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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya

Sukta 7


मू॒र्धानं॑ दि॒वो अ॑र॒तिं पृ॑थि॒व्या वै॑श्वान॒रमृ॒त आ जा॒तम॒ग्निं ।

क॒विं स॒म्राज॒मति॑थिं॒ जना॑नामा॒सन्ना पात्रं॑ जनयंत दे॒वाः ॥

mūrdhā́nam diváḥ aratím pṛthivyā́ḥ vaiśvānarám ṛté ā́ jātám agním ǀ

kavím sam-rā́jam átithim jánānām āsán ā́ pā́tram janayanta devā́ḥ ǁ

Head of heaven and traveller of the earth a universal Power was born to us in the Truth, a Guest of men, a seer and absolute King; the Gods brought to birth universal Fire and made him in the mouth a vessel of the oblation.


नाभिं॑ य॒ज्ञानां॒ सद॑नं रयी॒णां म॒हामा॑हा॒वम॒भि सं न॑वंत ।

वै॒श्वा॒न॒रं र॒थ्य॑मध्व॒राणां॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॑ के॒तुं ज॑नयंत दे॒वाः ॥

nā́bhim yajñā́nām sádanam rayīṇā́m mahā́m ā-hāvám abhí sám navanta ǀ

vaiśvānarám rathyám adhvarā́ṇām yajñásya ketúm janayanta devā́ḥ ǁ

All they together came to him, a navel knot of sacrifice, a house of riches, a mighty point of call in the battle. Charioteer of the Works of the way, eye of intuition of the sacrifice, the Gods brought to birth the universal Godhead.


त्वद्विप्रो॑ जायते वा॒ज्य॑ग्ने॒ त्वद्वी॒रासो॑ अभिमाति॒षाहः॑ ।

वैश्वा॑नर॒ त्वम॒स्मासु॑ धेहि॒ वसू॑नि राजन्त्स्पृह॒याय्या॑णि ॥

tvát vípraḥ jāyate vājī́ agne tvát vīrā́saḥ abhimāti-sáhaḥ ǀ

váiśvānara tvám asmā́su dhehi vásūni rājan spṛhayā́yyāṇi ǁ

O Fire, from thee is born the Seer, the Horse and of thee are the Heroes whose might overcomes the adversary. O King, O universal Power, found in us the desirable treasures.


त्वां विश्वे॑ अमृत॒ जाय॑मानं॒ शिशुं॒ न दे॒वा अ॒भि सं न॑वंते ।

तव॒ क्रतु॑भिरमृत॒त्वमा॑य॒न्वैश्वा॑नर॒ यत्पि॒त्रोरदी॑देः ॥

tvā́m víśve amṛta jā́yamānam śíśum ná devā́ḥ abhí sám navante ǀ

táva krátu-bhiḥ amṛta-tvám āyan váiśvānara yát pitróḥ ádīdeḥ ǁ

O Immortal, all the Gods come together to thee in thy birth as to a new-born child. O universal Power, they travelled to immortality by the works of thy will when thou leapedst alight from the Father and Mother.


वैश्वा॑नर॒ तव॒ तानि॑ व्र॒तानि॑ म॒हान्य॑ग्ने॒ नकि॒रा द॑धर्ष ।

यज्जाय॑मानः पि॒त्रोरु॒पस्थेऽविं॑दः के॒तुं व॒युने॒ष्वह्नां॑ ॥

váiśvānara táva tā́ni vratā́ni mahā́ni agne nákiḥ ā́ dadharṣa ǀ

yát jā́yamānaḥ pitróḥ upá-sthe ávindaḥ ketúm vayúneṣu áhnām ǁ

O Fire, universal Godhead, none could do violence to the laws of thy mighty workings because even in thy birth in the lap of the Father and the Mother thou hast discovered the light of intuition of the Days in manifested things1.


वै॒श्वा॒न॒रस्य॒ विमि॑तानि॒ चक्ष॑सा॒ सानू॑नि दि॒वो अ॒मृत॑स्य के॒तुना॑ ।

तस्येदु॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॒नाधि॑ मू॒र्धनि॑ व॒या इ॑व रुरुहुः स॒प्त वि॒स्रुहः॑ ॥

vaiśvānarásya ví-mitāni cákṣasā sā́nūni diváḥ amṛ́tasya ketúnā ǀ

tásya ít ūṃ␣íti víśvā bhúvanā ádhi mūrdháni vayā́ḥ-iva ruruhuḥ saptá vi-srúhaḥ ǁ

The heights of heaven were measured into form by the eye of this universal Force, they were shaped by the intuition of the Immortal. All the worlds are upon his head; the seven far-flowing rivers climbed from him like branches.


वि यो रजां॒स्यमि॑मीत सु॒क्रतु॑र्वैश्वान॒रो वि दि॒वो रो॑च॒ना क॒विः ।

परि॒ यो विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि पप्र॒थेऽद॑ब्धो गो॒पा अ॒मृत॑स्य रक्षि॒ता ॥

ví yáḥ rájāṃsi ámimīta su-krátuḥ vaiśvānaráḥ ví diváḥ rocanā́ kavíḥ ǀ

pári yáḥ víśvā bhúvanāni paprathé ádabdhaḥ gopā́ḥ amṛ́tasya rakṣitā́ ǁ

The Universal mighty of will measured into form the kingdom of middle space; a Seer, he shaped the luminous planes of Heaven. He has spread around us all these worlds; he is the guardian of immortality and its indomitable defender.


1 Or, in all sorts of knowledge.
