím puru-vī́ram bṛhántam cándra candrā́bhiḥ gṛṇaté yuvasva ǁ

O rich in thy brilliances, Fire with thy manifold luminous mights, rivet to us the rich and various treasure, most richly diverse, that awakens us to knowledge and founds our expanding growth. O delightful God, to him who voices thee with delightful words the vast delightful wealth and its many hero-keepers!