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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya

Sukta 9


अह॑श्च कृ॒ष्णमह॒रर्जु॑नं च॒ वि व॑र्तेते॒ रज॑सी वे॒द्याभिः॑ ।

वै॒श्वा॒न॒रो जाय॑मानो॒ न राजावा॑तिर॒ज्ज्योति॑षा॒ग्निस्तमां॑सि ॥

áhaḥ ca kṛṣṇám áhaḥ árjunam ca ví vartete␣íti rájasī␣íti vedyā́bhiḥ ǀ

vaiśvānaráḥ jā́yamānaḥ ná rā́jā áva atirat jyótiṣā agníḥ támāṃsi ǁ

A day that is black and a day that is argent bright, two worlds revolve in their different paths by forces that we must know. Fire, the universal Godhead, like a king that comes to birth has thrust the Darknesses down by the Light.


नाहं तंतुं॒ न वि जा॑ना॒म्योतुं॒ न यं वयं॑ति सम॒रेऽत॑मानाः ।

कस्य॑ स्वित्पु॒त्र इ॒ह वक्त्वा॑नि प॒रो व॑दा॒त्यव॑रेण पि॒त्रा ॥

ná ahám tántum ná ví jānāmi ótum ná yám váyanti sam-aré átamānāḥ ǀ

kásya svit putráḥ ihá váktvāni paráḥ vadāti ávareṇa pitrā́ ǁ

I know not the woof, I know not the warp, nor what is this web that they weave moving to and fro in the field of their motion and labour. There are secrets that must be told and of someone the son speaks them here, one highest beyond through his father lower than he.


स इत्तंतुं॒ स वि जा॑ना॒त्योतुं॒ स वक्त्वा॑न्यृतु॒था व॑दाति ।

य ईं॒ चिके॑तद॒मृत॑स्य गो॒पा अ॒वश्चर॑न्प॒रो अ॒न्येन॒ पश्य॑न् ॥

sáḥ ít tántum sáḥ ví jānāti ótum sáḥ váktvāni ṛtu-thā́ vadāti ǀ

yáḥ īm cíketat amṛ́tasya gopā́ḥ aváḥ cáran paráḥ anyéna páśyan ǁ

He knows the warp, he knows the woof, he tells in their time the things that must be spoken. This is the guardian of immortality who wakes to the knowledge of these things; walking here below he is one highest beyond who sees through another.


अ॒यं होता॑ प्रथ॒मः पश्य॑ते॒ममि॒दं ज्योति॑र॒मृतं॒ मर्त्ये॑षु ।

अ॒यं स ज॑ज्ञे ध्रु॒व आ निष॒त्तोऽम॑र्त्यस्त॒न्वा॒३่ वर्ध॑मानः ॥

ayám hótā prathamáḥ páśyata imám idám jyótiḥ amṛ́tam mártyeṣu ǀ

ayám sáḥ jajñe dhruváḥ ā́ ní-sattaḥ ámartyaḥ tanvā́ várdhamānaḥ ǁ

This is the pristine Priest of the call, behold him! this is the immortal Light in mortals. This is he that is born and grows with a body and is the Immortal seated and steadfast for ever.


ध्रु॒वं ज्योति॒र्निहि॑तं दृ॒शये॒ कं मनो॒ जवि॑ष्ठं प॒तय॑त्स्वं॒तः ।

विश्वे॑ दे॒वाः सम॑नसः॒ सके॑ता॒ एकं॒ क्रतु॑म॒भि वि यं॑ति सा॒धु ॥

dhruvám jyótiḥ ní-hitam dṛśáye kám mánaḥ jáviṣṭham patáyat-su antáríti ǀ

víśve devā́ḥ sá-manasaḥ sá-ketāḥ ékam krátum abhí ví yānti sādhú ǁ

An immortal Light set inward for seeing, a swiftest mind within in men that walk on the way. All the Gods with a single mind, a common intuition, move aright in their divergent paths towards the one Will.


वि मे॒ कर्णा॑ पतयतो॒ वि चक्षु॒र्वी॒३่दं ज्योति॒र्हृद॑य॒ आहि॑तं॒ यत् ।

वि मे॒ मन॑श्चरति दू॒रआ॑धीः॒ किं स्वि॑द्व॒क्ष्यामि॒ किमु॒ नू म॑निष्ये ॥

ví me kárṇā patayataḥ ví cákṣuḥ ví idám jyótiḥ hṛ́daye ā́-hitam yát ǀ

ví me mánaḥ carati dūré-ādhīḥ kím svit vakṣyā́mi kím ūṃ␣íti nú maniṣye ǁ

My ears range wide to hear and wide my eyes to see, wide this Light that is set in the heart; wide walks my mind and I set my thought afar; something there is that I shall speak; something that now I shall think.


विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अ॑नमस्यन्भिया॒नास्त्वाम॑ग्ने॒ तम॑सि तस्थि॒वांसं॑ ।

वै॒श्वा॒न॒रो॑ऽवतू॒तये॒ नोऽम॑र्त्योऽवतू॒तये॑ नः ॥

víśve devā́ḥ anamasyan bhiyānā́ḥ tvā́m agne támasi tasthi-vā́ṃsam ǀ

vaiśvānaráḥ avatu ūtáye naḥ ámartyaḥ avatu ūtáye naḥ ǁ

All the gods were in awe of thee when thou stoodest in the darkness and bowed down before thee, O Fire. May the Universal Godhead keep us that we may be safe, may the Immortal keep us that we may be safe.